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A former FBI agent exposes the machinery of the Deep State which helps explain how so many American institutions become left-wing over time. It’s insightful, inasmuch as it’s crucial to know HOW we got to where we are, so that we can figure out a remedy.

Former FBI Agent Jonathan Gilliam: Bureau’s Top Brass Climb Ladder by Ideology, Not Merit

“Go in and think like a liberal” was the advice two FBI agents gave Jonathan Gilliam prior to his taking an FBI entrance exam. […]

Gilliam, a retired Navy SEAL and former FBI special agent, spoke of left-wing political corruption across the federal government, specifically identifying the CIA and FBI.

Gilliam recalled that two FBI agents advised him to “think like a liberal” during his FBI entrance exam. “I was told by two FBI agents that did not know each other –  I was told, ‘Do not go in and take that test as though you are thinking like a SEAL.’ In other words, ‘If this happened, this is the way it should be done because this is the way a team works, and this is the way an investigation should be carried out.’ They said, ‘Don’t do that, you’ll fail. Go in and think like a liberal.’ And that’s what I did, and I passed.”

Think like a liberal: “My grandson says he wishes he had brown eyes and brown skin! Please clap.”

The FBI’s entrance exam illustrated how leftists use ideological filtering tools preferencing ideological fellow travelers, said Gilliam.

“These tests are written to recruit a certain type of person,” said Gilliam. “So what you end up having when you do that is, you’re gonna have – the CIA has the same problem, where it’s not that they have individuals bringing a skill set to the table; it’s that they’re bringing an ideology to the table that those that wrote the test want them to have.”

“The people who are like-minded, the people that get along are going to be the ones that stay there,” added Gilliam. “They’re not going to recruit people who don’t do what they do, who don’t think like they do.”

This explains why the various bureaucracies are so top-heavy with leftoids while the rank and file are less ideological — the striver leftoids are the only ones getting promoted by the smug leftoids already in charge.

Right wingers imo are simply more principled — or maybe more likable — than are Leftoids. The distinction shows up most clearly in employment practices, where righties seem to be constitutionally averse to ideology litmus tests to boost their ranks with those who share their worldview. Leftists otoh not only have no problem screening people for ideological conformity, they revel in it. They make it company policy. They set out to destroy those who depart from their ideology, no matter how small the particular point of disagreement.

(Ironically, the smaller the point of disagreement, the more viciously the leftoid will lash out and accuse you of heresy. It’s really best to let it all hang out if you’re gonna disagree with a leftoid; you gain nothing by pussyfooting around the disagreement, and the leftoid will be driven to impotent catatonia and perhaps even submission if you disagree fundamentally and unapologetically.)

The “deep state” network of leftists, said Gilliam, extends across various federal bureaucracies. He advised President Donald Trump to cleanse federal bureaucracies of politically corrupt leftists.

The Chateau Word of the Year is….CULL. As in, #CullTheMedia, #CullTheFBI, #CulltheDeepState, #CullAcademia, #CullAdInfinitum. There’s a lot of institutional culling of leftoids to do, and so little time remaining to do it before it’s impossible. We aren’t gonna change hearts and minds, but we can change personnel.

Culling can be accomplished many ways. There’s physical culling. Mass firings and what-not. (I’ll leave it as an exercise for the reader what “what-not” means, and when the time would be right for its use.) There’s preemptive culling. This would involve altering recruitment and promotion requirements and exams to rid them of ideological filtering. There’s legalistic culling. Expanding anti-discrimination civil rights laws to include political or ideological affiliation would be an example of that. Finally, there’s passive culling, which would be creating work environments hostile to liberals by, say, mandating a physical assessment day heavy on the tests of strength, or requiring attendance to a “Western Canon” seminar for every Diversity Seminar a company requires for its employees.

President Trump, I know you’re reading. CULL. Remember this word. Drop it in your next tweet. I’d appreciate the shout-out.

“If you want to see the deep state, this is what you’re looking at,” said Gilliam. “It’s not just the FBI. It’s not just the DOJ. It’s also the State Department. It’s the IRS. It’s the DOD. It’s the VA. You want to look across the board and look and all of these.”

Bataan death march through the institutions.

“I don’t think that what we’re seeing in the FBI is just about the FBI,” said Gilliam. “What we’re seeing … is that this is a slice of the bigger picture. Right now, the president has the greatest time that he’s probably going to have in his presidency to pull back and unleash either another special counsel or a team of investigators to go in and clean up these upper echelons [of federal bureaucracies].”

I’m not a prayerful man, but I’ll say a prayer for Trump. His enemy is numerous, entrenched, and determined.

“You can call them deep state. You can call them globalists. I often call them communists,” said Gilliam of left-wing federal bureaucrat careerists.

The commie slur never goes out of style.

Ideological alignment allows otherwise disconnected people across federal bureaucracies to cooperate absent conspiracy, said Gilliam, using terrorist networks as an illustration of this phenomenon.

It’s a literal leftoid hivemind. They all think alike, so they proceed to the same goal without explicit direction. Such radical and independent thinkers, they are!

“You know how terrorist cells work. They have a financial group that raises money, you have planners, you have people who build the bombs, and you have people that carry the operation out,” said Gilliam. “They may never meet those people, but they belong to the same ideology.”

Inadvertently (perhaps), Gilliam has also addressed the JQ.

The Globohomo Ministry of Propaganda, like its bureaucratic brethren in various state agencies, won’t change from within. Change has to be forced on it from without, and that necessarily means CLEANING SHOP of all the leftoid freaks that currently run the show.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: You can chin-rub for ages over the nature of our national dissolution but the crux of the issue is that there are too many leftoids in positions of power. Remove them, and many of our problems go away with them.


This clip is from a British dating show. Like all reality shows, it’s likely staged and scripted (in full or in part). However, if there’s any ad libbing going on, and the participants’ reactions look unrehearsed, then there’s a nugget of life lessons we can extract for our benefit.

I’ll admit I laughed. The whole way through. Good writers, or this guy is funny af.

So much great jerkboy Game on display. In before the “only looks matter” loser crü, yes I know /ourGreek/ is handsome. Which is why operators paired him off with a hard 9. But before you lament your droopy jawline, console yourself that the jerkish charm of the Greek would work just as well for any man. If you’re like most men and you have average looks, you could parrot the Greek’s patter to similar effect on girls — doggy dinner bowl face. Now I’m not claiming an ugly man can nab a 9 by talking like this (and with the same ZFG confidence); instead I’m telling you that an ugly man can nab better looking girls with “Cucumber in her tailpipe” Game than the girls he would normally attract just being his anxious uglyman self.

A quick rundown of Greek’s Game:

0:00 — Greek follows the “two in the kitty” Poon Commandment.

0:18 — “You look nice tonight,” while picking his nose. Very rare verbal-nonverbal mixed signal neg.

0:24-0:29 — She drops her first shit test. “Up here please”. He passes it with flying colors. (A betadroid would have apologized for his impudence.)

0:30-0:47 — She hits him with her second shit test, and it’s a doozy (calling him stupid). Again, he passes it easily by resorting (in so many words) to the classic CH Game technique Agree&Amplify. At 0:46, you see the effect his ZFG insouciance it has on her (it lights up her face).

0:48 — He flips the script and challenges her to a battle of wits. Now she has to qualify herself to him. (Remember a key Game concept: when a girl feels like she’s chasing, she’s tingling.)

0:52 — He plays a childish word game. She eagerly complies. That’s our hero’s first compliance hoop, which she jumped through no questions asked. Chicks dig children’s games.

1:10 — she thinks she’s zinged him, but he turns the tables on her when he teases her for “ruining” the game. At this point, you can practically hear the splooge coleecting on her seat.

1:14 — HER: “cause I’m just cleveeeeerrr” HIM: “hmm”. Nuclear Neg. (You don’t have to say much to get your neg across.)


A pause to remind the studio audience that hard 8s and above require at least two solid negs and preferably three or more to sufficiently lower their bitch shields and open their limbic lobes to the romantic possibilities with you. Plain Janes would wilt under an assault of negs, and ugly girls would cry. This is Mystery style Game 101, and you can see it in action here.


1:22 — Aaaaand Neg #3! She tells him she’s a beauty contest winner, and he asks how many women entered that competition, (implying that her win wouldn’t be impressive if there were two other girls).

1:30 — She spends some time trying to DHV him with her plans to become Miss England. Instead of groveling before her beauty like a beta would do, he (figuring out quickly what she was up to) simply alters the subject to be about her surname.

1:45 — Him, describing his surname, “stands for seaman”. He says it with a straight face, too, which makes it funnier. Best part is the follow-up; without losing a beat, he describes in detail the confusion that she might be feeling about the meaning of “seaman”. This is a critical juncture of the date, because what he’s done here is akin to NLP (subliminal language): he’s planted sex thoughts in her mind and now she won’t stop thinking about sex with him.

1:55 — She asks him twice if he speaks Greek, first time in English, second time in Greek. This is a challenge, and he knows it. Instead of a direct response (aka the dancing monkey response), he replies with his own question, asking her if she speaks Greek. She says yes. and this gives him the opening (heh) to showcase a truly stellar example of pure uncaring ZFG asshole Game — watch his face for what amused mastery looks like in action — and he asks her in Greek if she’d want a cucumber up her bum.

2:04 — POOF goes the hamster. Her face at this moment is that perfect mix of anger and arousal. Remember the CH maxim: The opposite of love isn’t hate; it’s indifference. She calls him a wanker. That’s when he knows he has her.

2:07 — If a beta male was called a wanker by a girl, he would turtle and either beg forgiveness or try to save face by excusing his behavior as the fault of his waning sobriety or the fault of her not getting the joke. HAHA JUST KIDDING. No no no, this is why betas fail with beautiful women. /ourGreek/ knows the score; instead of getting trapped in a recursive loop of betafying behavior, he quickly and unceremoniously announces he’s ready to go and she’d better hurry and down her drink. This accomplishes three objectives: it shows he cares not a whit for her opinion (which raises his SMV relative to hers), it disrupts her thought process (she thinks she has hand, but now she doesn’t), and it reinforces the dynamic he wants which is her chasing his approval and his momentum instead of the usual way these things go.

2:16 — “I’m gonna play Flappy Bird while you drink that”. Silly non sequiturs are an integral part of pickup, best used right at the moment you’ve brought a girl up to the line of genuine anger. The sudden and unpredictable humor of this non sequitur completely deflates her previous ire over his demands on her to hurry up and finish drinking.

2:25 — It just gets better. /ourGreek/ is putting on a Game clinic. Sensing her anti-slut defense system gearing up for duty (which is understandable given that he basically told her to wrap it up so they can get home and bang), he disqualifies himself as a sexual possibility when he tells her she’s drunk and he “doesn’t want to take advantage of her” so he’ll call her a cab. What does this do to a girl’s frame of reference? For one, it rejiggers her self-identification from “I’m a hottie every man wants to fuck” to “This guy wants to send me home and he’s been teasing me all night…am I not hot enough for him?”

2:37 — Final shit test. She tells him she’s going home after the date. He replies “No I’m not, you are.” Not exactly a reply that makes sense with a second thought, but it works because it again takes the decision-making ball away from her. If there’s to be sex, he’s implying, it’ll be him who decides.

2:40 — “Are you ready [to leave together]?” He can tell from her face that she won’t turn down his final offer.

2:45 — She says goodbye. He continues following her as if he didn’t hear her. Bold move.

End scene, he softens her up with conventional chit chat just before the timing is right to execute a simultaneous leaning-in and kiss close.


The 2%

Our favorite slithery reptile Esssra Klein types that democracies die when White Christian Americans don’t bend over and welcome into their homelands the penetrating vibrancy of the Diversity World’s billions of nonWhites.

anon skewers this daft punk,

Right, because democracy is all about obeying the 2% to have your people and culture replaced by waves of serfs and helots whose children are indoctrinated to blame your race for all the ills of the world even as they leech off your people.

Btw, what kind of democracy is it that the 2% has more power than the 98%?

Sounds more like ethno-oligarchy.

The 2%. I like that catchphrase. Spread it far and wide, particularly into soyim bunkers where the blindfolds concealing the true nature and identity of one of the most malevolent divisions of the enemy legion have been on for too long.

Maybe we’ll capture as allies for our revolutionary movement the anti-1%er occupybernie troops who will be pried loose from their petulant anti-Trumpism with the sloganeering similarity of “the 2%”.


In related Globohomo Ministry of Propaganda news, the sickening and likely demented Nancy Pelosi recruits her grandson into the anti-White cult and publicly parades him for tokens of Ingsoc-recognized virtue in service to the de-Whitening of America.


The Principled Left

“Nixon loyalists bugged a Dem hotel room.”


“Obama/Clinton loyalists in the FBI and DOJ bugged a political opponent’s phones, rooms, cars, hotels, toilets for months on false pretext.”



The Left is principled; it just happens to be that their animating principle is the acquisition of power (and the attendant humiliation of its enemies that power allows). Hypocrisy and contradictions are useful tools to get them what they want: destruction of exclusionary normalcy.

This is why the media — wholly owned and staffed by leftoids with few exceptions — are ignoring, suppressing, or spinning news of the biggest political scandal in American history: the collusion of a former president, presidential candidate, the FBI, and DOJ to spy on a political opponent and subvert the will of the American people. The vast majority of media whores are TRUE BELIEVERS in leftoid transnational progressivism. This is why nearly all the gaystream media outlets aren’t furiously digging for information into the growing FBI-DOJ-obama-clinton scheme to influence an election. Fame and fortune are there for the taking, but loyalty to their egos and their grip on power over the anti-White Narrative matters more to them.

Thus, we see every day evidence of their self-serving doublespeak:

The mask is off, leftoids. The battlefield is cleared of your obfuscation. Now we fight.


The Androgyny Strain

LMA (@lovelymiss) nicely encapsulates the outline of the Globohomo Androgyny Agenda to turn Western White men into soibois and their women into manjaws, until they meet as a twisted union of de-souled bugfreaks in a dispiriting, passionless, anhedonic, asexual androgynous slop easily amused by their consumerist baubles and stupefied by Narrative pabulum.

Both male & females are under attack & it is done on purpose.

> Convince men that masculinity is bad. That they should cower & become more feminine. “Toxic masculinity” becomes a thing. We see more beta type males running around.

> Contrary to what blue haired harpies & the [chaimstream] media want people to believe, women do not like beta males. It’s biological. Women seek strength because biologically stronger males have better genes & can provide better. It’s primal & it’s almost instinctual.

> Once the men are sort of transformed to the opposite of what masculine is supposed to be, they flood countries with men who (even though they’re probably borderline mentally retarded) are more masculine than the ones we have in the west

> Tell women that whoreishness is where it’s at. Don’t settle down & have families. Sleep with as many (usually this comes with a non-white sidenote) men as possible.

You are able to ruin both men & women- and the final result is the ruining of a people & their civilization.

The Androgyny Strain is weaponized and purified to afflict both sexes. Its lethality is a combination of emasculated males and masculinized females, for only if each sex is in open revolt against their biological nature can our overlords expect to keep them pacified and unable to mount a real resistance that eschews degenerate pussyhats. I remind readers that the feministism cuntscripts exert almost as much energy deriding feminine beauty and demeanor as they do masculine vigor.

What the West needs is Tonic Masculinity. By Zeus’s chest hair, the Chateau will do its part Making America Virile Again. And in doing so, make America’s women feminine again.


I have sad news to pass along. When I read this, it hit me harder than I thought it would, because despite the fact that there are thousands of daily readers and I haven’t met a one of you IRL, this is a meetingplace of like-minded friends, and a family of sorts, so when one leaves us it feels like a personal loss.

I don’t know if the emailer wanted the correspondence to remain private, (no explicit instructions one way or the other were given), so I’m using my prerogative to tell you all about it because it matters to long-time Chateau readers, and it’s my opinion that the person of interest would appreciate my decision to inform everyone here of what has happened.

However, I’ve redacted any and all identifying info, so if the correspondent wished for privacy this post will not have violated that wish. And I will delete the post if asked to do so by the original emailer.

Dear CH,

I wanted to let you know one of your biggest fans, winner of many COTW’s and my best friend of nearly 40 years “[REDACTED]”, died suddenly aged [REDACTED] (apparently from heart failure but there are very strange circumstances still surrounding his death).

[REDACTED] unplugged me when he gave me the 16 commandments of poon after a crushing friendzoning (I was beta). So I will be forever grateful that he brought me to your blog that I read every day.

[REDACTED] was recently divorce raped, deliberately being alienated from his kids and his own mother disowned him and cut him from her sizable will (complicated backstory).

However, during the last 4 years, [REDACTED] and I would get together at least once or twice a week and have truth talks as found on this hallowed blog. We helped each other deal with the shit men go through in life via the teachings of this site, so again I thank you for that.

I will give the eulogy when we say goodbye in about a week and I so badly want to shiv his ex wife & her side of the family that basically stole his life. I would be grateful for any suggestions…

Anyway, part of my grieving process is looking back of those classic [REDACTED] comments.



Many of you are familiar with our departed happy warrior’s handle and his commenting style. (I won’t link to any of his thoughts here, unless otherwise asked to by involved parties.) The Chateau lost a good one. He was funny and biting and if I can judge character from a person’s commenting history, he was a mate I’d have a beer with no problem. It’s disillusioning to hear that a cheerful fellow like him had to bear the heavy burden of our fucked up modren societies, and that it likely contributed to his early death.

As for suggestions about the eulogy, I can’t give anything that wouldn’t sound artificial and distant. This is an online neighborhood; it fulfills social needs unmet by our breaking bad societies, but it’s not real life. I didn’t know [REDACTED] as a real life friend, nor his family, nor his friends; any words I offer on his behalf would be a degree or three removed from who he was as a man and what his life story told to the world. Any contribution I’d make would be jarringly off-key in a solemn context.

Ok one suggestion….don’t pull out the howitzers. The subtlest, softest shiv is all you need. The ex will get the point (heh). Something like, “[REDACTED] faced obstacles, some put in his way by those whom he trusted, yet he smiled through it all….”. (If he didn’t smile through it all, say so anyway. It’ll trigger his enemies.)

Last thing I remember
I was running for the door
I had to find the passage back to the blog I was before
“Relax,” said the blog host
“We are programmed to receive
You can check-out any time you like
But you will never leave.”


Shiv Of The Week

Sometimes a picture stabs a thousand shivs.


Antitrust NOW

This news report exposing the inhumane treatment of Whole Foods employees since Baron Bezos bought the SWPL chain is further evidence that we live in a new age of robber barons using their monopolistic bargaining power to basically run slave labor sweatshops here on American soil as well as abroad.

The popular Texas-based niche grocery chain was bought by Amazon last year for a hefty $13.7 billion price tag, but employees are ruing the day the online retailer made the purchase, according to Business Insider (BI).

Employees feel hard pressed by the new policies Bezos’s management team put in place at Whole Foods. The pressure put upon them by updated stocking procedures and “pop quizzes” is causing some to have “nightmares” about work.

“I wake up in the middle of the night from nightmares,” a Whole Foods staffer told BI. “The stress has created such a tense working environment. Seeing someone cry at work is becoming normal.”

One of the problems for employees is the new order to shelf (OTS) stocking system put in place by Amazon bosses. The system is apparently breaking down morale.

According to Amazon, OTS is geared to deliver smaller amounts of product to stores in order to keep it fresh and to help the company track inventory better. But OTS requires employees to stock shelves far more often and to keep a closer eye on stockroom supplies to prevent shortages.


Multiple employees said these tests had “crushed” morale in stores because workers are terrified of getting “walked” and missing some small detail.

“You are so concerned about passing this military-like test that you actually start to lose your department’s operational conditions,” an employee said.

Another worker explained: “We think of it as punishment. They think of it as a way to correct errors.”

Remember when the Left used to advocate for the working man and against Big Business? Yeah, I don’t either. It’s been so long all I know of the Left is that they’re globalist bug-shills for MegaTech, international finance, and race replacement. In the Left’s collective consciousness, allying with predatory billionaire monopolists is worth it to stick the knife deeper in Whitey’s back.

But given that leftoids LOVE LOVE LOVE our modren day capitalist oligarchs because the omnipotent fat cats can be counted on to stream anti-White poz 24/7 into the eyeballs of Heritage America and to fund open borders advocacy NGOs, it’s full speed ahead with the violations of workers’ rights and basic humanity. “WTF I love robber barons now!”

The Left isn’t unprincipled; its core principle is power, by any hypocritical contradiction necessary. We won’t crush the Left by reminding them that they once, a long time ago, championed the oppressed worker. They’ll just shrug that off with a snarky riposte fed to them by John Oliver and carry on virtue shrieking until their enemies are silenced and their livelihoods destroyed. The Left will only be crushed by crushing them….ousting them from power.

The Left hasn’t forgotten that open borders means in practice population churn, social disintegration, consumerist escape, rapacious multibillionaires importing scabs to displace American workers and gut their wages, and rapacious multimillionaire politicians importing ringers to displace American voters and gut their electoral power.

The Left hasn’t forgotten that open borders amounts to greedy fat cat CEOs running an arbitrage scheme on American native workers in which the former have all the leverage provided by millions of third world peasants willing to work for pennies in bezosian slave labor camps while the latter have to bend over and accept rock bottom wages, shitty workplace conditions, and low morale.

They haven’t forgotten any of it.

They have chosen to ignore it.

In service to their overarching desire to snuff out White Heritage America and morally preen on its smoldering ruin.

Still, BI also learned that with [Bezos’] OTS system, Whole Foods might be on track to saving $300 million in costs by 2020.

Cheer up, SWPL shitlibs, with those cost savings you can afford a Whole Foods artisanal cheese block as you scurry out the store trying not to look any of the employees in the eye.


Relationship Red Flag

Alpha clutch, beta bux.


Brave New 1984

It used to be a rebel pose to accuse the US of becoming Ingsoc.

Given the revelations of the past two years, it’s no longer a pose.

It’s real.

But it’s limiting as a description of post-America. What we’re really becoming is Ingsoma: Ingsoc + soma. A corrupt elite that keeps its power over a blissed out populace.

Dark Triumvir writes,

Our Bolshevik overlords are quite devoted students of Dystopia Engineering. We received a sinister blend of both Orwell and Huxley’s worst nightmares. Amused to death in private, and ruthlessly silenced in public. Porn & Scorn.

I’ve called it Corn & Porn as a modren riff on bread & circuses, but Porn & Scorn is more encompassing, capturing the true spirit(lessness) of our age: dopaminergic pacification hitched to a tyrannical sanctimony, AKA vapid virtue sniveling for the feelgoodz that requires its tribute in the livelihoods of dissidents from authorized pussyhatter opinion. Left unchecked, the tribute will eventually be extracted in blood.

The moment a dissident faction gets uppity and threatens the existing globo-order, their private porn drip and their public persecution are simultaneously increased. It’s a lethal Suppression Loop that works by stoking both fear and satiation. But some are finding avenues of liberation as well as leaders they can admire and trust (Trump), and the elite have never been more afraid than they are now.

The Neil Postman critique of 1984 and Brave New World is relevant:

What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one. Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information. Huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and egotism. Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us. Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance. Orwell feared we would become a captive culture. Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture, preoccupied with some equivalent of the feelies, the orgy porgy, and the centrifugal bumblepuppy. As Huxley remarked in Brave New World Revisited, the civil libertarians and rationalists who are ever on the alert to oppose tyranny “failed to take into account man’s almost infinite appetite for distractions.” In 1984, Orwell added, people are controlled by inflicting pain. In Brave New World, they are controlled by inflicting pleasure. In short, Orwell feared that our fear will ruin us. Huxley feared that our desire will ruin us.

In related Ingsoma news, Amazon has gotten into the NoFap business and invented a GPS receiver that tracks its employees’ hand movements every second of the day, ostensibly to improve their inhumanity productivity moving boxes around a colossal warehouse.

What I would really like to see: Amazon forcing Bezos Broadsheet “””reporters””” to wear a TrumpHateMeter that records the number of negative thoughts they have about Trump and Heritage America every day, and electrically zaps those with insufficient hate in their hearts. This should helpfully cull those last few employees who aren’t obsequiously loyal apparatchiks to the Globohomo Politburo.


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