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Category Archive for 'Hungry Hungry Hippos'

Have you ever wondered what drives some women to the cult of feminism, when every real world observation refutes nearly all the foundational premises of feminism? Why do so many women cleave to such a wrong-headed, insipid ideology? Chateau Heartiste explained the phenomenon of feminism as shivvily as possible: The goal of feminism is to … Read more

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Vox has a post about identifying future female fatties which references a study that found differences in MRI scans of the brains of women when viewing food or exercise. Women whose brains essentially bellyached at the sight of exercise were more likely to fatten up for the pig roast. CH would like to e’er so … Read more

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Occasionally, barely concealed incipient concern trolls will ask why CH gives so much shit to obstreperous fatties instead of just leaving them to their moribund misery. The answer — besides a vigorous reminder that CH is not a camp of saints — is that loud and proud fatso promoters deliver a caustic, soul destroying message … Read more

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Things that I wish I deluded myself with earlier. Things that I’ve learned in online life, where babbling nonsense can never be fact-checked. Things people really need to talk about more, until they start to believe their own bullshit: Everyone has rolls when they bend over. Everyone. Yes, it’s true. When women hug their knees … Read more

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Beta George Zimmerman’s wife when he was a nobody neighborhood watchman trying to do some good for his community: Alpha George Zimmerman’s girlfriend after he killed a thuglet, endured a mass media circus, became infamous, earned an army of wannabe vigilantes, got that cold thousand yard stare from his ordeal, armed himself to the teeth, … Read more

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A shambling cloverfield has drawn up a list of pretty lies she wishes people would stop saying to her. As a big beautiful person of convexity, she has accepted her fatness, and she wants you to accept it as well. I agree. We should all accept that fat people are fat, and not mince around … Read more

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It’s the great pumpkinhead, Charlie Brown! As hideous on the inside as she is on the outside. A monster in our midst. There’s a reason the ancients equated truth and goodness with beauty. They knew a solid correlation when they saw one.

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Sometimes you just want to go home, but you’re stuck being a man in public. You get on the train after a long day. The doors are trying to close and a big fat woman jams them open with her bulk, unintentionally letting on another guy. A man in a military uniform takes his earbuds … Read more

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Troll Or Omega Male?

Her arms, those perfectly rounded seat belts which safely hold you on a ride in her plus-mobile are oh so beautiful And once they are back in resting position hanging beside her body then forming a sort of secondary cleavages as if you did not already have enough of her naturally large cleavage. Troll or … Read more

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HerewardMW proposes a sterling idea, Lets actually have a prison for fat people. The perimeter wall will be five feet high and the bars three feet apart. The prison will have a gym. If you can escape you’re free to go. What percentage of fat feminists do you think would stay locked up for life, … Read more

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