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Category Archive for 'Hungry Hungry Hippos'

I use the photo routine to display higher value via preselection to a girl I’m gaming. I’ll pull out the camera to show a girl pics of my last vacation, and stuffed in the middle of beach shots and party shots there will be semi-erotic photos of hot ex-girlfriends and myself. I act like I’m … Read more

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Another scientific experiment demonstrates that beauty is not in the eye of the beholder. Or, in this case, not even in the blind eye of the beholder. Fat feminists weep bitter tears. Naomi Wolf tosses her useless credentials in the garbage. Beauty is, as I’ve been saying since day 1 on this blog, universal and … Read more

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Why is Michelle Obama catching flak for saying that she’s careful about what she feeds her kids? “We went to our pediatrician all the time,” Obama said. “I thought my kids were perfect — they are and always will be — but he [the doctor] warned that he was concerned that something was getting off … Read more

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The pursuit of deep philosophical inquiry is a heritage of the West. This post continues in that noble tradition. For purposes of comparison we begin our thought experiment with two slender (~ BMI 19) 20 year old women of above average attractiveness. They are both at the peak of their beauty. Which will steal their most valuable … Read more

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More evidence that thin has always been in. (Hat tip: Reader SB7.) The fourth century Romans of the Villa Romana del Casale and the surrounding town of Platia created mosaics of slender babes well within the optimal 17 – 23 BMI range frolicking in bikinis while playing outdoor games and generally looking cute. Not a BBW … Read more

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Ugly women, feminists, and fat chicks hate that men have attractiveness standards. It’s been as long as I can remember that mustachioed lezbo academics and their impressionable vajlings have been claiming that prehistoric drawings and figurines supposedly depicting fatass broads prove that female beauty standards are malleable and culturally conditioned. Riiiight. My first post-puberty boner at age fourteen for … Read more

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Fat Or Not Fat?

In one of my series of posts illustrating the (possibly racially adjustable) universality of men’s taste in women, reader Obsidian mentioned the name of a big booty model he found attractive as an anecdotal counterpoint to the observable reality that female beauty is objective and that men pretty much agree which women are hot. He also claimed most black … Read more

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Yeah, we’ve got nine more months in 2009, but this photo will not be beat. Can’t fault the polar bear. He knows a delicious blubbery buffet when he sees it.

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I left a comment in Roosh’s post about fat people in modern society being OK with their slovenly appearance (my theory: removal of shaming controls and safety in numbers) in response to the following preposterous assertion by another commenter named Heather: is it possible to be fat and happy? speaking from personal experience: yep. i fully realize that i’m … Read more

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Fat Or Not Fat?

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