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Cuckface Of The Year

Very sneaky of this tub of soy to use the category “middle eastern refugees” rather than the more precise and relevant “moslem”, which includes all moslems residing in America rather than just those officially designated as refugees recently escaping a war zone. The latter category — “moslem” — has a terrorist attack rate in America 5,000% higher than the rate for non-moslems.

And the vapid conflation of terrorist attacks with falling down stairs is par for the shitlib course. Stairs don’t surprise us with pipe bombs in the subway. We all know where the stairs are and the risks inherent in climbing or descending them. But the goal of moslem terrorists goes beyond their kill count; their objective is to spread fear and panic that death could come at any time and in any place. And, unlike stairs, moslems kill in the name of a religion, and have deep and wide networks of fellow moslems helping them in their deranged cause. They have an agenda, which stairs do not.

Finally, one has to scoff at the asterisked fine print on this bugman’s posterboard. He went out of his way to assure viewers he has “citations” for his claims.

But who will fact check the fact checkers?

(anyone with descended testicles)

Anyhow, that PURE CUCKFACE is a lesson in physiognomy. A quick glance at his problem glasses and his smug doughy androgynous puffboy mug is all you need to know he’d be the type to WELL ACHSHUALLY about moslem terrorism and welcome an invasion of hued hordes….into somebody else’s neighborhood. It’s also the look of a pasty blob who just hit the button on his rectally-inserted orgasm egg.


lostcausemonaut satirizes,

zuck: “you must turn your right hand 3 times to reinstall my battery, ching-chong. do it wrong & i will spray acid upon you from my mouth parts.”


I love the #ZuccFanFic series. But keeping to the post’s topic, that weird fingertip exploration that Cuckersperg’s waifu is doing to his back demands a term of art to describe it.

The yellow feeler
The waifu probe

The chopstick grip!

If the hoverhand is the physical expression of a beta male feeling anxious and uncomfortable in the presence of a hot chick, worried she might reject him if his hand were to find purchase on her shirt sleeve, then the Chopstick Grip is the physical expression of a girl who is too repulsed by her husband to make full palm contact with his scaly back. Instead, she probes for points of weakness, such as the location of his wallet and the release point for his fear of her dragonlady mother.

Btw, is it possible for Zux to look like a human in any of the photos of him? He always looks like he’s about to molt or catch a fly mid-air.


The Smotherhand

The opposite of the Hoverhand and the Chopstick Grip is the Smotherhand. It also goes by the name Hineyhand.

I’m not very familiar with the cast of Maul-Right characters, but this dude is supposedly Based Stickman, caught on camera claiming ownership of two tradthots by laying hands on their asses.


— MicroGramps™ (@MicroMystery) February 10, 2018

Tweet deleted! Here’s a zoomed-in thumbnail as backup:

A felony record and a waifu at home apparently fine with his road trip meet-ups? Hands firmly palming ass ledges? That’s just the jerkboy magic tradthots can’t resist!

Speaking of ass ledges and impudent palmistry, here’s what the official hand placement guide says about Based Jerkboy’s status with these two tradminxes:

Officially flirting, and scandalously close to assuming boyfriend privileges. Wew I knew there was something between those three!

PS You’ll never catch this God Emperor hoverhanding. Never.


Happy Tender Lovemaking Day

From Popcorn Out,

I printed this out in black and white, wrote ‘happy valentines day’ in a speech bubble coming from the God Emperor and stuck it through her letterbox.

Anybody raise me?

Roses are red violets are blue raising walls while balls deep in you. On Vaj Day, she wants a lover with a slow hand. Tomorrow, we’ll be back to our regularly scheduled jackhammering.


Kehinde Wiley, gay black obama’s gay black portraitist (chosen by obama, mind you), is known for hiding sperms in his paintings.

So did he leave a little jizzlet in the gay mulatto’s official Presidential portrait? It sounds too crazy to be true, but the evidence says, YES! Via KingGoy:

A hale and hearty LOL. The effete mulatto takes Reggie Love’s money shot.

I wonder if the mincing mulatto knew beforehand about Wiley’s sperm plug-in? I’d put it at even odds that he did, and that the both of them shared a subversive giggle before the unveiling. Although it would be funnier if the rainbow mulatto didn’t know about the sperm, and found out later through an aide who reads maul-right websites. He’d probably decide to keep it the official portrait, given his fondness for kitschy black flamer art.

Culturally uncloseted gay homosexual artists have a history of peppering their works with barely-concealed phalluses and subliminal sexual messages, so the lurking sperm in the gay mulatto’s portrait would not be out of character for a gay shartist.

Fitting, that our (Trump-willing) first and last affirmative action president will be remembered for the load of poz dribbling down his troubled brow.


Well….glad that mistake is getting fixed pic.twitter.com/akvK5vKju7

— B. Wood (@DirtyKallahanX) February 13, 2018



Stunning. pic.twitter.com/cTsMdfqfzT

— Josef Bosch (@deplorableish) February 12, 2018


@thoma-valiant eviscerates the subtext and spermtext of the portrait,

Shitty pomo style? Check.  Shitty nig-supremacy ethic? Check.  Faggotry? Quadruple check.  Clashing, garish colors? Check. Beta pose?  Hahahahaha, check.  Created by coolie labor?  Check.

It’s some kind of Clown World masterpiece really. A self own on top of a self own on top of a giant middle finger to the American nation.

Every day brings a fresh batch of normies to the American Heritage Revolution. Thanks, Gay Mulatto!

id Kehinde Wiley Slip A Sperm Into Obama’s Portrait?

February 13, 2018 by CH

Kehinde Wiley, gay black obama’s gay black portraitist (chosen by obama, mind you), is known for hiding sperms in his paintings.

So did he leave a little jizzlet in the gay mulatto’s official Presidential portrait? It sounds too crazy to be true, but the evidence says, YES! Via KingGoy:

A hale and hearty LOL. The effete mulatto takes Reggie Love’s money shot.

I wonder if the mincing mulatto knew beforehand about Wiley’s sperm plug-in? I’d put it at even odds that he did, and that the both of them shared a subversive giggle before the unveiling. Although it would be funnier if the rainbow mulatto didn’t know about the sperm, and found out later through an aide who reads maul-right websites. He’d probably decide to keep it the official portrait, given his fondness for kitschy black flamer art.

Culturally uncloseted gay homosexual artists have a history of peppering their works with barely-concealed phalluses and subliminal sexual messages, so the lurking sperm in the gay mulatto’s portrait would not be out of character for a gay shartist.

Fitting, that our (Trump-willing) first and last affirmative action president will be remembered for the load of poz dribbling down his troubled brow.


Well….glad that mistake is getting fixed pic.twitter.com/akvK5vKju7

— B. Wood (@DirtyKallahanX) February 13, 2018



Stunning. pic.twitter.com/cTsMdfqfzT

— Josef Bosch (@deplorableish) February 12, 2018


@thoma-valiant eviscerates the subtext and spermtext of the portrait,

Shitty pomo style? Check.  Shitty nig-supremacy ethic? Check.  Faggotry? Quadruple check.  Clashing, garish colors? Check. Beta pose?  Hahahahaha, check.  Created by coolie labor?  Check.

It’s some kind of Clown World masterpiece really. A self own on top of a self own on top of a giant middle finger to the American nation.

Every day brings a fresh batch of normies to the American Heritage Revolution. Thanks, Gay Mulatto!


Cheater Red Flags

Recent research has confirmed CH wisdom in the matter of which kinds of women are more likely to cheat.

To help, researchers from Florida State University have identified some of the key predictors for infidelity, based on a three-year-long analysis of the marital behaviours of 233 newlyweds.

Ok, great start, half-decent N. But as usual, the rag doesn’t link to the original study, so I don’t know if this is based on self-report answers. If it is, take the results with a flat of salt.

Surprisingly, they found that those who were satisfied with sex in their relationship were more likely to cheat on their partner, possibly because they “felt more positive about sex in general”, the study suggests.

Pomo poopytalk. This is the high libido effect, which in men means the Coolidge Effect.

Age, attractiveness and sexual history all have a crucial part to play, too, they found. In addition to those who were sexually satisfied in their relationship, younger people and less attractive women were also found to be more likely to be unfaithful.

Options = instability (younger people — really, younger women — have more options, so they have more temptations).

What about the seemingly contradictory finding that less attractive women are higher cheat risks? This is explained by the inherent instability of LSMV partnerships. Plain Janes are usually hitched to boring asexual beta mediocrities who are nonetheless reliable emotional tampons and open wallets. Beautiful women may get more attention (and have more tryst options), but they also are more likely to have a relationship with a high value man who gives them both the alpha fux and the beta bux, tamping down their urge to illicitly merge. Given the sexual market reality of men fucking “across and down” (and women dating “across and up”), it’s not surprising that average looking women would have both access to alpha males willing to pump and dump them *and* the motivation to seek out that exciting extracopulatory affair.

This is why, btw, sluts are more often than not less attractive than their peers. Sluts NEED to be slutty to get laid; no man will invest his energy into an unattractive chaste woman. Men WILL invest in chaste hot babes, because the payoff is so much higher.

And ladies, there’s useful info for you too.

The same was not true for men, who were conversely more likely to cheat when their partners were less attractive.

Men have to find that balance between a less attractive but no muss, no fuss woman, and a more attractive but harder-to-get woman. Men who choose the former are more apt to cheat to fulfill their desire for the latter.

The researchers found that men who had a higher number of short-term sexual relationships prior to marriage were less likely to stay faithful whereas women in this same category were less likely to cheat.

Sociosexuality 101. If you like to fuck around, marriage ain’t gonna stop ya. At best, it might slow ya down. As for the second part of that finding, I call bullshit. Every study I’ve seen to date has found the opposite — that women with lotsa cocksas under their felt prior to marriage were a much greater cheating and divorce risk in marriage.

One plausible explanation for the latter finding that isn’t explored by the researchers: women who had racked up many short-term sexual relationships prior to marriage got married later in life, when their SMV was well into its decline, inhibiting their ability to act on their urge to cheat.

The research did, however, find two techniques which could minimise the chances of infidelity occurring; ‘attentional disengagement’, and ‘evaluative devaluation’ of potential romantic partners.

Those with higher levels of attentional disengagement (avoiding thinking about a potential romantic partner’s attractiveness) and evaluative devaluation (downplaying the potential partner’s attractiveness in their mind) were less likely to cheat.

AKA meta-death.

Ironically, ‘evaluative devaluation’ is a fancy term for an Inner Game technique to help men approach hot babes. Mentally priming oneself to view women as interchangeable makes it easier to hit on any one of them, because “another is always right around the corner”. As Outer Game, evaluative devaluation takes the form of DQs (teasing disqualifications of girls for not meeting your standards), negs about girls’ beauty (“nice eyes, especially the left one”), and self-DQs (“hey now, don’t get the wrong idea, you’re not my type”).



I located a link to the original study. A couple of additional thoughts I have now that I know better what exactly the study concludes about cheating predictors.

Another predictor of infidelity was attractiveness. A person’s own attractiveness was negatively associated with infidelity among women but not men—meaning less attractive women were more likely to have an affair.

Like I wrote above, less attractive women are more likely to have settled way below their ideal, which makes alternative romantic possibilities more enticing. Not so for men. Less attractive men are more likely to be in a relationship with the best looking woman they can get; one, because men aim high when they have to sacrifice their natural male urge to polygyny and two, because women are holistic mate assessors and will choose long-term lovers based on a multitude of male SMV factors that include but are far from limited to his physical looks. What this means in practice is that less attractive men are more *grateful* for their main squeezes, and thus less inclined to risk losing it all on an infidelity.

A partner’s attractiveness was negatively associated with infidelity among men but not women—meaning men were more likely to be unfaithful when their partners were less attractive.

Ok, this is cheating risk assessment based on partner looks rather than one’s own looks. And it comports with CH wisdom: men hitched to hot babes won’t risk losing them to a dalliance (and those men are already getting great sex since male sexual fulfillment is directly proportional to female lover beauty). But men hitched to unattractive women (or to women those men perceive being below the best they can get) will think a lot about cheating with more attractive women.

A person’s history of sex was a predictor of infidelity, too. Men who reported having more short-term sexual partners prior to marriage were more likely to have an affair, while the opposite was true for women.

Another possibility occurred to me that may explain this study’s unintuitive (and stand-alone) finding that women who have more short-term sexual partners prior to marriage were less likely to have a marital affair. It could be simply that these are the lower value women who got pumped and dumped a lot by men, and when they finally found a doting beta to wife them up they were overjoyed at their good fortune and, like the men in LTRs with hot babes, wouldn’t dare risk it all on a momentary illicit fling.


This is The Gay Mulatto’s presidential portrait. Now where have we seen that coverhand* before? Ah yes.

…hands clasped in front of their crotches — is the international symbol of beta maleness. It bespeaks a deep shame of their vestigial masculinity. They cover their junk and hide it from the world, in case some ugly State U cunt is triggered by a micro microaggression. Shocked by the impudence of their twitching members, they beat them down and shroud them in hand-woven burqas. Perhaps one or two of these anti-men walk with their butts out a little so any hint of groinal protuberance is pruned, like an unwelcome sapling that has dared to reach for sunlight over an expanse of lawn sod with feminist armpit hair.

*Coverhand: when the hands are positioned to conceal the radiating aura of a man’s power — his crotch — from view. Usually indicative of a nervous tic or low self-esteem, especially when in the company of women.

Horrible art, btw, in both style and substance. All sorts of skewed perspectives, a cartoonish (i.e., African) color palette, and that try-hard deep thinker pose. So Fake. Has the Gay Mulatto ever had a facial expression that wasn’t marred by a vapid smug affectation? “And unto this, Conan, destined to wear the jeweled crown of Aquilonia upon a troubled brow…” Yeah, no. Barry is not Conan. For one, Conan was less comically vain.

A visual comparison of a long line of previous President portraits should help throw into lark relief the amateurish and retina-scraping WE WAZ ROUSSEAUian gay mulatto addition to the lineage.

Zoomable link.

The bitter halfbreed born of an alcoholic absentee father and a manjawed EatLaySlut Globalist Girl clearly hates Heritage America, otherwise he would not have gone out of his way to choose a portrait “artist” who would render Obama as a figurative middle finger to the White men who came before him.

An emailer: “It’s Obama in his natural habitat, surrounded by homegrown ganja!”


It gets better worse. Michelle’s portrait:

Interesting hair choice recapitulates White Hair Privilege and expertly hides her over-muscled traps. Note: looks nothing like The First Linebacker.

The Gay Mulatto disgraced the Office, in Boomercuck-ese, and he’s proud to let you know how little regard he has for it.

Want nightmare fuel? The obamas aren’t a one-off. As America’s demographics succumb to the Hued Wave, the obama portrait is the first of many more, increasingly ugly and primitive, presidential portraits to come. Final portrait, if the Trumpening fails to stem the invasion:


While I’m on the subject of Yet Another Sign of America’s Decline, obama’s portrait artist, Kehinde Wiley, is a blackity black man whose portfolio contains these Love Wins rorschach tests:

Let’s play a game: Reverse the Races. Imagine the shitlib media reaction if a White artist hired by Trump to paint his portrait had also painted White women holding the severed heads of blacks.

I’m guessing mass chimpouts and CNN dispensing with the veneer and just scrolling FUK YT across the screen. NPR would have had a special roundtable to call for a renewed “national conversation about race”, aka “Ugh White People, again”.


The Cat Lady Culmination

We may have reached the apotheosis of cat ladydom. A couple photographed themselves as the “mom” gave “birth” to a kitten.

This would be mildly amusing if these two were actually poking fun of the cat lady culture, instead of implicitly poking fun of “breeders” as this type is wont to call people who have human children. But no, they’re not kidding around about their embrace of the cat lady/cat lad lifestyle. Proof:

But one couple who recently [adopted a kitten] decided to let the world know about their furry new family member in the most unforgettable way. […]

Photographer Lucy Schultz and her partner, Steven, don’t have any kids of their own…

WOMB, there it isn’t. Looking at her, it’s not as if she’s got years left to contemplate having a real child. The clock on her egg factory is set to expire. Maybe they can psyche themselves up for the coming regimen of IVF treatments (using a buck’s sperm) by fondly looking back at these photos for encouragement.

And he looks like he’s about one tofu niblet away from his testicles burrowing back under his fupa.

“I’d been talking about doing a kitten announcement shoot when I was finally ready to adopt for over a year,” Schultz told The Dodo. “I just wanted to celebrate my cat adoption milestone as it’s something I’ve looked forward to for such a long time.”

It took her a year to decide to adopt a fucking cat? How many years will it take her to decide on the real thing? No wonder these shitlib Whites are going extinct at a rapid clip.

Schultz enlisted the help of her colleague, photographer Elizabeth Woods-Darby. The two have worked together documenting human births…

A woman’s maternal instinct has to be pathologically underdeveloped if she photographs human births as a career and still doesn’t feel the urge herself.

The photo shoot is certainly comical, but there’s nothing insincere about how much love they have for their new pet.

Two minutes after they die (from toxoplasma gondii complications), this cat would be gutting them and slurping up the pools of blood.

Hilarity aside, Schultz hopes it might inspire others to grow their own families with a pet in need of love:

“My message to everyone who is digging these photos is to check out your local shelter, consider volunteering or become a foster home and consider adopting one of the amazing homeless pets out there!”

This is how the world ends, not with a bang but a whisker.


The Arc Of Beauty

The video below is a time-lapse of a Dutch dad’s daughter as she aged from 0 to 18 years old, compressed into five minutes. It’s very cool. Takeaways:

  • Cute babies grow into cute adults
  • A hint of her raw nubility makes its first appearance at 3:00
  • Her rapid beauty ascent & teen facial exaggerations begin at 4:00
  • Final frame: Peak Beauty (age 18)

A follow-up time-lapse of Lotte from age 18 to age 50 would be decidedly sadder to watch. We viewers would be subjected to the cosmic cruelty of witnessing in ten minutes the full flower of her peak beauty (years 18-25) slowly wilt at first and then accelerate with demonic tribute into a far less bubbly woman of wrinkles and sag (age 45, give or take).

But for now let’s enjoy this gift of Whiteness. It truly is special. There are so few of her kind in the world, it would be a shame not to protect the homelands which give birth to her.

Unfortunately, we are ruled by shameless homewreckers. This exquisite beauty will be wiped from the earth if the globohomos get their way and turn White nations into outposts of the Dirt World.


Humans aren’t fungible. Human races aren’t interchangeable. Even our notions of right and wrong are particular to our race. SWPL leftoids who assume the morality which guides them also guides the peoples of the Dirt World are making as ASS out of U and ME. Not to mention, aiding and abetting the destruction of the homelands they share with less naive or less malicious Whites.

The Fecalized Environment People of the world are incompatible with White Civilization. A bristling field report from a Nice White Woman who spent a year in Senegal on a Peace Corp mission proves the point.

What I Learned in the Peace Corps in Africa: Trump Is Right

Three weeks after college, I flew to Senegal, West Africa, to run a community center in a rural town. Life was placid, with no danger, except to your health. That danger was considerable, because it was, in the words of the Peace Corps doctor, “a fecalized environment.”

In plain English: s— is everywhere. People defecate on the open ground, and the feces is blown with the dust – onto you, your clothes, your food, the water. He warned us the first day of training: do not even touch water. Human feces carries parasites that bore through your skin and cause organ failure.

Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined that a few decades later, liberals would be pushing the lie that Western civilization is no better than a third-world country. Or would teach two generations of our kids that loving your own culture and wanting to preserve it are racism.


Senegal was not a hellhole. Very poor people can lead happy, meaningful lives in their own cultures’ terms. But they are not our terms. The excrement is the least of it. Our basic ideas of human relations, right and wrong, are incompatible. […]

Take something as basic as family.  Family was a few hundred people, extending out to second and third cousins.  All the men in one generation were called “father.”  Senegalese are Muslim, with up to four wives.  Girls had their clitorises cut off at puberty.  (I witnessed this, at what I thought was going to be a nice coming-of-age ceremony, like a bat mitzvah or confirmation.)  Sex, I was told, did not include kissing.  Love and friendship in marriage were Western ideas.  Fidelity was not a thing.  Married women would have sex for a few cents to have cash for the market.

What I did witness every day was that women were worked half to death. Wives raised the food and fed their own children, did the heavy labor of walking miles to gather wood for the fire, drew water from the well or public faucet, pounded grain with heavy hand-held pestles, lived in their own huts, and had conjugal visits from their husbands on a rotating basis with their co-wives. Their husbands lazed in the shade of the trees.


The Ten Commandments were not disobeyed – they were unknown. The value system was the exact opposite. You were supposed to steal everything you can to give to your own relatives. There are some Westernized Africans who try to rebel against the system. They fail.

We hear a lot about the kleptocratic elites of Africa. The kleptocracy extends through the whole society. My town had a medical clinic donated by international agencies. The medicine was stolen by the medical workers and sold to the local store. If you were sick and didn’t have money, drop dead. That was normal.

So here in the States, when we discovered that my 98-year-old father’s Muslim health aide from Nigeria had stolen his clothes and wasn’t bathing him, I wasn’t surprised. It was familiar.

In Senegal, corruption ruled, from top to bottom. Go to the post office, and the clerk would name an outrageous price for a stamp. After paying the bribe, you still didn’t know it if it would be mailed or thrown out. That was normal.

One of my most vivid memories was from the clinic. One day, as the wait grew hotter in the 110-degree heat, an old woman two feet from the medical aides – who were chatting in the shade of a mango tree instead of working – collapsed to the ground. They turned their heads so as not to see her and kept talking. She lay there in the dirt. Callousness to the sick was normal.


All the little stores in Senegal were owned by Mauritanians. If a Senegalese wanted to run a little store, he’d go to another country. The reason? Your friends and relatives would ask you for stuff for free, and you would have to say yes. End of your business. You are not allowed to be a selfish individual and say no to relatives. The result: Everyone has nothing.


I couldn’t wait to get home. So why would I want to bring Africa here? Non-Westerners do not magically become American by arriving on our shores with a visa.

Truespeak. White values and White morality, let alone White worldview, White aptitude, White creativity, White psychology, White temperament, and White culture — in sum, White uniqueness, can’t be ported to other races, and in trying to do so all that is accomplished is a diminishment of the Whiteness — in form and function — we, in our vapid virtue signaling sanctimony, want the nonWhite world to share in, to adopt, to enjoy the blessings of, and ultimately to assume control of and to destroy.

We need more pushback like this field report from all corners of the )))dissident media(((. Trump is our opening salvo. He gets the memes out there — “shitholes” — and the screams of the White lambs follow, because they know any movement of the national conversation in the direction of Truth & Beauty means more obstacles in the way of realizing their dystopian vision of a gated community of White shitlib elites lording it over a sea of mystery meats.

The Rootless White Left know the wolf is outside their bubble, eyes leveled, teeth bared, muscles taut. They can feel our hot breath. They are afraid.


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