Via Kelly, a great article about how [specials] in sociology and criminology turned black dysfunction into a critique of White society.
Kelly: This is another excellent scholarly must-read article from Dr Joyce. Shows in great detail (though there is much more he could share, as he indicates, proving his point) how influential [special] academics in sociology and criminology changed the study of black crime into a critique of social injustice imposed by white society, an absolutely bogus and malicious inversion of the real subjects of criminology. A nice sample quote from article to whet your appetite – note the contradiction he implies in the last sentence:
Black Crime and Its [Special] Apologists
Liberman’s apologetic contortions would be comical if they weren’t so malicious. He writes mournfully that “Boys and young men of color are subject to more surveillance by police in their neighborhoods, partly by virtue of more often living in high-crime neighborhoods than their white counterparts.” That’s right, Blacks just happen to live in high-crime neighborhoods, and shouldn’t be penalized with high levels of surveillance just because the soil they live on has a mysterious tendency to produce criminality. After all, it’s not like the Black youths are themselves committing the crime and therefore need to be placed under surveillance. One of Liberman’s implied solutions to Black criminality is to push Black criminals into White, crime-free areas, under the pretext that such environments will reduce the chance of Black offending. He writes that “Neighborhoods with high concentrations of economic deprivation, residential instability, and family disruption—which are overwhelmingly neighborhoods of color—provide an ecological niche [see Hirsch above] for crime to flourish.” What he’s really admitting here is that Blacks, when left exclusively to their own devices, undergo an inevitable process of social decline — that it concentrates and “increases the number of motivated, would-be offenders.” In and of itself, the ecological explanation for Black criminality has some validity. The greater the concentration of Blacks in a given geographic area, the more likely it is that the area will be affected by crime. The problem is that [Special] activists like Albert Cohen, Afua Hirsch, Alfred Blumstein, Steve Cohen, Ben Cardin, and Akiva Liberman are unanimous in implying that Whites, rather than racial biology, are to blame for the development of the ecology of Black criminality.
Tikkun olam is a Trojan Horse for Tribe imperium.
This part stands out:
He writes mournfully that “Boys and young men of color are subject to more surveillance by police in their neighborhoods, partly by virtue of more often living in high-crime neighborhoods than their white counterparts.”
The Surveillance State could be seen as a massive virtue signal by Whites in power to rectify the outcome disparity in levels of surveillance between White and black neighborhoods.
It’s just another example of all the ways Diversity undermines the Good (read: White) Life.
PS An illuminating conceptual framework with which to understand virtue signaling is this:
[Specials] provide the amperage.
Shitlib SWPLs plug themselves into it.
We could have just let the [juice] buzz harmlessly in the wires, but no we had to go and stick a morality tuning fork in the outlet.