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Category Archive for 'Hungry Hungry Hippos'

What is the most significant way American beta males have changed since, say, 1950? Lazier? Perhaps, but productivity numbers are higher and the ethnic composition of the nation has changed. More feminine? A sociological examination of SWPL enclaves would suggest so, but at the other extreme gadabout Skittles Men reign supreme. Poorer? Relative to the … Read more

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What advantage accrues a man who decides to cohabit instead of marry? Well, for one (and it’s a BIG one), women tend to let themselves go once they’ve extracted marital vows from their men. Here’s a referenced study which shows that once a woman gets what she wants from a man, she doesn’t (subconsciously) care … Read more

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A delusional feminist (but I repeat myself) who started a Facebook group called “Pinup Girl Clothing” (don’t ask, it’s stupid), has uploaded a photo of five women with less than ideal bodies and a helpful caption explaining her reason for doing so: There’s another one of those “this is sexier than this” photos going viral … Read more

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From this story: I’ll start. “King Kong swats at a cheap tipper.”

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Hat tip to Gmac for tweeting a link to this hilarious fat girl meme. I laughed and laughed. I read somewhere that the Census Bureau (or was it the CDC?) predicts that 80% of Americans will be OBESE by 2050. Imagine that. A whole country full of waddling fat asses. Where do I renounce citizenship? … Read more

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When you reward fat chicks, you get more of them. Although, to be fair to this guy, the beta looks strong in him. He probably had few options and settled when the specter of involuntary lifelong celibacy burned his dreams to the ground.

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Digging through the archives of the Chateau Heartiste library, we find a post about the hazards of LTRs and marriage. Now you can’t do anything without her, and she you. In the beginning, this is a necessary process to build the level of trust and bonding that distinguishes the LTR from any run of the … Read more

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In yesterday’s post, Days of Broken Arrows made the following observation: “Fatties also have a problem of unreasonable standards. I don’t think I’ve ever met a fat chick who was not convinced that she was still entitled to a 99-point checklist [Ed: 463 bullet point checklist is the term of art] and a man every bit … Read more

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The only thing this picture is missing that would make it the absolute perfect representation of the de-balled and de-souled modern SWPL man-lite is a “vibrant” infant tucked into the fat bride’s meatloaf arm. secret secret, i’ve got a secret! You might call this the 21st century Western equivalent of the drawing and quartering.

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Contrary to a previous study claiming that fatter people live longer than underweight people (a flawed study that was, not surprisingly, trumpeted by feminists, fatties and those who shudder at the thought of sexual market standards), a new study has concluded that fatness will shorten your lifespan: While some past studies have shown that persons … Read more

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