Feed on

I enjoyed this disquisition by Galactic Lebensraumist,

The MGTOW is the man above time, holding himself apart from the swamp of globohomo by disengaging from women entirely and pursuing a purely personal emancipation from esterogenic soydom.

The PUA – think Neil Strauss – is the man in time, utilizing ruthless manipulation in the dispassionate pursuit of pussy for no other reason than to maximize his notch count … not because he deserves coochie on account of his superior genetics, but in service to his penis, simply because it is his penis.

The manosphere captain – think Roosh or Heartiste – is the man against time, engaging all the wiles of game with the goal of dominating our wayward women, re-establishing the natural hierarchy, and thus re-asserting the guiding hand of benevolent patriarchy over our fallen snivelization.

I agree in spirit if not in law with the substance of this comment, but stylistically this is unassailable. Brava! I was moved to a half-chub.


Welcome To The Police State

It’s starting to get palpably scary in Post-America.

Readers, if you’ve been paying attention, something huge happened yesterday. No, not Michael Cohen being Cohen.

The FBI raided the home of a contractor whistleblower who had damaging information regarding the Clinton Foundation.

Reread the above sentence and allow the impact of it to settle in your thoughts.

FBI agents raided the home of a recognized Department of Justice whistleblower who privately delivered documents pertaining to the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One to a government watchdog, according to the whistleblower’s attorney.

The Justice Department’s inspector general was informed that the documents show that federal officials failed to investigate potential criminal activity regarding former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation and Rosatom, the Russian company that purchased Uranium One, a document reviewed by The Daily Caller News Foundation alleges.

The delivered documents also show that then-FBI Director Robert Mueller failed to investigate allegations of criminal misconduct pertaining to Rosatom and to other Russian government entities attached to Uranium One, the document reviewed by TheDCNF alleges. Mueller is now the special counsel investigating whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia during the 2016 election. […]

Sixteen agents arrived at the home of Dennis Nathan Cain, a former FBI contractor, on the morning of Nov. 19 and raided his Union Bridge, Maryland, home, [the whistleblower’s lawyer] Socarras told TheDCNF.

The raid was permitted by a court order signed on Nov. 15 by federal magistrate Stephanie A. Gallagher in the U.S. District Court for Baltimore and obtained by TheDCNF.

A special agent from the FBI’s Baltimore division, who led the raid, charged that Cain possessed stolen federal property and demanded entry to his private residence, Socarras told TheDCNF. […]

Cain informed the agent while he was still at the door that he was a recognized protected whistleblower under the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act and that Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz recognized his whistleblower status, according to Socarras.

Cain further told the FBI agent the potentially damaging classified information had been properly transmitted to the Senate and House Intelligence committees as permitted under the act, Socarras said. The agent immediately directed his agents to begin a sweep of the suburban home, anyway.

Frightened and intimidated, Cain promptly handed over the documents, Socarras told TheDCNF. Yet even after surrendering the information to the FBI, the agents continued to rummage through the home for six hours.

The FBI raided the home of an American patriot who was about to expose the corruption of the Clinton Foundation and Hillary’s Uranium One deal with Russia.

In point of fact, he already did expose it. He had sent the documents to the DOJ before the raid. But it would seem there are rogue elements — or perhaps there are institutional elements dogged by rogue whistleblowers — in the DOJ who are conspiring with the FBI to bury the Clintons’ corruption. The DOJ is likely sitting on or shredding those docs right now, and the FBI was sent in as a clean-up crew to sweep the whistleblower’s house for any stray incriminating docs.

This is Dan Bongino’s take on the raid. He calls it a head fake. The DOJ and FBI are colluding to sweep under the rug any evidence of Clinton corruption. The raid was a mop-up operation.

The Deep State is openly flouting Americans’ faith in the system with its stepped-up efforts to protect thecunt from the justice she richly deserves. The homes of innocent Americans who dare to shine a light on elite corruption are fair game for gun-wielding FBI agents bursting through the front door to ransack the place of evidence that could be useful in a court of law.

Worse, the Deep State hides their subterfuge with the aid of an accomplice media, and reorients the prevailing narrative to indict, without any evidence, a duly elected president for the crime of a collusion that the Deep State, Obama Admin, and Clintons themselves are in fact guilty of committing. They are getting away with a coup while we watch, helpless, because they know the media will run cover for them.

Seen through this lens, the Russia Hoax Spygate silent coup has two purposes: to “get” Trump, and to bury thecunt’s crimes.

Globohomo still has a firm grip on the FBI and DOJ. One would hope Trump realizes this, but the facts bear out that the swamp remains undrained. There are bad actors marbled throughout every government agency, from the rank and file to the leadership, all working together, in direct cooperation or as an emergent phenomenon of shared interests, to destroy the Trump presidency and likewise the survival of Heritage America.

Many are missing why this is so chilling.

The FBI raided the Clinton Foundation whistleblower’s home to recover the damning info on Mueller and the Clintons so that it wasn’t out there in the public domain.

Copies had already been provided to DOJ. https://t.co/YgTNYIOWpJ

— John Cardillo (@johncardillo) November 30, 2018

As The Zman writes,

Welcome to the police state. This is what’s called state terrorism. Become a problem for the state and they send their agents to harass you or worse. It won’t be long before these sorts of people just disappear.

I’ll note that the FBI agents never resign rather than carry out these charades. Those who think the cops will not enthusiastically side with the people in power are sadly mistaken.

Anarcho-tyranny. While we impotently endure a front row seat to a slow-moving coup against our president, the Deep State harasses anyone connected to the Trump administration, bit by bit undermining Trump’s agenda and his power to get anything done. If you work in his admin and sent an email with the word MAGA in it, you get fined, fired, and possibly jail time if your judge is a pussyhat cunt.

If you sell off 20% of the US’s uranium deposits to Russia and launder the money through your charity foundation to personally enrich yourself, and conspire with gaymulatto holdovers, FBI directors, DOJ friendlies, and CIA officials to spy on a political opponent’s campaign through the manufacture of false FISA warrants that are based on opposition research paid for by your campaign through your Seattle law firm…well, you get protected and coddled by the entire ruling class establishment, Deep State, and media.

Welcome to the police state.

PS What’s the latest on the Seth Rich murder investigation? FBI? DOJ? DC police? *crickets*


Ann Coulter Went There

CNN runs anti-White agitprop every minute of every day….no one fired.

One CNN apparatchik has a “Palestine moment” off the clock, and he gets booted to the unemployable wastelands by Those Who Must Not Be Criticized.

Reminder: CNN’s CEO is Jeff Zucker. The media is a special kind of place.


Ann Coulter and Tucker Carlson are the only two allies we dissidents have in the quasi-mainstream media. I’m not kidding. If those two lose their platforms, we have no one — NO ONE — with a toehold in the legacy media who come CLOSE to recapitulating what we heretics write on our unheralded loveblogs.

So you could say I have little patience for people on my side who want to toss Coulter and Tucker overboard because they occasionally indulge civnat shibboleths.


A news story from the Daily Caller exposes shitlib Goolag employees (including executives) discussing ways to suppress conservative outlets in Goolag’s search results.

Google employees debated whether to bury conservative media outlets in search results as a response to President Donald Trump’s election in 2016, internal Google communications obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation reveal.

The Daily Caller and Breitbart were specifically singled out as outlets to potentially bury in search results, the communications reveal.

Trump’s election in 2016 shocked many Google employees, who had been counting on Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton to win.

Communications obtained by TheDCNF show that internal Google discussions went beyond expressing remorse over Clinton’s loss to actually discussing ways Google could prevent Trump from winning again.

“This was an election of false equivalencies, and Google, sadly, had a hand in it,” Google engineer Scott Byer wrote in a Nov. 9, 2016, post reviewed by TheDCNF.

I couldn’t find a pic, but I’ll take a stab at the nature of Scott Byer’s physiognomy:


Byer falsely labeled The Daily Caller and Breitbart as “opinion blogs” and urged his coworkers to reduce their visibility in search results.

“How many times did you see the Election now card with items from opinion blogs (Breitbart, Daily Caller) elevated next to legitimate news organizations? That’s something that can and should be fixed,” Byer wrote.

Shitlib: “Your news is opinion and our opinions are news.”

I doubt anyone, especially a reader of this blog, believes Goolag doesn’t manipulate search results to favor leftoids and the leftoid worldview. You’d have to be awfully naive or a party commissar to insist on Goolag’s integrity. But that’s not the important part of this story. The crucial insight revealed by these Goolag internal communications is that leftoids like Byer know full well that demographic dispossession of White Americans means more power for the Left.

“I think we have a responsibility to expose the quality and truthfulness of sources – because not doing so hides real information under loud noises,” he continued.

“Beyond that, let’s concentrate on teaching critical thinking. A little bit of that would go a long way. Let’s make sure that we reverse things in four years – demographics will be on our side.”

The totalizing Left is banking on the election of a new people to assure permanency of their power. Our enemy is gleefully and openly discussing his plan for us, and it amounts to genocide by any other name.

Goolag has always asserted it never manipulated search results for political purposes. Naturally, Goolag was lying, and continues lying. Goolag and the other Big Left Tech companies colluded with the Democrat Party to alter an election outcome. They haven’t stopped subverting democracy. And they know that reducing Whites to a rump constituency within the US electorate by propagandizing for perpetual open borders to the Swarth World will guarantee the reversal of the Trump election and the end of America as a sovereign nation.

They must be stopped. Are you reading, President Trump? Acting Attorney General Whitaker? There’s no time to dally.


Nation, Meet Ruin

There’s a lot of ruin in a nation…unless your nation is a multiracial thunderdome hellbent on draining its coffers in a doomed quest to rescind thousands of years of human evolution so no one has to feel awkward about skewed test scores and wealth disparities.

Then the ruin can happen in an instant.


ps this is a good thread by McFeels outlining the Creep State’s plan to “take out Trump’s support apparatus heading into 2020”.


This is the second great comment from Deter Naturalist this week, earning him (probably not a “her”) the coveted COTW award.

We’ve had it “too good to be true” for my entire life (I’m AARP eligible.)
During that time the incentive structure caused people to embrace behaviors (including political policies) that eroded the system by which our good times were produced.

*Nothing sets up failure like success.*

How many people, having hit some home runs in the markets (or getting a big payoff in a casino, same thing) pull back to safety? Very few. Most double-down until the wipe-out. It’s human nature to attribute to personal competence that which was simply right-place/right-time.

While I discovered it does not work for forecasting (because timing is always unknown), I still embrace the basic premise of something called “socionomics.” It’s foundation is that as social animals, we humans exhibit herding behavior in areas of uncertainty. We tend to adopt the viewpoints of those who surround us. This is an attribute with a spectrum; some herd a little, some herd a lot, but everyone herds. Herding is exhibited in fashions, in pop culture and above all in finance and politics and economics. All of this results from the actual way our brains are structured and the way our cognitive pathways actually work (which have little in common with how people think they do.)

It is the engine for “Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds,” but also the width of men’s ties this season, the performance of horror movies vs Disney Princesses at the Box Office, and the price trends of stocks, bonds and commodities. It is not entirely unpredictable, but since timing matters above all, it makes prediction to the level of profitability too subjective to use. What it basically says is, trends occur, they reach apogee and change. That insight and a dollar gets you a coffee at McDonalds.

Herding is guided by a kind of unconscious set-point. When people wax optimistic, they visit coffee shops, attend concerts, bid up the prices of stocks, trust the veracity of “the news,” trust the promises of IOU’s, wear colorful clothes, and basically engage in “frisky” behavior. Waxing pessimistic does the opposite.

Because social mood is, like most investment assets, intangible, it has no limits. “How high is up?” is a question without an answer. Is a widespread (but hardly universal) belief that a man can be a woman by announcing it an illustration of giddy belief in the unreal? I’d say so. Are widespread rationalizations for the “equality” of homosexuality to heterosexuality, for the rejection of biological bases for group differences in intelligence, thrift, ingenuity, etc., for the naturalness of AAPL’s market cap being a $1 trillion or the “what, me worry?” attitude toward the unsustainable, compound-growth build-out of black-hole industries like Medical Services, welfare administration or the military-industry-cartel signs of maniacally high optimism?

I’d say so. Are those who embrace open borders and replacement of the very people who created (and still sustain) Americans’ standard of living in thrall to an unconscious belief that resources are unlimited and that we’ve reached a New Plateau of Nirvana where John Lennon’s lyrics from “Imagine” are now a reality?

I’d say so.

The Great Depression came after a decade of unsustainable ramp-up in optimism-fueled asset prices, debt, etc. It was lengthened and made far worse by the widespread embrace of central planning by “scientific management.”

We’ve had 40-60 years of ramp-up, including imposition of immigration policies that increased the population of the USA by 50%, a build-up of IOU’s (debt) without historical precedent, and an entire economy (read “jobs”) grown entirely under artificial heat and light (debt growth.) As in 1930, people have no idea from where prosperity arises, but today’s embrace of “scientific management” is far more entrenched, and people’s dependence on centralized systems far greater than almost 90 years ago.

Feminism. Homophilia. Central planning/”scientific management.” Rejection of biological laws. Industrial-scale rationalizations for it all. All of the items about which we complain are instances of a collective insanity that produces self-harm on a collective scale. It’s all a fad, a fashion emanating from the longest, most manic period of social mood optimism in recorded history. It will and must by natural law be “corrected” at the same scale. Natural laws exist. On a collective level such things are determined and inescapable.


PS: Utopia is not an option. There is and can’t be an “end point” where struggle ceases within any living system. What lies ahead is a passage through a valley of difficulty. So what? Rich or poor, married or single, old or young, tall or short, each of us will have to work with what we’ve got and make the best of it. At least most people who read this (and similar) blogs, seeking the ego-reinforcement of confirmation bias (I do, too) are already predisposed to expect a change in trend. Those inclined to double-down on the dying trend will have short life expectancies. We always live in Plan A (the world as it is), but at least we know that having a Plan B (and even a Plan C) might be useful in the event that inevitable change has arrived.

A lot of the substance of DN’s comment dovetails with themes discussed on a number of other samizdat blogs besides this one. A consilience is emerging among dissident bloggers, which includes agreement that we are at irrationally unreal Peak Optimism (indistinguishable from Peak Lunacy), and the next phase is Pessimism, Inwardness, Reflection, Regrouping, Localism, and Tribalism. Or, a return to sanity.

The pendulum will swing back, carving a path wide and deep through Clown World, leaving the fuggernauts dead and scattered, and the strong on the other side gathered for the Great Renewal.


FYI multiple dissident websites are currently under attack, presumably DDOS operations by fuggernauts and pantif@gs.

I suppose one upside to remaining at the mercy of WordPress is the relative immunity afforded against these sorts of attacks.


Topical: Zman on “the coming violence“.


Funnyman President Trump

Has there been a funnier President than Donald J. Trump? People say Reagan was funny. I dunno, Trump has him beat. This might be Trump’s funniest tweet yet:

Brenda Snipes, in charge of voting in Broward County, Florida, was just spotted wearing a beautiful dress with 300 I VOTED signs on it. Just kidding, she is a fine, very honorable and highly respected voting tactician!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 28, 2018

“voting tactician”

You know who wasn’t funny? Ex-president gaymulatto.

Maybe this is what burns up [the special people]. Trump is just a hell of a lot funnier than them. Envy!

Reminder: Goblina Snipes was a Jeb! appointee.


Winter Is Coming

Winter created Whites.

Winter will save Whites.

Pray for the Long Winter.

Alms for the Grand Solar Minimum.

Shrines to the frigid night air.

Prayers to the God of the Land of the Ice and Snow.

The big freeze returns.


We come from the land of the ice and snow, 
From the midnight sun where the hot springs flow. 

Hammer of the gods will drive our ships to new land. 
To fight the hordes and sing, and cry. 
Valhalla, I am coming.


I hope the fake news media picks up on this theme and declares winter a co-opted symbol of White Nationalism. It’s not like the media aren’t used to indulging crackpot sensationalism at the urging of the SPLC (see: whole milk, OK sign). Just get the meme spreading that cold weather is congenial to Whites and causes nonwhites endless suffering, you’ll see shitlibs turning on a dime about their opposition to AGW. I want shitlib whites to feel uneasy every time they make a snowman with their 0.7 kids or strap on a pair of skis.

End game: shitlibs become global warming fans. lol


The North Winds won’t always be survivable by the high time preference hordes. A shortage of heating oil coupled with a mini ice age should wonderfully purify heartlands and minds.

Immigrant Song is, despite its title, a very Trumpian anthem, celebrating the Nordic warrior spirit. Or what used to be the Nordic warrior spirit.


A comment from elooie,

I hope my previous comment on the black pill post was the seed to this post.

I’m convinced that having very defined and CHANGING seasons where one of the seasons will kill you if you are not prepared is one of the reasons that whites have the most evolved problem solving, planning and cultural tightness.
The desert tribes had to only deal with one real season (cold nights and hot days).
All the races around the equator had plentiful rain and vegetation.
The Asian regions also had seasons but they don’t have that innate curiosity to explore like the whites. Not sure why.

There is a reason the winter Olympics is still white. We’ve been doing it since we invented them.
I could be completely wrong but I think winter is an evolutionary and survival stimulant.

Winter is hormesis, a term I first learned about at Mangan’s health blog. Hormesis is the action of mild stressors on the body and mind that promote cell rejuvenation, muscle development, and general physical and psychological health. Too little stress => shitliberalism. Too much stress => toxic overload, death.


h/t Ripp

(zoomable link)


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