The making of an Entitled American Princess:
Notice how she’s using the bathroom sink as a makeshift pedestal.
(much love finefantastic!)
Where pretty lies perish.
May 21st, 2010 by CH
The making of an Entitled American Princess:
Notice how she’s using the bathroom sink as a makeshift pedestal.
(much love finefantastic!)
May 21st, 2010 by CH
Reason One
Money is becoming less important as a male attractiveness criterion for women. Note that this doesn’t mean women don’t prefer richer men than themselves; what it means is that more women are making good money and thus the pool of higher income men is smaller than it was in the past. Since women are incessantly driven by their genetic algorithm to seek a higher status mate than themselves, they will respond to culturally imposed shifts in mate quality by evaluating men based on whichever attractiveness traits signal the men’s higher status. As money becomes relatively less important at signaling male status, other criteria will emerge to take its place, such as looks, charm, thuggishness and…. wait for it….
Reason Two
Marriage is on the outs. Wives are being encouraged to dump their husbands, and men are rethinking the wisdom of getting hitched. As falling rates of marriage soak up fewer young single women, men will have more unencumbered pussy to plunder, and they’ll do it with… wait for it…
Reason Three
Chicks dig it.
May 20th, 2010 by CH
Email #1:
I am currently seeing a girl who I like to invite over to my place to have some fun.
She often follows through, but at the last minute she flakes or attempts to make changes to my plans. Recently, she’s done this 3 days in a row.
I don’t get angry, but I don’t budge when she asks me, for example, to go out of my way to meet her downtown to hang out with her and her gay friend at the last fucking minute.
I told her that I couldn’t make it, and that I needed two weeks’ notice before we changed any plans from here on out.
At this point, I’m going to be super lazy at responding to her texts.
What do I do to straighten this thing out?
What we know: Girls flake when your alpha gravity pull is weak. She’s keeping her options open. Think of flaking as a whoreschach test of your mettle — the more you acquiesce to her flakiness, or seem to tolerate it, the more beta you appear. She’s flaked on you three days in a row? This means you attempted to set something up repeatedly in the teeth of three straight disses of your masculinity. Rat-a-tat, alpha down flat! Remember, your time is always worth more than her time. Why behave as if just the opposite is the working premise?
As for not meeting her downtown with her BGBF, well, that’s the minimum threshold of expected spine-stiffened behavior. Don’t pat yourself on the back too hard.
Here’s what I recommend: Stop trying to make plans with her. That should be step number one. It sounds like she’s still texting you out of the blue, so that means she wants to keep you active in her pool of prospects. How does it feel being a third stringer to a disrespectful ego-inflated bitch? Not very alpha, eh? Good. Now take that feeling and turn it into beneficial asshole game. Don’t respond to her texts for a week. When you do respond, keep it short and serrated:
“Hey blabby girl, gotta go. talk later.”
Of course you won’t be talking later. Wait another week. Ignore any of her texts in the interim. After that (if she’s still texting), text her back with this (ignoring whatever was the substance of her text):
“Drinks at 8 at X. Be there by yourself. yr buying 1st round.”
If she balks, don’t reply. Think of this as the textual equivalent of a backturn. Write her off, or, if you’re a particularly cheeky sort of fellow, fuck around with her everytime she texts in the future:
“Still texting? Come over. I got a new couch I want to fuck you on”
“You’re annoying”
“Stop wasting my text plan”
“titty fucking. love it or hate it?”
Email #2:
I’ve been seeing this girl for a year. We live together and I’ve still got hand. Her during sex two weeks ago: “If you hit me this time use your left hand, the left side of my face hurts from last time.” I’m still flirting with other girls near her, etc.
Two days ago she tells me that a guy that used to be really mean to her when they worked together emailed her out of the blue (apparently they never hooked up) . He said when they worked together three years ago he actually liked her. She wanted to know what she should write back. My antenna tingled. I played it cool and insinuated he was a weirdo but she still wrote him back a short message.
She didn’t say anything else about it. Last night we were at a bar and she was blowing up with texts. I checked her phone and it was the guy. He isn’t very slick, but since she seems to be eating it up, I’m concerned. He is already hinting he’ll come visit her this summer (we’re going to be in separate cities). I’d like to squash this, any suggestions for my next move?
Other facts: This guy is 2,000 miles away now so they haven’t done anything yet. She is leaving in a week and will be gone for the summer. Right now, she doesn’t know that I know this guy been texting her.
Sounds like you’ve got an ingenue on your hands. This type of girl will coordinate the attentions of multiple men in order to ensure she gets access to the maximum amount of resources. Think Carla Bruni. (Until recently, that is. Poor Carla has hit the wall badly, so she will no longer be playing her game of roll out the cock carpet.) When a girl starts waxing soap operatically to you about some random dude out of the blue, it means one of two things — she’s coaxing a jealous reaction out of you so you’ll give her more attention and love, or she’s musing about cheating and/or leaving you and her inner thoughts are tumbling out of her like a burp from a colicky baby.
First, this was a moment when you shouldn’t have played it cool. A bit of the ol’ ultrabadass would have done more good. No girl I’m dating for a year is going to get my permission, either directly or indirectly, to email an interloping male admirer. The way to answer your girlfriend’s head games is with the dread of loss:
“Hey, great idea, you email your hard-up stalker, and I’ll email my ex-girlfriend. Sound like a plan?”
She’ll get the idea.
Unfortunately, she emailed him, and the result was an extended textplay. (If you remind yourself that wordplay to women is like a handjob to men, you’ll be a little less tolerant of your girlfriend’s phone blowing up with texts from another man.) What were you expecting? Girls live for this sort of multi-headed male attention. Your operating assumption from this point forward should be that she will cheat with him if they ever get together. And that she is completely untrustworthy. You may want to run the Door Pattern on her before she leaves on her trip. I wouldn’t confront her about the texts, as this will only make you appear a jealous low-value lover. I’d just insinuate that the upcoming time apart would mean a lot of exhilarating freedom for the two of you, and that any funny stuff that you find out about means you are out the door for good.
ST emailed me a followup a few days later, after I had already written my reply to his first email above:
Well R, it looks like this is definitely over. She sent him an eight paragraph email. I had four words, “I’m kinda
seeing someone.” Then there was an entire paragraph about meeting up after she leaves for the summer. She’s been extra careful about her phone and now never leaves it around. But strangely she is acting sweeter toward me than ever. I’ve never had so much PDA and baked goods, what’s up with that?It hasn’t happened yet, but it’s like seeing a wrecking ball arc toward a building: there is time before it happens, but it will definitely happen.
In any case, any ideas for a good way to break this off with a bang?
Me: “Your operating assumption from this point forward should be that she will cheat with him if they ever get together. And that she is completely untrustworthy.”
Called it. Am I good or what?
I’m not surprised that she is piling on the PDA and feminine sweetness now that her gig is about to blow up. I wrote about this phenomenon in this post about a girl whose best fuck I had with her occurred the day before we broke up.
The afternoon before the breakup we had the best sex ever. She orgasmed freely. There is something about breakup sex that brings out the animal in women. Perhaps it is the only time they can completely sever their emotions from sex and just let their vaginas take over with a man they trust. Or maybe it’s a last hurrah. I felt used for my body.
I’ll add that guilt can drive a woman to feminine accommodation of the man she has cheated on, or is thinking of cheating on. Particularly if she has had second thoughts and decided that you are a higher value male than the long distance lover. Anyhow, the way I would initiate breakup sequence is with maximum pain and humiliation inflicted. By that I mean, get caught fucking another girl. When your beloved lashes out in fury and anguish, calmly reply:
“I thought you were OK with this. After all, this chick isn’t the only whore I’m fucking.”
Email #3:
Hey…..I’ve been a long time reader of yours and wanted to ask a quick q. – I apologize if you have addressed this issue already…I just couldn’t locate the relevant post. Anyhoo here goes:
When a girl you are flirting with mentions/boasts about previous erotic encounters with alphas e.g “And then I met this total hottie in Paris who blew my mind” or “This reminds me of that argentinean tango dancer I had a fling with once”, how is one supposed to respond? Should it be completely ignored or should one maybe try to counterattack by casually mentioning real or even fictitious encounters with hot girls?
Thanks for your time
Classic beta bait. Subconsciously, this is one ploy that a girl will use to take the measure of your manhood. If you show any indignation, hurt, or jealousy, you fail. If you attempt to counterattack with your own hot lover tale, you risk looking try-hard. The way to handle these “alpha male ex machina” (AMEM) shit tests is either through humor or disregard.
“And then I met this total hottie in Paris who blew my mind…”
“You slept with a gay man? Damn, must’ve been a helluva dry spell.”
“This reminds me of that Argentinean tango dancer I had a fling with once…”
“Wow, I’ve gotta poop.”
“This reminds me of that Argentinean tango dancer I had a fling with once…”
“Use em and lose em, that’s my motto too!”
You could parry the AMEM with an AFEM of your own, as long as you do it right. For example:
“This reminds me of that Argentinean tango dancer I had a fling with once…”
“Hey, if we’re gonna trade sex stories from our past, I’ve got a really good one for you. So there was this cute girl and her mom, and a camera hidden in the closet behind a peephole…”
May 19th, 2010 by CH
A running theme on this blog is the frightful sight of herbs and betas performing slow motion self-emasculations. While the herb and the beta are closely related, there are some notable differences between them.
In this post, I defined the herb:
*herb, noun – a schlumpy, nondescript white guy with no fashion sense, chin, or sexual gravitas, who has managed to hook up with a cute chick. Herbs usually wear satchels to nightclubs and button down collar shirts with the Hanes undershirt peaking through at the neck. They love anything khaki and are not embarrassed to be seen wearing fanny packs or sandals. A super herb takes it up a notch with white athletic socks and an extra-large t-shirt to hide his man boobs. They have a walk that can be best described as looking like they are carrying a load in their pants. They will annoy you just by being there. The fact that a herb will have usually managed to score a cute yuppie chick will fill you with violent feelings toward him.
You can see another great photo of a herb here. And here. And here is an example of the subspecies hipster herb.
How does a beta differ from a herb? In this post there is a photo of a beta revealing his true nature with an awkwardly placed hand on a cute girl’s shoulder. The biggest difference is that the herb usually has better *conventionally defined* success with women. The herb is not necessarily beta, though he often is. Many herbs in the city can be seen taking long romantic walks with decent looking girlfriends, defying all logic and universal laws. Herbs, therefore, have some preternatural ability to squeak out a semblance of a normal life, despite their shortcomings. Perhaps it is that they are oblivious to their self-defeating behavior, and so attract the type of women for whom dating an oblivious man suits their agenda.
Betas (and omegas), in contrast, struggle to achieve the societally-approved provider chump role to a sexless, ungrateful, Entitled American Princess. They are a more pitiable creature than the herb because their fruitless struggle often results in the stink of desperation trailing them wherever they go. The herb, to his credit, rarely reeks of desperation (until he is dumped), probably owing to the aforementioned obliviousness. Betas are more apt to look like they’re trying too hard, which is why you’ll often see better-dressed betas roaming the streets alone while schleppy herbs shuffle contentedly holding hands with their girlfriends.
In short, betas are the type of guys to spend years with internet porn and video games, while herbs are the type of guys to dutifully push strollers for kids that, unbeknownst to them, aren’t theirs. In the end, though, both betas and herbs wind up fulfilling their role as soulsucked providers to harridan wives, ensuring that the cogs of society remain greased with the sweat of their brows and the tithe of their taxes.
A few more differences between betas and herbs:
beta – dog
herb – dog in a stroller
beta – worries that wife is cheating on him
herb – has no idea wife is cheating on him
beta – wants to be alpha
herb – has no concept of the better life
beta – envious of men with hotter girfriends
herb – chastises himself for admiring classic beauty of older susan sarandon
beta – resigned
herb – compliant
beta – stymied sex drive
herb – borderline androgynous
beta – brain loaded with lies
herb – pants loaded
Reader Carol (a self-described Amazon alpha female) sent me a pic of what she termed a “beta boy”, shopping in Chicago with his girlfriend.
She wrote this about the pic:
My sister is an avid reader of your blog and she introduced me to it. I check it out from time to time.
I see Beta Boys all over the city of Chicago. Since I got my new iphone…it only makes sense to try and snap pics of these betas. Unfortunately the iphone does not zoom. But I’m working on this. [ed: if you’re a beta or herb, now you have more to worry about — chicks taking your photo for mockery on this blog.]
Check out this beta cubs fan wearing his girlfriend’s purse. I had to do a freaking triple take to be sure he was not gay. No, he was wearing her purse. Following her all around the store as she flipped through racks of clothes. Mind you, this was post Cubs game…so they were probably drunk as well.
Jesus. I would never ask a man to hold my purse. Let alone a sparkly shining number that announces to everyone your man is carrying your purse.
Yeah, this is pretty bad. For this man’s sake, let’s hope drunkenness was his excuse. It’s not even OK to hold your woman’s purse for a second so she can grab at something (let it drop to the floor or put it on a shelf if she tries to shove her purse in your hands); it’s leagues worse to take her purse and then wear it around like it’s your own, while following her like a puppy dog as she rifles through racks of discount panties. This guy looks very comfortable wearing her purse slung over his shoulder like that, as if he’s done it before.
I would classify this guy as a herb if he sees nothing wrong with this picture. Otherwise, he’s a garden variety beta asking “how high” when his girlfriend tells him to jump.
May 18th, 2010 by CH
Imagine you ignored everything you read here and proposed to your girlfriend. She accepted. Would you have second thoughts if you saw her Facebook page the next day and she had changed her profile photo to this? (hat tip: Lance Armstrong’s Molester Mustache):
The poor bastard who married this girl is in for a world of hurt. He will
May 18th, 2010 by CH
Reader Mike sent me a media release for a book signing by a guy named James Henry (a name like that screams old-fashioned white knighter), who authored a book titled “The Laws of Love: A Guide to Gallantry“. Here is an excerpt of the release:
A New Book The Laws of Love: A Guide to Gallantry, Helps Induce Gallantry.
Book Launch and Signing: Wednesday February 10th & Sunday, February 14th 2010
[Washington, DC] – In a time when courtship is on the decline and hedonism is on the rise, one gentleman has stood up against the tide with the power of words and seductive suggestion. Washington, DC native James Henry, an author galvanized by the decline of chivalry, announces the release of his new book, The Laws of Love: The Guide to Gallantry,with a reception and book signing on Wednesday, February 10th at ACKC chocolate shop and Saturday and Sunday of Valentine’s weekend (February 13th & 14th) at the newly opened The Tasting Room wine bars in Reston, VA and Friendship Heights.
A contemporary manual, inspired by a 19th century French love guide, gives gallant advice on the art of courtship for today’s love-starved society.
“These days with the instant nature of news and information, few people make the time to read anything in depth, so I felt that good messages could be better conveyed with fun illustrations and humorous maxims.” Consider them “inspiration to greatness” describes Henry.
Next Wednesday, February 10th, in the lead up to Valentine’s Day, Henry will officially release his new publication with a book signing at ACKC, a chocolate shop and café in Logan Circle, Washington, DC. [ed: a chocolate shop and cafe sounds like the perfect venue for a book this emasculating.]
Now I wonder why a 19th century French love guide would recommend chivalry for men? I’m trying to think about how 19th century France differed from 21st century America, but I just can’t quite put my finger on it. It’s a mystery!
I’m not an anti-chivalry crusader. If you want to be Gallant to the world’s Goofuses, go right ahead. You’ll be digging your own celibacy grave, but that’s one less competitor to me. If you live in some weird time warp American town where gallantry will help get you laid with hot babes, then be all the white knight you can be. Game is about doing what works.
But you’ll be working against the odds. Millions of men from all over the world have reached the conclusion through actual experience in the field that opening doors, throwing jackets over puddles, waiting to sit until she’s been seated first, and buying her drinks are tingle killers of the first order. Gallant doesn’t go home with the babe in 2010 America; Gallant watches perplexed as the babe thanks him for the free drink and then make outs with Gus the Inconsiderate Douchebag.
I have a hard time believing that this guy James Henry is a native of DC and still thinks gallantry is what will help men score with DC girls. Either he’s lying for fun and profit, or he’s gay.
About the only reason I could recommend chivalry as a course of action for the typical man would be if we lived in a world where nearly all men stopped indulging women, and white knighters abandoned their lances for a more cynical, self-centered calculation. With chivalry long dead, a lone knight-errant could conceivably stride onto the scene and turn girls’ heads by doing something no other man is doing. In such a scenario, where women theoretically craved the chivalric attentions of men, buying a girl a free drink might actually be good game. But I really don’t see any evidence for this happening at all in our lifetimes. Chivalry is pretty much dead as it is, and girls are still responding positively to “I don’t buy girls drinks, but you can buy me one.”
May 17th, 2010 by CH
I had no intention of bringing back the Beta of the Month contest, but these three sad sacks were an irresistible draw. The audience demands it, pay-per-view wants it, and the suits are throwing money at the talent scouts — namely, me.
BOTM Candidate #1 is a commenter to a ridiculously one-sided and myopic online article in The Atlantic called “Love, Actually: How girls reluctantly endure the hookup culture”, written by Caitlin Flanagan and dedicated to the proposition that the princess pedestal is the one true force of nature. I quote Flanagan:
This was how it was, during that endless, unhappy adolescence: my mother desperately trying to warn me of all the heartbreaks and dangers of womanhood […]
Today’s teenage girl—as much designed for closely held, romantic relationships as were the girls of every other era—is having to broker a life for herself in which she is, on the one hand, a card-carrying member of the over-parented generation, her extended girlhood made into a frantically observed and constantly commemorated possession of her parents, wrought into being with elaborate Sweet 16 parties, and heart-tugging video montages, and senior proms of mawkish, Cinderella-dream dimensions—and on the other hand she has also been forced into a sexual knowingness […]
She is a little girl; she is a person as wise in the ways of sexual expression as an old woman. […]
There might seem something wan, even pitiable, about all these young girls pining for boyfriends instead of hookups.
Hey Flanagan, one word: hypergamy. Look it up. Then try writing something that examines the issue of the sexual market with a little more full spectrum analysis.
The commenter’s handle is Uncle_Fred, and he writes in reply to Flanagan’s sexegesis (partial quote):
I’m of the Generation Y group (I’m 24). I don’t fret over it if my girlfriend wants to go out and have a one night stand with someone else. I just ask that that she calls me a couple times so I know she is safe. She is young and I would rather her have a good time while she can.
Enlightened Renaissance Man, or wretched loser? You be the judge!
A question for David Alexander Uncle_Fred comes to mind. Is this slut really your girlfriend, or is she your “””girlfriend”””, i.e. a chick who lets you sob on her shoulder but won’t let you sob in her cunt? You come out looking bad either way, but if the former description is in operation, you, sir, have descended to new lows of abject betahood. Your psyche may as well be the poster boy for microphallic minimasculinity.
Another commenter followed up to Uncle_Fred’s remark:
Wow, no kidding. Good for you for empowering your girlfriend that way… assuming that the arrangement has actually been tested?
It’s funny how in the face of psychological neutering and Darwinian obliteration, all these progressive-minded SWPLs can think about is how “empowering” it is for the woman involved. Something to keep in mind about empowerment — usually one person’s empowerment means another person’s powerlessness. Especially when the field of play is the sexual market, a zero sum game of the greatest urgency.
BOTM Candidate #2 is a classic cuckold, with a nauseating twist: he, like, totally forgiiiiiives his cheating wife and mother of their one-year-old child.
Tiffany Tehan, 31, disappeared Saturday, leaving behind husband David and 1-year-old daughter Lexie. The vanishing act triggered a cross-country search until police, acting on an FBI tip, found her staying at a Miami Beach motel with Tre Hutcherson, a man police had called a person of interest in her disappearance. Police quickly determined that Tehan was not in danger.
“She left voluntarily with this fellow and drove to Miami to — and these are her words — start a new life,” Miami Beach police Sgt. Wayne Jones said. […]
David Tehan said Thursday he was angry at Hutcherson but that he “absolutely” forgives his wife. When asked why he forgave her, Tehan said, “I don’t know. It’s supernatural.
“She may have made some mistakes but everyone does and I can’t blame her for any of this,” the husband said. “She’s a person like anyone else getting through life, and it’s not always easy.”
Don’t these sound like the mincing words of a man who believes he cannot get any other woman? A big problem feeble betas have is a lack of understanding of the psychology of women. David doesn’t understand that by directing his ire at the interloping male and lavishing “forgiveness” on his cheating whore wife, he stokes his wife’s disgust with him. Not to mention he offers her a plenary indulgence from guilt or shame or any consequence whatsoever for her brazen cheating. What’s going to stop her from doing this again, to him or to any other similarly brainwashed man? As far as she knows, nothing. After all, her own cuckolded husband has called her blameless. “I’m a woman, please perch me high atop my victimhood pedestal and wash my dainty feet with oil!”
“Some mistakes.” “Mistakes were made.” “We all make mistakes sometimes.” The pathetic mewling of the untermensch. Wake up, son, and see the light.
The Beta:
The Bitch:
The Badboy:
BOTM Candidate #3 was submitted by reader Luke. He writes:
Unfortunately I have no information about this situation, other than it is in Madison Square Park, NYC. In any case, it’s good for a laugh.
This was the attached photo:
Anyone know anything about this guy? Could be a radio station prank, like the one pulled by a DC-based station last year. If it’s authentic, then there’s no denying the gravity of the groveling by this extraordinary beta.
The voting:
May 16th, 2010 by CH
Over at Mexican Annexation, T. “cheap chalupas uber alles” Cowen has a theory on the dating market for men in Washington DC:
I think it’s better to date here if you are male. Government attracts a disproportionate share of intelligent women. I’ve never lived in New York, but there are so many celebrities, billionaires. If you are a guy in New York, there’s always another guy that crushes you on the scale. Here, there are all these politicians but they are really out of commission for the most part — or if they fool around, it’s with interns. You don’t have to compete with them. The people who are really high status are off the market. As a male in Washington, you can be high in status fairly easily without the true very high status competing. In New York or L.A., there are movie stars and directors. Even if a woman can’t be with a movie star, women can still say, ‘Gee, this guy or that guy is not a movie star or a director.’ There’s lobbyists and lawyers here, a lot of them. You can be more interesting than that. This is a great place to live.
Allow me to add my more correct thoughts.
1. Government attracts a disproportionate share of *credentialed* women. While intelligence and credentials are correlated, they aren’t the same. Some of the most boring women I have ever met were multi-degreed widgets freshly pressed off the academia soulsucking assembly line. Some of the sassiest and funniest women I have ever met never had the luck to pay off a crushing student loan debt. And let’s cut the crap about smart women — most men measure a woman’s dating market worth by her looks, her feminine personality, and her willingness to experiment sexually in bed. Her smarts comes in a distant — waaaaay distant — fourth place. There is a place for female smarts, but that place is at an easy to reach lower bound of IQ where she isn’t so much dumber than the man she is with that he finds it insufferable to deal with her continually not getting his jokes and cultural references. Generally, the men who wax eloquent about the romantic charms of female intelligence are nerdos who have an incentive to pump up the one redeeming quality of womankind they can afford to bargain for.
2. NYC is a good example of what happens when a male-favorable sex ratio smashes up against a female-favorable hypergamous culture — the latter usually wins. There are more fertile-age women in NYC than in other cities, but the few male super alphas operate essentially Sultan of Brunei-like harems. Nonetheless, New York is still pretty good for the average man who can survive there, because there are so many cute chicks from which to choose. Betas may have to tolerate banging 7s disappointed they aren’t going to be the next Mrs. Hedge Fund Guy, but on the bright side for them, it beats self-beating.
3. Nobody who is high status is “off the market”. Even marriage is no escape from the sexual market. The divorce revolution is a lagging indicator of this reality. If there’s something to be said for betas wondering about the playing field in DC, it’s that the behavior of conventional alphas there is more constrained by political necessity. There’s a higher price to be paid for a politician caught with two mistresses than for a stockbroker or business owner.
4. Senor Cowen exaggerates the hypergamous calculating of women in NY and LA. There are only a relative handful of movie stars in LA. Most women are not so blinkered to think that sitting out their dating lives in celibacy for years while waiting for a shot at that 0.001% of the local “authentic” alpha male population is an acceptable lifestyle. If you are a man with game — i.e. you have an understanding of psychosocial dominance and how to apply it — you will get laid with hot girls in LA, even those of the monomaniacal actor- and director-chasing variety. Especially with those if you are a skilled liar.
5. I agree that the conventional alphas with pull in DC tend to be boring, and that it is a simple matter to project a more interesting personality in comparison. The guys I used to know in DC who did best with women were, respectively, a bartender, a bike messenger, a real estate agent, a lawyer, and a technical writer. Only the lawyer was what women would describe as a traditional, high status alpha. What did they have in common? Unstoppable confidence. Charm. Balls. There ya go.
6. The widely-cited female skewed sex ratio of DC is a myth. This website neatly explains why. Only if you count all women between the ages of 20 and 64 does DC have a large surplus of women. But what man who isn’t a total loser wants to date a woman who made splat with the wall decades ago? Change the slider on the map to cover the age range of singles from 20 – 39, the years for which women still retain rapidly declining sexual marketability, and you’ll see that every major city in America except for Springfield, MA (5 extra women per 1,000 people) has a surplus of single men. No wonder most bars look like this. However, in DC’s defense, its male surplus isn’t as bad as the male surplus in most big cities.
7. DC girls are not ugly. There are plenty of cute chicks, and even some beautiful ones, gallivanting through the halls of trendy lounges and shamtastic art shows. They might not be as beautiful on average as NY or LA girls, but they can hold their own versus girls in Chicago, Houston, and Seattle. And don’t get me started on Portland girls. Ugh.
8. The best looking women won’t be found in America. For that, you’ll have to travel to Tallinn or Kiev.
May 14th, 2010 by CH
I’ve analyzed a lot of game scenes from classic movies, so how about a good game scene from a modern movie? Check out Javier Bardem’s character running uber direct game on Scarlett Johansson and some other chick simulating an American lawyer cunt.
Ok, there are a few key moments during this interaction that set the alpha tempo for Juan Antonio and enable him to get away with everything else that he says. When you go in strong and let a girl know right away that you are the prize, she will be much more forgiving of any “crazy” stuff you may decide to say later. Call it the Alpha Absolution Theory of courtship.
At 0:46, Juan walks behind a plant and is momentarily obstructed from the girls’ view. A minor coincidence, yes, but one that heightens the tension the girls are undoubtedly feeling. I wonder if Woody Allen knew this when he directed the shot? You may think this silly, but temporarily disappearing from a girl’s line of sight is a subconscious trick on her psyche that triggers in her a “threat of loss” anxiety. Knowing this, try walking behind something on your next approach; say, behind a large column or a group of people, then reappearing close by her.
0:46 – 0:55 Juan’s body language is half his game. His gait is steady and slow, his face expressionless except for the flash of a slight wry smile. When he approaches, he takes his sweet time getting there. Also notice how he lets his gaze deliberately linger on the less attractive/less playful Vicky first, and then switches looking at Cristina. He knows, before he’s even said one word, who the potential cockblock is and how the process of disarming her takes precedence before anything else. Always address the less attractive/more anal retentive girls in a group first, unless it’s a mixed group of men and women, in which case address the men first.
0:57 “American?” Perfect opener. The girls are expecting him to say something typical, like “What’s your name?”. Instead, he opens with a one word question. With openers, laconic often beats loquacious for leaving a sharp impression. Furthermore, he avoids overgaming by opening in a manner that is bolder than normal, yet not spastically “creative”.
1:02 When a girl offers you her name, the gentlemanly thing to do is give your name in return. Which is why you shouldn’t do it. Juan replies to Cristina with a question about the color of her eyes instead. Totally out of left field, and that is why she squirms a little in her panties.
1:10 – 1:19 He gets right to the point. Obviously, this isn’t going to work in most situations, but the take-home lesson is that women are attracted to men who lead, command, and direct. Women want to be marionettes, dangling languorously from the hands of a skilled puppeteer.
1:25 – 1:30 When Cristina asks “What’s in Oviedo?”, Juan replies that he wants to see a sculpture that is “very inspiring to him”. This part is important. Juan does not qualify himself by attempting to appease or impress the girls by describing entertaining things in Oviedo that await *them*. Instead, he explains he’s going for his own selfish reasons. Only after does he then say they would enjoy it as well.
1:37 – 1:52 Apocalypse Opener. Do you dare?
2:00 – 2:09 If you’re going to do direct game, you’ll have to be prepared for hardcore rejections. It comes with the territory. How you handle them can mean the difference between an embarrassing exit and a momentum change in your favor. Juan answers Vicky’s rejection with a poetic rebuke to, basically, seize their inner sluts.
2:11 Two minutes into the conversation and he finally gives his name. Well played. Make the girls work for your identity. Note, too, how it was the sphincterly pinched Vicky who demanded he show his papers. Cristina would’ve spent a week with him before thinking to ask his name.
2:17 – 2:20 He purposefully mixes up their names. “Or is it the other way around?” Nice neg. It subtly drives a wedge between the two girls. I’ll have to remember that one.
2:27 – 2:49 After Vicky acts like a bitch, Juan remains unfazed, complimenting the both of them for being “so lovely and beautiful”. Then he addresses Cristina directly about her friend’s ability to “squeeze the charm” out of life. Classic “let’s you and her meow”. If he had been approaching Vicky alone, this tactic might not work. But with Cristina there, he’s able to inspire competition between the two for who is the more romantic and adventurous woman.
3:06 Vicky’s bitch shield is down. She invites him to join them for drinks. Why does she do this? Because, one, she’s attracted to Juan’s brazen alphatude and two, she sees that Cristina is into him, so she doesn’t want to appear the spoilsport of the bunch.
3:18 “What offended you about the offer?” It’s never a good idea to argue with a cockblock, but in this case Juan manages to press Vicky with a probing question that is followed up immediately by a reiteration of his earlier compliment that they are both beautiful. Also, if you will confront a recalcitrant bitch, the only way to pull it off is with preternatural grace under pressure.
3:45 – 3:55 Juan evades Vicky’s bitching and turns his attention to Cristina. Textbook backturn takeaway. And the “When I saw you across the room, I noticed you have” line is straight out of the direct game playbook.
4:02 – 4:28 Direct game takes balls, and it also takes a willingness to absorb rejection without flinching. Never let ‘em see you sweat. Juan makes his pitch, allows a moment for it to sink in, and prepares his exit, admonishing the girls to “think it over”. Calm throughout. It helps that the plane is a major DHV.
Look, this is an extreme form of direct game. Most men will not be able to pull this off credibly, as the skill level involved is very high. Plus, the context has to be working in your favor. The girls are in Spain, and are already in a frame of mind where they are expecting to be swept off their feet by a swarthy Latin Lothario hypnotizing them with the verbal equivalent of romantic glow sticks. If you’re a pasty Northwest European white man in a beach town club in New Jersey approaching pasty NW European girls sucking down Miller Lights, this sort of headily seductive direct game may not go over as well. But it is another arrow in your quiver of game techniques, and shouldn’t be ignored just because it won’t work in every situation. Direct game can be a powerful adjunct to your regular routine. Like, say, when you’re a NW European pasty white male approaching two Russian girls in your country on vacation, and they find your ethnicity and command of the local environs alluringly exotic.
May 13th, 2010 by CH
Knack sent me this story about Chinese men going on a rampage in recent months and attacking elementary schools.
The attack occurred in Linchang Village, in Nanzheng County’s Shengshui Township. Police had cordoned off the village Wednesday,as they conducted their investigation, with locals allowed in but reporters kept out. […]
It was the sixth such attack in China on schoolchildren since March. […]
The attacks come despite the execution of Zheng Minsheng, 42, a former community doctor who stabbed eight children to death and wounded five others at an elementary school in eastern China on March 23.
Zheng, executed by a firing squad in Nanping City late last month, told investigators he carried out the attack because he was frustrated by “failures in his romantic life and in society,” according to Xinhua.
China Daily newspaper quoted Nanjing University sociology professor Zhu Li as saying Zheng’s attack inspired copycats.
There’s been some discussion on this blog lately about sex ratios and male violence. The theory holds that when the sexual market is skewed in favor of women (more men than women), men will be better behaved (i.e. “dads”) because women will be able to demand that of them. Another side argues that once a tipping point of excess males is reached, violence erupts when all those bachelor males not getting any realize the hopelessness of their situation. In China, at least, it looks as if their 35 million excess males are starting to act up, and the Chinese government doesn’t know what to do about it, except beef up security at schools.
35 million hard up bachelors with no hole to go home to. And it’s projected to get worse, with possibly 60 million more men than women in China by 2050. The usual caveats about correlation and causation, but it bears noting that savvy investors ought to keep a wary eye on China’s supposed unstoppable growth machine — a lot of funny stuff can happen when huge armies of dispossessed men are tossed to the icy wastelands of involuntary celibacy.