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Stone Cold Shiv Of The Week

Woowee that shiv pierced the inner sanctum where little shitlib virtue signals are born and sent out into the world.

For more of these stone cold shivs, see this list of id-killers collated by AE.


I admire his purity.

PS I haven’t wanted to see a movie in the theater for years…until now:

Thanks for the rec, (((Stern)))!

Rotten Tomatoes is no longer a reliable guide to a movie’s quality. (For proof, see the unanimous 100% pozzitive reviews for SJWcore trash like BlacKkKlansman.) Shitlib shrieks are the review service I consult now. If the wails of my enemies are any indication, I expect Dragged Across Concrete to be a maul-right thrash fest that fills my heart to bursting.

PPS “white” privilege:


Inseparable Bonds

Cracks of sunlight through tear-submerged rain.

When I’m old, and memories weighty and small have escaped to the shadows irretrievable, three moments will stay with me, clear and crisp and achingly resonant to the end:

my first fuck

my first love

the day Donald J Trump was elected President.

No one can take these away from me. I cherish them all.


A great comment from Thomas over at Sailer’s:

It’s truly fascinating how being merely a civic nationalist warrants the left’s “supremacist” label.

I think the problem for the left elite is even more fundamental than that. Have you noticed how unmediated channels of communication on the Web have dried up in the last couple years? The social media bigs (Facebook, Twitter, to a lesser extent, Reddit) have more or less outsourced content control and the right to participate to outfits like the SPLC or algorithms that adopt their criteria. Comment sections a lot of places have disappeared, and even goofball outlets like InfoWars have faced censorship. The left needs to keep people atomized and processing information only through approved channels. Lateral means of uncontrolled and unmediated communication or coordination, like a grass roots fraternal organization, are inherently dangerous, because they can form fertile ground for people to notice things, and to realize that other people notice things too. (Even in the case of something like the Proud Boys, you’ll get shown the door if you discuss certain topics a little too openly.)

The Left censors because if they don’t, dissident thought flourishes, and then dissidents flourish, emboldened by the knowledge that they aren’t alone. The awakening is wildfire, not isolated embers.

The Left occupies minds by gaslighting the populace; this is why it must squelch, contain, and punish free thought and speech. Unauthorized lateral communication helps the revolutionary fire catch and spread, burning down the artifice constructed by the leftoid Equalism Narrative gatekeepers.

The high priests of the Left know they have been shoving Lies down our throats for generations. But they are egotistically invested in their religion, and their Lies are the tithes they pay to their Flat Humanity god, in hopes that one day the cosmic order will realign and vindicate their faith. In the meantime, heretics will be crushed so the Left can comfortably evade the reckoning that they so richly and belatedly deserve.


A sharp-eyed observer can’t fail to notice how Game principles extend forward and backward in life, all the way back to early childhood. If you can recall your own childhood, or have opportunity to see tykes at play, a familiar dynamic emerges. The boy (usually just one boy, but may be more) who is least interested in what the little girls are doing, who is totally immersed in his own world, and who will even go so far as to push the girls away when they curiously peak around the periphery of whatever has his attention, is the boy who can’t beat the wee lasses off with a stick.

This will be especially obvious where the little boys are outnumbered by the girls. Early years sex skew produces the same intersex psychological phenomena that is produced by adulthood sex skew. And the hard-to-get challenging little boy is a tot magnet just like the hard-to-get challenging grown man is a thot magnet.

Little girls, just like tig ol bittied growed girls, adore a boy-II-man who makes himself the center of the universe. Girls of all ages can’t resist the fire and ice.

(Ever notice the “bad girls” of yesteryear rock had more femininity than the Lilith Fair femmes of the 90s or the cartoonish slutwalkers of today? Yet another signpost of metastasizing civilizational necrosis.)

So on the zero sum playground, little boys adhere to the Poon Commandments and little girls love them for it. Specifically, Commandments III and VI:

III. You shall make your mission, not your woman, your priority

Forget all those romantic cliches of the leading man proclaiming his undying love for the woman who completes him. Despite whatever protestations to the contrary, women do not want to be “The One” or the center of a man’s existence. They in fact want to subordinate themselves to a worthy man’s life purpose, to help him achieve that purpose with their feminine support, and to follow the path he lays out. You must respect a woman’s integrity and not lie to her that she is “your everything”. She is not your everything, and if she is, she will soon not be anymore.


VI. Keep her guessing

True to their inscrutable natures, women ask questions they don’t really want direct answers to. Woe be the man who plays it straight — his fate is the suffering of the beta. Evade, tease, obfuscate. She thrives when she has to imagine what you’re thinking about her, and withers when she knows exactly how you feel. A woman may want financial and family security, but she does not want passion security. In the same manner, when she has displeased you, punish swiftly, but when she has done you right, reward slowly. Reward her good behavior intermittently and unpredictably and she will never tire of working hard to please you.

The fact that cub cads and tiny thots instinctually obey the timeless biomechanical laws of the Poon Commandments strongly suggests that these principles of Game have a solid footing in the deepest, primal parts of human nature, and given that they are in evidence so early in life the later manifestations of it should not come as a shock to anyone but those in a low fertility society who have forgotten the wisdom of the wees.

Game is not socially constructed. Social construction is the effluvia of Game.

PS ¡SCIENCE! agrees! (what else is new?)

Science of dating: why playing hard to get only works for men

Men should play hard to get if they want to attract the opposite sex on a first date otherwise women will see them as unmanly or manipulative, new research has shown.

However women should ‘be nice’ as it will make them appear more feminine in the eyes of the opposite sex.

The research, which only studied straight couples, found that women are suspicious of a man who is too attentive, and are likely to view him as ‘vulnerable and less dominant.’

lol niceguys BTFO.

The studies worked on the basis that people often say that they seek a partner that is “responsive to their needs” and that such a partner would arouse their sexual interest.

However it seems that in the early stages of dating, women are more turned on by unresponsive men.

Professor Gurit Birnbaum of the Interdisciplinary Centre, Israel, said: “We still do not know why women are less sexually attracted to responsive strangers.

I know why, and readers of this blog know why. Perception of female preselection. A standoffish, self-possessed man who isn’t promptly smitten by a hot chick is perceived to be a man who has lots of options in quality and quantity of female company. In Darwinian terms, his seed is likely to birth champions who will find themselves living in a poosy paradise, which means his women can look forward to their genes spreading (heh) farther and wider (heh).

However, in contrast, the advice for women is to ‘play nice’ if they want to attract a male, even though dating Bibles such as ‘The Rules’ suggest they should remain aloof and disinterested.

The first experiment involved 112 single undergraduates aged between 20 and 33 years old who were paired with a member of the opposite sex on a 30 minute ‘date.’

It found that women who were judged to be more friendly and responsive were seen to be more sexually attractive.

Nicegirls are not the flip side of niceguys. What works for men doesn’t usually work for women. This is why Game exists, because there are stark and profound psychosexual differences between the sexes.

Men who interacted with an agreeable and attentive female perceived her as more feminine and as more sexually attractive than did men who found women aloof.

In this corner, we have cheap sperm. It prefers women who signal sexual and romantic availability.

In this corner, we have expensive eggs. It prefers men who signal outcome independence and a surfeit of mate choices.

Ten rounds, no ear biting, and don’t bother placing bets, because there can never be a winner…for long.

PPS Joe Biden and the Pope got a tingle up their legs reading this post.


Judge A Man By His Enemies

A Union Mine High School student is facing battery charges after an altercation in her classroom over a Donald Trump “Make America Great Again” campaign hat, reports CBS Sacramento. In cellphone video, a teacher is seen trying to subdue fired-up 17-year-old senior Jo-Ann Butler after she became enraged at a classmate for wearing the MAGA hat.

She grabbed the hat off his head.

“That’s a racist and hateful symbol,” Butler said.

She is now facing two counts of battery, one on her classmate and one on her teacher, who deputies say she slapped as he escorted her from the room.


Know a man by his enemies, and the enemies of President Trump are, nearly to a xir, gargoyles.

Or in this case, the love child of Shrek and Andre the Giant.



I wonder if the perky titted Khan balloon was made/sponsored by the same group that made the Baby Trump balloon. The style looks similar.

Related, word is that Nigel Farage, Britain’s Trump, is being bombarded with requests to run for Mayor of London. This NatPop revolution is just revving up. Shivtastic times ahead.


A reader asks,

Oh wise CH, what the hell is the matter with Europeans, what makes them so deeply cucked? More specificity, why do the Brits, Germans and Swedes all choose female heads of their states hell-bent on leading them to their destruction?  There must be something subtle here I’m missing.

By a quirk of evolution. NW Euros (and perhaps only NW Euros, extending to their diaspora cousins) acquired an exquisitely fine-tuned feeling of empathy that toxically commingles with their compulsion to psychologically project their hyper-domesticated moral sense onto others, which in a Diversitopian nightmare means emotionally identifying with people who are nothing like them and who laugh at their naiveté.

Complementary hypothesis: Prosperity has made White shitlibs decadently soft and mushy-headed, and they have become unable to see the day coming when they won’t have the luxury of virtue signaling for cheap social status anymore.

Same reader,

But they weren’t like this prior to end of WW2, no female heads of state and very few cucked male heads of state. What changed after WW2?

Lag time effect. The self-destructive seed was already embedded in NW Euros, it just needed time to germinate, grow, and yield fruity poz. Oh, and YKW were highly concentrated fertilizer.


The state funeral for this corrupt open borders warmonger sociopath is nauseating, but at least the phony top-down solemnity and pompous audacity of it means the neoliberal elite are scared that their era is over, and the Trumpian realignment is the future of America.

But you know the Chaimstream Media loves Republicans who lose, and they especially love anti-Trump Republicans who bloviate neoliberalogisms, so McAmnesty is /theirguy/ when his death can be used as another prop in their war against Trump and nationalists who resist the plague of globohomoism.

Good riddance to that malevolent cuck, and fitting that the heavens should open up and piss on his coffin as it was carried into the Capitol abattoir of moribund globalist elites.


The Chateau is no longer an outpost in a dark world. The dark world is an outpost of the Chateau.

File under: Ladies, if you act like a slut, you’ll be treated like a slut.

Subcategory: Liberal women, rape fantasies, and the PoundMeToo SMV signaling hysteria: A Theory of Femme.

Via Steverino:

Why Are Liberal Women More Likely to Report They’ve Been Sexually Harassed?

On Twitter, a guy calling himself Zach Goldberg does these amazing long tweet data dive explorations of hot topics. For example, he has a new one inquiring into why liberal women are more likely to report being sexually harassed than conservative women.

I don’t think he has yet ruled out all other reasonable explanations. For example:

– Liberal women turned liberal because they were sexually harassed. […]

But Goldberg has come up with a barnburner of a correlation I’d never heard of before, which you can read here.

Reposting the Twatter thread here:

The whole thread is worth reading (I’m sure AE would be interested in this treasure trove of sexual market data, given that it was largely pulled from the GSS).

Lascivious Summary: Liberal women are more likely than conservative women to report being sexually harassed, because liberal women are more likely than conservative women to have erotic rape fantasies (i.e., women tingle when they think about being forced to have nonconsensual sex).

Most women have “forcible sex” erotic fantasies, but overeducated liberal women really run with it. And remember, fantasies are based on real desire. If they weren’t, by the property of randomness we would hear of women having sex fantasies about beta males. They don’t.

Other findings: Alcohol and working in an office where one is alone with a lot of relatively alpha male bosses are somewhat predictive of the likelihood of reporting being the “victim” (sneer quotes now backed by hard data) of sexual harassment.


number of sex partners + rape appeal appear to be doing most of the heavy lifting. Unfortunately, this data set did not include a measure of ideology; but the effects of Party ID point in the ‘Democratic’ direction.

I’m working up to something, bear with me.

Another finding: The data don’t necessarily show an increase in workplace sexual harassment in the PoundMeToo era (roughly the past two years); what it shows is an increase in *reports* of sexual harassment. Media saturation coverage of isolated sexual harassment stories grabs women’s attention and motivates them to jump on the sexual harassment victim bandwagon.

That said, considering some of the other media effects I’ve previously shared in the context of perceived discrimination, I do think it’s at least plausible that the salience of the issue in the media–and the concomitant prestige/sympathy that awaits those who claim victimhood–produces these sudden upward swings in the reporting base rate.

In other words, the ‘real’ base rate–i.e. what the average person (i.e. not gender studies majors) would consider sexual harassment–has remained relatively stable overtime, but that media salience + the broadening of the definition (to include even innocuous or unintended behavior) encourages a kind of ‘identity-expressive’/socially motivated reporting.

Propaganda works (especially if the recipients of it are psychologically predisposed to accept the premises of the propaganda because parroting it would increase their social and/or sexual status). In sum, the Chaimstream Media has weaponized the minds, bodies, and souls of our White women.

So here we go with my Theory of Femme. Women are natural attention whores, and shitlib women are the biggest attention whores. As a woman becomes more conservative, she is less interested in attention whoring.

Media propaganda feeds into women’s natural conformism; their need to be socially accepted by the dominant in-group. For shitlib women, this means conforming to shitlib fads, like PoundMeToo. Combine women’s conformism with their attention whoring and media coverage, and you get sexual harassment moral panics.

Furthermore, the attention whoring is really a sexual market value display. Women who claim to be sexually harassed by men are implying that they are so desirable men can’t control themselves in their company. Shitlib women who dream of being erotically raped would, naturally, boost their SMV signal by casting themselves as victims of rape-y men. SMV signaling is reward enough, but shitlib women also get a…tingle…in their nethers when they imagine themselves in the role of the overcome woman who had no choice but to give in to the brutish alpha male.

Here’s the catch: most shitlib women work in fields where they are surrounded by flappy-wristed soyboys and supplicating male feminists. These are not the men erotic rape fantasies are made of. The PoundMeToo cyclical sexual panic can best be seen, then, as a sexual wish fulfillment hysteria coupled with a disgust for the weak males who by convenient proximity would be unwittingly enlisted to play the role of the irresistible, dominating, self-entitled alpha male. Women hate that these soft males are their “fantasy fuel”, so when one of these soys makes an innocuous gesture that can be misinterpreted by a battlecunt with a chip on her shoulder as sexual harassment, they get taken to the she-shed for the requisite social shaming and livelihood destruction.

And now we know why single White women with college degrees — nearly all of them shitlib — signal so hard for open borders to the Brute World. Maybe they aren’t signaling. Maybe…juuuuust maybe….these shitlib chicks want more aggressive men to fill in for the role of the rapist hunk of their deepest starkest sexual fantasies.

That is my Theory of Femme. Someone notify Jordan Peterson and see what he thinks.

In other common sense news, it takes two to tango. If a girl dresses slutty and acts slutty, men will (often enough rightly) assume she is DTF. The failure to communicate only occurs when the slut gets the expected solicirations from betas she’d rather not entertain. This mismatch between endeavor and reward brews toxic spite in sluts, who take it out on all men, making themselves less commitment-worthy with each year closer they careen to cat ladydom.


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