Feed on

Neil deGrasse Tyson, black science man beloved by virtue sniveling White Shrillennials, has been accused of sexual harassment, making him the latest in a long line of shitlib icons caught up in the PoundMeToo show trials.

Anyone should have seen this scandal coming. NDT has publicly shared some very misogynistic thoughts about women and sex, yet his fans and the media overlooked this part of his personality.

Black Science Man should be called the Doctor of Love. Is this backstory about NDT’s sexism true? Snopes should get to the bottom of it. Will readers kindly report this to Snopes? The public has a right to know if Neil deGrasse Tyson has said these very problematic things about women.


The Alpha Kiss


Deep State Update

One screen, two movies.

Mueller withheld “details that would exonerate the president” of having Kremlin backchannel

It appears that special counsel Robert Mueller withheld key information in its plea deal with Trump’s former attorney, Michael Cohen, which would exonerate Trump and undermine the entire purpose of the special counsel, according to Paul Sperry of RealClearInvestigations.

Cohen pleaded guilty last week to lying to the Senate intelligence committee in 2017 about the Trump Organization’s plans to build a Trump Tower in Moscow – telling them under oath that negotiations he was conducting ended five months sooner than they actually did.

Mueller, however, in his nine-page charging document filed with the court seen by Capitol Hill sources, failed to include the fact that Cohen had no direct contacts at the Kremlin – which undercuts any notion that the Trump campaign had a “backchannel” to Putin.

Mueller really should be brought up on criminal charges for sedition in the act of aiding and abetting an illegal coup against the president.

More deep state perfidy:

The Trump Tower Moscow meeting – spearheaded by New York real estate developer and longtime FBI and CIA asset, Felix Sater, bears a passing resemblance to the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting between members of the Trump campaign and a Russian attorney (who hated Trump), and which was set up by a British concert promotor tied to Fusion GPS – the firm Hillary Clinton’s campaign paid to write the salacious and unverified “Trump-Russia Dossier.”

Would you doubt a face like that?


Jerome Corsi is suing Mueller, alleging an attempt to bully him into giving false testimony against Trump.

This is what zealous, partisan hack special counsel hitmen do: they set up perjury traps — if you misremembered your great aunt’s birthday and gave two different dates during two separate FBI interrogations, guess what? you perjured yourself — and then use the stick of jail time and the carrot of a plea agreement to extract testimony under duress that implicates a higher-up target. It’s the kind of “justice” that makes mockery of the word.


The Deep State is the Stasi of Globohomo. We have to take down the former to neuter the latter. Here is one reminder of the reason Globohomo must be defeated: cover-ups about the truth of open borders to mass swarth world immigration.


But hey, international mega-corporations need their taxpayer funded workforce. Otherwise their profits might decrease slightly. Oh noOoO.(shudders)

“Privatize the profits, socialize the costs” may as well be the motto of Globohomo.


Luckily, some actions by Globohomo have backfired:


As the cold civil wars across European Christendom finally heat up, this will happen to more agents of Globohomo:

Eggs today, baskets tomorrow.


This is refreshing:

I am certain that, at some time in the future, President Xi and I, together with President Putin of Russia, will start talking about a meaningful halt to what has become a major and uncontrollable Arms Race. The U.S. spent 716 Billion Dollars this year. Crazy!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 3, 2018

I wonder if Trump is beginning to realize that the Pentagon isn’t interested in taking down his deep state enemies (or protecting him from impeachment), so he’s just gonna do what he promised during his campaign and remind everyone about the money we waste policing the world.

This is a golden don opportunity to triangulate off the sclerotic neoliberal Dems (and repatriated neocons) and build an expedient alliance with the Occasional-Cortez wing to clip the military budget and bring it more in line with nationalist/populist realities.

A reader adds,

Or: he may have realized from get-go that honesty about the debacle/fraud that is defense spending would have attracted too much pus-back (Freudian slip, I meant “push-back”) too early in his presidency. He may now feel secure enough to take it on. Real cost of defense spending is about $1 trillion a year, as defense money goes to agencies outside DOD budget.

If it takes a military budget cut to fund an equally bloated nationalized healthcare system to close the borders, kick out the illegals, and save America as an 80%+ majority White nation for generations to come, then I’m all for it.

Budgets and policies and programs can be revisited and repealed at a later date. A change in a nation’s racial make-up is forever.


The Shalom Jabbar

How long can you make it through this video before tapping out? I got to 32 seconds.

Just skip the vid and go straight to the comments. Wokeness is the rule rather than the exception.


COTW is awarded to Hawk, for this bit of insight to the undercurrents of emotion that guide and form a woman’s interactions with a beta male.

She treated the beta male lion like PREY.

Burn this lesson into your soul: a beta to a female is PREY.

Plan B beta? PREY
Orbiter beta? PREY
Wife-up dat THOT Churchian? PREY
Save dat Carousel Rider at 30 beta? PREY

To be BETA is to be PREY.

Alpha or Death is your only choice in this world.

Beta males -> prey
Alpha males -> predator
Omega males -> sun-bleached bones


Shemale Acceptance

Shemale Acceptance (or Trannyfreak Acceptance), like its deviant cousin Fat Acceptance, is humiliation agitprop intended to pressure normal people to believe patently ridiculous things, and therefore betray their own natural instincts and common sense.

For instance, here’s a diary entry from the now utterly debased JYTimes, written by Parker Molloy, who tries to get you to believe that Twatter’s ban on “deadnaming” — calling trannyfreaks by their pre-mental illness birth names — promotes free speech.

Yes, banned speech is free speech. Welcome to 1984, FOREVER.

Obligatory phyzz reveal:

Could be a man, could be a woman. You’ll never know!

The NYTimes is basically the sequel to 1984 that Orwell would write if he lived today.

From a Defier,

I agree with Enoch’s take: tranny shit is a global scale shit test. If you will fall in line for this, you’ll fall in line for whatever is required.

Shemale acceptance is the Globohomo version of 2+2 = 5. Enoch is right. Our ruling degenerates rightfully figure that if Americans can be shamed to call a man a woman or vice versa, they will be fodder for any sort of nation-crippling globalist agenda item.

Diversity is strength.
Race is a social construct.
Love wins.
White privilege.

And it’s working. Trump’s election victory was a howl from the uncorrupted part of America’s heart, but the necrosis hasn’t stopped advancing. We are running out of time to reclaim healthy flesh from a dying America.


From PA, a series of haikus that could be a new genre called Bye-kus.

Bush 41 is dead.

My presidential haikus:

Failed his term. Equipped
not, to wrestle the beast. Then,
loathed America.

California pride,
grandeur, rushing time, Hinckley.
Bye, California

Bush 41
Never honored his
word. WASP aristocracy
old blood gone occult.

Lucifer’s capo.
Butterball concupiscence.
Butcher of children.

Bush 43
Simian grin. Wrong way
after 9/11. Lives
and limbs thrown away.

Not American.
A Chicago wallflower.
Not a President.

Imbecile traitors,
five is enough. So enters
the God-Emperor

Who will be the next haiku subject? I’ve come to the (possibly premature) conclusion that Trump’s greatest accomplishment will have been getting elected. If nothing else, he opened a portal to a demonic ruling class and let everyone see the nature of the enemy, and gave decent Americans a path forward to victory. Trump gave us a chance.


MPC Status Updates:

As a final fuck you to the Bushes the Republican Party should form a paramilitary-wing and call it the Republican Guard

Bush 41)


The Mueller Method

In case you didn’t already know that Robert Mueller is a zero integrity, dirty-dealing fixer for the Deep State, here is a great thread to remind you of Mueller’s history mocking the spirit and the letter of the law.

The Mueller method: Mueller, when in Rosenstein’s role, covered up BCCI scandal ($ laundering, arms-running, political-buy-offs), to extent of interfering with grand jury and foreign intelligence agencies to keep scandal from implicating #DeepState allies. https://t.co/xtQyTC2bv0

— Robert Barnes (@Barnes_Law) December 16, 2017

The Mueller method: one the worst scandals in FBI history involved framing innocent men to cover for the crimes of politically connected Boston mobster Whitey Bulger. Guess who led the US attorney’s office to protect Bulger and frame innocent men? Mueller.

The Mueller method: right after 9/11, a small set of our own government snuck connected Saudis out of the country to escape interrogation or possible arrest. The law enforcement leader of that Saudi escape effort? Mueller.

The Mueller method: right after the Waco debacle in which an FBI raid led to the deaths of many children, a key Justice Department official advised federal law enforcement to go easy on the agents who caused the deaths of kids. That official? Mueller.

The Mueller method: after the Panama invasion, the US wanted to prosecute Noriega, but cover up the US role in Noriega’s rise to power, and ties to CIA drug-running. The prosecutor got the judge to cover up the evidence. Who led the prosecution? Mueller.

The Mueller method: in pushing for war in Iraq, the Bush administration needed high ranking domestic law enforcement to vouch for “WMDs in Iraq.” Who did they turn to to lie to Congress? Mueller.

The Mueller method. HSBC continued the BCCI ways as the #DeepState bank (money launderer for illegal arms trade, war profiteering, dictator skimming, political bribery, and sex-trade slavers too). Who was the FBI man that made it go away quietly? Mueller.

Isn’t it amazing how the corruption scandals of the 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, regardless of party, were covered up so effectively? Then, Obama-era: Fast & Furious; IRS targeting; Clinton Foundation. All swept under the rug. FBI decision maker for each? Mueller.

Prosecutorial overreach seems like too tame a term to describe Mueller’s malice.

As I’ve been saying for a while, 4D chess guys who thought Mueller was a secret MAGA asset were out to lunch. Mueller is and has always been a Bush stooge, a Clinton lackey, and later an Obama cleaner. He’s a garbage human whose resumé may as well say “Deep State pit bull”, and the only reason the ruling class gushes about his “honor” and “integrity” is because he’s saved their asses from a richly deserved justice over and over. He’s one of them.

GuardAmerican comments,

Pulling A ‘Mueller’

Is this a thing? It seems like it should be.

Cuz Special Counsel Mueller’s tactics are to question innocents about non-crimes, and then charge them with false statements under 18 U.S. Code § 1001 if they imprecisely remember perfectly legal things they did, said, or wrote.

And when their recollections of such things are in any way contradicted by some other testimony, likely also coerced.

The Excruciationator adds,

What was the old Loki quote? Something like: ‘Mueller’s tactics have always been the same: giving immunity to people who don’t deserve it, suborning perjury via plea bargain and leak threats, and often outright paying for testimony…’

The only “victory” Mueller can possibly get from this Russia Hoax/Spygate scandal is Fake Prosecution on a cheesy process crime such as obstruction or a perjury trap, or on a shit tier misdemeanor like campaign finance law which gaymulatto violated but the media deemed unworthy to report. Of course, a Mueller “victory” is a Heritage America defeat, so we should be taking his sedition seriously.

On the topic of gaymulatto’s campaign finance violations, J.R. writes,

Obama purposefully turned off credit card verification on his campaign website so foreigners could donate to him when he campaigned in Europe in 2008. They encouraged foreigners to donate and lie about which country they lived in.

Eight years of that Subverter-in-Chief and all we have to show for it are negrolatrous encomiums to his awesomeness. When history is returned to serious men, it will record that the greatest danger to a nation is a media industrial complex wholly in the tank to one party and one ideology, and under the rule and guidance of one small, nepotistic tribe.


Deep Fake State News Update

It’s been a banner year (and particularly a banner week) for Deep State and Fake News (DeepFakeStateNews) skulduggery.

CIA whistleblower says he was targeted by Brennan, Mueller, Strzok

When the FBI asked John Kiriakou to meet at the Washington field office in January 2012, the former CIA officer says he gladly agreed to the request.

“Anything for the FBI,” Kiriakou told the FBI agent who contacted him.

Months earlier, as a senior investigator on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Kiriakou had helped the FBI investigate a Japanese diplomat who had approached him offering a bribe.

Or so he thought.

Instead, Kiriakou says the FBI was running a sting operation against him for what he claims is payback for revealing secrets about the CIA’s waterboarding program.

The government officials behind that investigation have resurfaced in the probe of the Trump campaign, which officially began as an FBI matter on July 31, 2016 and is now overseen by the special counsel’s office. […]

Kiriakou first remembers Strzok after his interrogation.

“When I came out of this interrogation, I heard him say, ‘tell me he implicated himself,’” Kiriakou recalled of Strzok to TheDCNF.

“The other FBI guy said, ‘he didn’t, not really anyway.’”

“Am I under arrest?” Kiriakou asked.

“Not yet,” Strzok replied.

Kiriakou was arrested the following Monday. Strzok was the agent who handcuffed him.

J.M. adds,

i’m shocked…SHOCKED…to hear scumbags Mueller and Strzok have always been scumbags, and were previously involved in a crooked, slimy setup (eerily similar to Crossfire Hurricane – dry run maybe?) of a whistleblower.


NPR blatantly lies about Donald Trump Jr.’s 2017 Senate testimony

NPR falsely claimed that Donald Trump Jr.’s testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee in September 2017 conflicted with an account given by a former attorney for President Donald Trump. […]

In fact, Senate investigators were asking Trump Jr. about a series of efforts to develop property in Russia, going back several years. Reporter Phil Ewing (reporter Tim Mak contributed to the story) conflates one of those efforts with another separate effort. That conflation results in the false news report. […]

Despite this being an obvious error by NPR, the media outlet has failed to correct it even hours after it was first published.

“I’m NPR!”


Manafort passport stamps don’t show he entered London in all years Guardian claimed

Paul Manafort’s passports don’t show he entered London in all the years claimed by Guardian newspaper when it said he met secretly with WikiLeaks Julian Assange.

The Guardian said he met with Mr. Assange in London in 2013, 2015 and 2016.

A review of Manafort’s two passports shows he entered Heathrow Airport since 2008 on two occasions, in 2012 and on another time where the customs stamp year is blurred. It appears to be either 2010 or 2016.


Ohr notes show Simpson continued to push debunked story of Trump-Russia bank connections

Fusion GPS founder Glenn R. Simpson pushed a conspiracy theory to the Justice Department that posited Donald Trump maintained a computer server in 2016 directly linked to the Kremlin-connected Alfa Bank in Moscow, according to government notes obtained by The Washington Times.

The handwritten entries by then-Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr conflict with Mr. Simpson’s subsequent testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee. Mr. Simpson, an opposition research agent paid by the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, told senators he didn’t know whether there was any dedicated Trump-Alfa server and drew no conclusions, according to a transcript of his August 2017 closed-door testimony.

The debunked server conspiracy theory sprung up in leftist social media during the presidential campaign to suggest that Mr. Trump and his Trump Organization had illegal ties with Russia.


All roads lead back to thecunt and her pay-for-play fake charity. If the US had a fair and objective media instead of a leftoid echo chamber and PR firm for the Dems, they would be all over this story like white on rice.


A reminder that the media are the enemy of the people: a PuffedHo “reporter” maneuvered to get a pro-White advocate fired from his job.

Christopher Mathias is gutter filth. “Do not forget these people want you broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed, and they think it’s funny.” — Sam Hyde


You’ve gotta get a load of this slore. She’s taken enough loads, it’s time for her to give one back. Wear a biohazard suit.

An inquisitive sleuth [name redacted] provides the backstory:

A 3 year old son by one man, currently pregnant by another man, and she still manages to rope in some poor sick cuck to clean up the mess

Is that a cuckfecta? Not one, but two fathers of bastards which she is currently shopping to a beta bux sap to raise as his own, for the reward of pregnancy sex with a petri dish vagina that can comfortably fit a V2 rocket. What level of cuckoldry are you on? Hold his beer…

Who said romance is dead?

B.J. has fucktoy face.

She better have a vagina that can do its own calisthenics.

A good bet is that any male who shells out for a diamond ring to wife up a literal camwhore with one bastard sprog and another on the way is a total loser. An omega dreg. The filthy crust on the floor of a dive bar’s restroom. A pap smear with a penis.

Any woman “bragging” about snagging one of these desperate losers knows in her heart that she’s settling so far down the male smv ladder — after all, what kind of man but a loser would beg for the hand of a slore — that the reflected misery of it will make her feel like shit for years to come. Naturally, she will take out her bitterness and spite on her children, especially sons.

And right on cue…

This poor kid is gonna need years of therapy.

(A reader quips, “and a presidential pardon in fifteen years”.)

(Another commenter, “Such things always backfire. In 20 years from now, her son will be the leader of the “New American Nazi Party”, the “punisher of thots”.”)

The vile slattern featured in this post is too souldead and psychologically syphilitic to affectionately grace her with the thot label. She’s a level above that…she’s a torc: a “tri-orificed chattel“.

With a circulation of about 300,000, Your Ward News has drawn a barrage of complaints from recipients in and around Toronto and as far as Ottawa. The federal government temporarily barred Canada Post from distributing the publication in 2016 and recently made the ban permanent.

The publication, Flumerfelt said, demonizes feminists as “dangerous people” and calls women “tri-orficed chattels.” It brands most feminists as “satanists exhilarated by abortion,” claims women are inferior, are “natural liars with no sense of justice,” and that feminist behaviour encourages rape.

Where is the lie?

Btw, thank God America has the First Amendment. Canada sucks.

This is a good time to mention that the percentage of married American women with premarital double digit cock counts has increased from 2% in the 1970s to 18% in the 2010s:

The only premarital sex partner categories that showed a decrease as a percentage of the total married female population over the last fifty years?

Virgins and good girls with one or two premarital lovers.

Think about that.

In the 1970s, among married women 80% had fewer than three premarital cocks.

By the 2010s, 61% of the married women cohort had three or more premarital cocks.

A total inversion of the sexual market, vaulting tramps into the position that damsels used to occupy.

No wonder the marriage rate is declining. Men have no incentive to invest in spoiled vagina.

Sex frequency may be decreasing as Pillennials retreat to their fapatoriums and cat cafes, but cock carousel riding is spinning faster than ever. Just because women don’t linger longer with their flings doesn’t mean the cockas aren’t accumulating.

Is it worse that women are cock hopping more but having less sex now than they did in the past when they had more sex with fewer men? Contrary to conventional wisdom, a lack of sex isn’t necessarily a positive social indicator if it’s accompanied by an increase in sex partners. A few heady romantic long-term relationships that end in heartbreak might not be as bad on a woman’s morale and sanity as a parade of prematurely aborted short-term flings punctuated by grinding bouts of loneliness.

What’s worse, the “sexless slut” who has had ten cocks in ten nights over ten years, with lots of ice cream and Tumblrrhea down time in between, or the well-sexed faithful girlfriend type who has had three cocks at three years apiece over ten years, with fleeting periods of clitoris-gazing solitude filling the short stints between boyfriends?

This question is not so easy to answer, but I lean toward believing sexless sluts are a bigger drag on functioning society, going by the rapid onset of pussyhat lunacy that has gripped our nation’s single women.

PS Dating in the Year 2018:



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