Feed on

The COTW winner is Corinth Arkadin, crafting the wording of the next Amendment to the Constitution repealing the 19th:

Anyone who takes a protein shot directly to the face is immediately disqualified from any public discourse.

Hillary voters, male and female, hardest hit.

Hardest hit.

I see what I did there.


Portents Of Civil War II

Americans are becoming more partisan, more divided, and less open to compromise. No wonder civility is gone, and calls for civility fall on deaf ears.

Look closely, and you’ll notice something else that’s revealing (and equally an omen of bad times on the horizon): The graphs show, and confirm social science data, that Democrats are more ideologically conformist than are Republicans.


I wrote yesterday on a now-deplatformed free speech site that Trump should come out swinging and reframe the aftermath of the Pittsburg shooting into an attack on his virulent, unhinged haters. I figured he had to move fast, to get his message across during that crucial period when the media scrambles not to inform but to prep the content of its stories to enforce its anti-White and anti-Trump Narrative.

This was not the time to retreat into the defensive crouch. This was the time to take a page from the experts in all things framing and go on the offense, putting the disturbingly gleeful media gloaters in the position of having to abandon their carefully crafted narrative to answer Trump’s charges.

Specifically, I suggested that he springboard off the shooter’s anti-Trump social media posts by drawing a justified parallel between a climate of Trump hate and violence.

“See, this is what happens when you hate your loving President Trump. Anger and violence! Trump haters are loose cannons!”

Well, Trump must have been reading, because he followed my advice and in true Trumpian fashion did my suggestion one better. He cracked his Twatter fingers and unloaded a fusillade on the Enemy Media, rightfully blaming media lies and anti-Trump hostility for stoking a climate of hatred and violence.

The Fake News is doing everything in their power to blame Republicans, Conservatives and me for the division and hatred that has been going on for so long in our Country. Actually, it is their Fake & Dishonest reporting which is causing problems far greater than they understand!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 29, 2018

There is great anger in our Country caused in part by inaccurate, and even fraudulent, reporting of the news. The Fake News Media, the true Enemy of the People, must stop the open & obvious hostility & report the news accurately & fairly. That will do much to put out the flame…

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 29, 2018

….of Anger and Outrage and we will then be able to bring all sides together in Peace and Harmony. Fake News Must End!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 29, 2018

My God, those tweets are a thing of beauty. This is why I don’t trust anyone who hates Trump. This man is the Hope and Change that gaymulatto could only dream from his Kenyan father of being!

Sticking the shiv further into scabby media hides, Trump reminded his haters that he will have a great relationship with Brazil’s new Maul-Right President, Jair Bolsonaro:

Had a very good conversation with the newly elected President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, who won his race by a substantial margin. We agreed that Brazil and the United States will work closely together on Trade, Military and everything else! Excellent call, wished him congrats!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 29, 2018

I can’t wait for that photo op of Trump, Salvini, Orban, and Bolsonaro all gathered at the White house, heads thrown back, laughing maniacally.

The shitlib tears will salt an ocean.


A Sailer commenter, notanon, wields an expert shiv as well as anyone,

the media is currently full of screeching journalists saying

1) diversity and open borders is good
2) promoting diversity and open borders is good
3) anyone who says Soros promotes diversity and open borders should be destroyed by the media

Heh. The Truth, as usual, is the opposite of whatever screeching whorenalists are saying. Diversity and open borders are bad, promoting diversity and open borders is bad, and anyone mentioning that Soros is a minion of Satan for promoting and funding diversity and open borders should be hailed a hero.


Try to imagine what a hypothetical president hillary (megashudder) would have tweeted in response to Pittsburgh:

“Misogyny, islamophobia, anti-semitism, racism, xenophobia etc etc have no place in America. We will find these White Nationalists, hunt them down, and make sure they never again have a voice in our new, better America. Because THAT’S NOT WHO WE ARE.”

Now count your blessings that we have President Trump instead. Whatever his flaws, we could be MUCH worse off with the alternative.


BAAAAAAAAALLSONARO! What a timeline! (h/t Korak)


False flags — a deceptive covert operation which frames a person or group as responsible for the event (usually criminal) while disguising the real source — aren’t figments alighting from the realm of tinfoil hat conspiracy theorizing. It isn’t crazy to speculate that a crime may be a false flag if there are unusual circumstances surrounding it. It’s natural and normal to question authority, particularly when that authority has been on a tear discrediting itself.

Naturally, an addiction to baseless speculation can lead to seeing conspiracies where there are none. But that doesn’t mean the opposite — a healthy regard for circumstantial and oddly incongruent evidence that raises questions about the source of an activity, especially an event that seems planned and timed to generate maximum media coverage to the advantage of one group over another — is ipso facto an exercise in self-deluding futility.

For instance, if you think false flags are impossible, remember that they have happened, and closer to home false flags have been planned by American Deep State operatives. From Sailer commenter Tim Howells, an excerpt from the Operation Northwoods documents:

For anyone who considers the idea of false-flags or covert government manipulation absurd in this context , please consider the Northwoods Operations proposed by the Joint Chiefs in 1963 to justify an invasion of Cuba to get rid of Castro. I guarantee that the current heirs of these guys have much greater capabilities than they did, and are much more concerned about Trump than they were about Castro. Some excerpts (emphasis mine) Note that having lots of alternatively real or phony casualties is not considered a problem:


2. A series of well coordinated incidents will be planned to take place in and around Guantanamo to give genuine appearance of being done by hostile Cuban forces.

a. Incidents to establish a credible attack (not in chronological order):

(2) Land friendly Cubans in uniform “over-the-fence” to stage attack on base.
(3) Capture Cuban (friendly) saboteurs inside the base.
(4) Start riots near the base main gate (friendly Cubans).
(5) Blow up ammunition inside the base; start fires.
(6) Burn aircraft on air base (sabotage).
(7) Lob mortar shells from outside of base into base. Some damage to installations.
(8) capture assault teams approaching from the sea or vicinity of Guantanamo City.
(9) Capture militia group which storms the base.
(10) Sabotage ship in harbor; large fires — napthalene.
(11) Sink ship near harbor entrance. Conduct funerals for mock-victims (may be lieu of (10)).

a. We could blow up a US ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba.

b. We could blow up a drone (unmanned) vessel anywhere in the Cuban waters. We could arrange to cause such incident in the vicinity of Havana or Santiago as a spectacular result of Cuban attack from the air or sea, or both. The presence of Cuban planes or ships merely investigating the intent of the vessel could be fairly compelling evidence that the ship was taken under attack. The nearness to Havana or Santiago would add credibility especially to those people that might have heard the blast or have seen the fire. The US could follow up with an air/sea rescue operation covered by US fighters to “evacuate” remaining members of the non-existent crew. Casualty lists in US newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national indignation.

4. We could develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington. The terror campaign could be pointed at refugees seeking haven in the United States. We could sink a boatload of Cubans enroute to Florida (real or simulated). We could foster attempts on lives of Cuban refugees in the United States even to the extent of wounding in instances to be widely publicized.Exploding a few plastic bombs in carefully chosen spots, the arrest of Cuban agents and the release of prepared documents substantiating Cuban involvement, also would be helpful in projecting the idea of an irresponsible government.

It’s a good thing that Americans are becoming less trusting of our ruling scumlords, because our ruling scumlords have done quite a lot to make themselves less trustworthy over the past few decades. Elite overthrow begins with loss of faith in the invulnerability and rectitude of the elite.

Segueing to recent unpleasantness, both the Parkland and Pittsburgh shootings have very strange coincidences surrounding them, the strangest being that both locations had relatively recently hosted near them active shooter drills by the FBI:

In January, the FBI was involved in an active shooter drill at a Pittsburgh Jewish community center. Nine months later, it was attacked for real. Only TWO cities in the entire USA had a shooter drill involving both the FBI and a Jewish center. Crazy coincidence. pic.twitter.com/bmMWlnFHeh

— Roosh (@rooshv) October 28, 2018

This definitely falls under “things that make you go hmmm”.

It’s all probably a coincidence…

or maybe, just maybe, it’s not.

False flags are rare, and inconceivable to normies weaned on esteeming revered American institutions. But their rarity and inconceivability aren’t proof positive that false flags are outside reality. They are real, and they could happen. They have happened. And they are more likely to happen now with the eager cooperation of a captured media. If we have stumbled into a false flag, then America ought to buckle up, because this ride is about to fly off the rails.

PS How suspicious am I? Let’s say that if there was an FBI active shooter drill near me, I’d avoid public venues for a while.

PPS Another inconvenient incongruence that raises red flags of false flags:

Where’s ATF or the bomb squad? Why is no one establishing a perimeter?
How did they know the vehicle was safe to transport?
Where is forensics?
Why are there no uniformed police or EMTs? pic.twitter.com/jWGW52tBJn

— Chief Loki (@LokiJulianus) October 27, 2018

PPPS Putting the pieces together, my working theory is that the DemoMediaDeepState Party is VERY nervous about not taking the House from Republicans in two weeks and snuffing out the myriad investigations into the unraveling coup against President Trump now gaining steam under Republican oversight.

So nervous they are for their continued freedom, in fact, that some of them, along with willing operatives up and down the chain of command, might be willing to take some very drastic measures to ensure Democrats take the House.


It personally offends me that Big Tech companies staffed by alien oligarchs, like Paypig and Goolag and Twatter, can demonetize and deplatform and silence the voices of ideological adversaries. This TRULY is not who we are. America, land of the dox, home of the censor? Not on my watch.

So it heartens that dissident opinion is gelling around an effective counter-attack to hobble Big Tech and make them kiss the Heritage America ring. From Macro Investor:

PayPal will cancel their relationship with any platform that posts the rantings of lunatics and assorted a$$hats. Selectively I am sure.

So social media are not platforms, they are publishers. Just what Zuckerf*g has fought against, because he knows it opens up a very expensive can of worms. As soon as you start editing and choosing, you can no longer claim to have no affiliation with content providers.

This is big and I’m 100 percent sure the reds are writing legislation as we speak. Get your popcorn supply now.

Bingo. Big Tech has gotten away with financially and politically exploiting a gray area between platform and publisher, straddling each and switching roles whenever it suits their needs. Are they a platform and therefore not responsible for user content, or are they a publisher and vulnerable to liabilities ranging from libel to violations of campaign finance laws?

From the looks of it, the FAAGs (Facecock, Apple, Amazog, Goolag et al) have been acting as publishers. Paypig demonetizes anyone now who is outed by the shitlib NPC swarm as a heretic to Globohomo orthodoxy. Goolag rigs search results to amplify leftoid sites and drown out nationalist sites. Twatter has a veritable coven of witch hunters who spend all day every day deactivating the accounts of anyone who has said a mean word about an icon of the Left or questioned a tenet of shitlib faith.

And it’s so totally one-sided as to constitute an in-kind campaign contribution to the Democortez Party.

Either way — platform or publisher — Big Tech loses, as long as the government forces it to one side or the other. If platform, then the FAAGs have to tolerate thought criminals using their services, just as if they were a common carrier, like a telephone utility. If publisher, then Big Tech can be sued to kingdom come and charged with innumerable violations of federal law.

No wonder Big Tech Billionaires are shoveling money into Democrat coffers! They need the House in Dem hands as badly as treason maestro Rod Rosenstein needs a false flag to delay his congressional testimony!

Because if you think the Dems will do anything about Big Tech’s predations, you are a fantasist. The Dems and Big Tech are in an incestuous relationship; the former gets money, the latter gets a wink and a nod to continue shitting in the face of Heritage America. If Dems get the House, all the real legit investigations will be prematurely stopped and replaced by Fake Investigations into Trump and the Proud Boys that will keep the media orgasming for two years straight, until Trump is reelected in a landslide on an even MAGAier agenda.

PS Paypig’s executive team:

CEO — Dan Schulman
CFO — John Rainey
Chief of Business Affairs — Louise Pentland
Corporate Affairs and Communications — Franz Paasche
Chief Technology Officer — Sri Shivananda

One of these perps is the primary party responsible for Paypig’s intolerant demonetization spree. Which one? My bet is on the woman. But, you know….Schulman. Sri? Could be! But wait….Franz Paasche. With any luck we’ve found our cuck!


How many Americans have heard of Dylann Roof? How soon will Robert Bowers become a household name?

*tens of millions of hands go up*

Great. Now how many Americans have heard of Gavin Long? James Hodgkinson? Emmanuel Samson?

*one hand goes up*

“Arrest that man!”

This article lays it out: there have been a slew of anti-White attacks that barely registered in the media, and that was a consequence of deliberate policy by media executives and editors.

Down the Memory Hole […]

Roof, of course, is the mass murderer who killed nine blacks on a Sunday morning in June of 2015. He hoped to start a race war. Instead, Leftist activists used his act of violence as justification to remove the Confederate flag from the Civil War Memorial in front of the South Carolina capitol.

But you already knew that. The media/corporate/ideological axis of influence made sure of that. Roof’s terrorist act was the subject of innumerable thinkpieces, sermons, and national conversations about race, hate, and violence.

But those first five names? You probably had to look them up. I certainly did.

Gavin Long is the black separatist who murdered three police officers and wounded three others in the wake of protests of the police shooting of Alton Sterling in 2016.

Micah Johnson is another black man who murdered five Dallas police officers and wounded nine others, also in the wake of protests over the death of Alton Sterling in 2016.

James Hodgkinson was the left-wing activist and Bernie Sanders campaign volunteer who attempted to assassinate the Republican congressional baseball team in Arlington, VA in 2017.

Fredrick Scott is the serial killer who murdered five white men on Kansas City hiking trails from 2016 to 2017. He was motivated by a desire to “kill all white people.”

Emmanuel Samson is a Sudanese migrant who murdered one woman and shot seven other worshipers in a Tennessee church service in 2017 as revenge for Dylann Roof’s mass shooting in South Carolina.

None of these men are household names. None of them sparked “national conversations” about the need to tone down anti-white or anti-conservative hatred and prejudice. No flags were removed because of their actions.

Other than concerned attention by some on the political Right and detached “just the facts, ma’am” reporting from the establishment, these terrorist incidents have disappeared from our national collective consciousness.

Indeed, some of these incidents never even entered into the local consciousness in the places they occurred. Fredrick Scott was charged with three of his murders the same week that Heather Heyer was killed during the Charlottesville riots. That Sunday I happened to attend a mega-church in Kansas City. The pastor spoke passionately against the “hate” and “anger” that lead to Heyer’s death in Virginia a thousand miles away, but didn’t say a word about the racist serial killer in his own backyard.

The real power of the media rests in its ability to lock news out of the public consciousness, rather than to pass off lies that are at risk of exposure by skeptics. The media do lie, but their Narrative-crafting force comes predominately from selective reporting, and then from information management to frame what they do report in either the most negative or positive light, depending on its usefulness to the media’s aims.

Instead of being flushed down the memory hole, the [Pittsburgh] incident will almost certainly become a centerpiece for another “national conversation” about Donald Trump’s rhetoric, the supposed widespread irrational prejudice on the American Right, and the need for additional censorship of “hate-thought” by Silicon Valley’s techno-oligarchs.

Gab is still down.

The question of whether or not an atrocity will be forgotten or remembered rests entirely on the identity of the perpetrator and the victims. If the victims are members of protected liberal classes—such as Jews, blacks, and Muslims—and the perpetrator is not, i.e., he is a white male, then the attack will become a touchstone for lectures on tolerance and the need to fight hate, conveniently defined as the entire conservative right.

If the identity of victim and perpetrator are reversed the attack is simply “heartbreaking” to the extent it is acknowledged at all. Then it is forgotten.

This is how the politicization of tragedy works in our America.

There is no hate speech, unless there is also anti-White hate speech. Right now, the media harangues Whites as collectively guilty for the former, and denies Whites collective or individual suffering for the latter.

This is untenable. The D+P=W tension is straining the last strands of American social cohesion. Something’s gonna give. If one group keeps getting shat upon, eventually that group will stop offering their faces as a toilet.

A captured media means a media disproportionately owned and operated by one group, acting as both propaganda arm and communications director for one political party, reporting the same news the same way to push a particular narrative, and converging like an activated drone army to discredit, disallow, or dismiss any story or any person which threatens the media’s lock on perception management.

I’ve written about it before, but it’s worth repeating as often as I can until hearts and minds have opened to the possibility.

The leftoid media won’t change.


Leftoids are leftoids to the bone, and are too invested in their egos to ever see the light and act with integrity. Their allegiance is cast.

The only way to reform the media is by culling, preferably though mass firings, at least HALF of the leftoids marbled throughout the Media Indoctrination Complex. Executives, editors, copywriters, lowly beat reporters….half of them need to be tossed out and replaced with shitlords, nationalists, and realtalkers.

And HALF is the bare minimum. No guarantee that will do the trick, but it’ll be a start.

What the media is now is their own worst enemy. Isolated, insular, haughty, and drunk with power, they act unimpeded as a single entity to crush the hopes of Heritage Americans, swarming and devouring any Truth or Beauty that penetrates in the slightest their tailored veil of Lies and Ugliness.

And the media, when it lies, lies big and small — little snubs like not writing “President” before Trump, or labeling Republicans “Donald Trump’s Republicans” when they want to associate a possible House loss with Trumpism (something they’d never do with Obama); big snubs like refusing to report on the pantifa instigation of violence at C’ville, or exploiting a singular mass shooting to propagandize for more mass immigration and refugees which destroys heartland communities and further destabilizes American society.

There is HARDLY ANYONE nestled within the media ranks who will act as a check on colleagues cranking up the anti-White hate machine to “Seek and Destroy”. No one who will edit their colleagues’ anti-White pabulum for accuracy, or tone it down for decency. No one who will take a co-worker aside and say, “Hey, Noah, maybe you should lay off the anti-Trump hysterics”. No one who will chide a media apparatchik when the story is wrong, or hyperbolic, or misleading. No one who will manage the op-ed page for quality, providing a balance of voices or refusing ink space to the worst anti-Whites.

The change will have to come from outside the Ministry of Dupe. Fake News has proven itself INCAPABLE of policing itself. They are a runaway train of bitter rage, on a collision course with utter disgrace.

The change will come in two forms: a parallel media universe of Heritage Americans that deepens the partisan and cultural rift in America, and noble infiltrators who capitalize on moments of vulnerability in the Chaimstream Media that open when Trump baits them into revealing their disgusting bias.

I think, as tumultuous and uncertain as is this age we’re living through, I wouldn’t have it any other way. We have front row seats to a decades-old rotten corrupt system collapsing before our widened eyes. It is magnificent. And we were a big part of bringing it forth.

CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, NPR, Yahoo, AP, Reuters, Jeff Bezos’ Washington Post, Carlos Slim’s New York Times….your reign is coming to a close. And you did it to yourselves.


I prophecied,

We know the Left knows it’s over for them, because they are frantically trying to preserve their cultural influence NOT by being cleverer or insightful or interesting or cool but by silencing those who are clever, insightful, interesting, funny, and cool.

And that rarely works. At least, not without a tyrannical crackdown on, first, dissidents, and then on normies who become dissidents in the wake of the initial crackdowns.

Today, Gab was silenced for being a friend of unauthorized dissident crimethink (h/t guest),

Gab is up now but it sounds like it will be down tomorrow when the hosting provider pulls out. (((PayPal))) pulled the plug and (((Stripe))) did earlier. And shitlibs are cheering.

Do something, Trump.

Breaking: @joyent, Gab’s new hosting provider, has just pulled our hosting service. They have given us until 9am on Monday to find a solution. Gab will likely be down for weeks because of this. Working on solutions. We will never give up on defending free speech for all people. pic.twitter.com/YvnBOFoQQn


— Gab.com (@getongab) October 28, 2018

This is all about punishing the free-thinking collective for the actions of a mentally disturbed individual. As an off-site reader put it,

Aside from what is so unjust about this shut-down of Gab…I would add this company’s actions [joyent] against Gab strikes me as very [special people]: collective punishment. Tactic as old as the [special people] religion itself. What a coincidence.

Trump does have to do something, fast. He has to regulate these social media companies, internet hosting companies, and payment processor companies as common carriers. Do it!


Thought experiment: Knowing what we now know about how America is run, and feeling as we do now about where America is heading….if the Russians invaded our shores and stormed our cities and towns, would you be more apt to

a. fight them

b. stand idly by as they occupied your nation

c. actively aid and abet them?

I have a suspicion that 10-20% of Americans in 2018 would choose b or c on a truly anonymous survey, and by my calculus, those numbers indicate a severe decline in the health of our nationhood.


State Of The State Department

Word from a well-traveled and well-connected derring-doer is that the State Department is manned, floor to rafters, with hardcore globalist shitlibs who hate Trump and commit low to high level sedition every day attempting to undermine his Administration.

He says, without a hint of irony or glibness, that subversives within State will take Trump down if he doesn’t immediately clean house and fire at least three-quarters of the staff. He says, again sans glibness, that whatever negative blowback this will have on foreign relations is more than compensated for by removing an actively hostile threat to his Presidency, and he wonders why Trump has to date dropped the ball on this pressing matter. He presumes members of Trump’s inner circle are deliberately hiding State Department subterfuge from him, and if that’s the case, then the fix is in.

PS Three cheers for President Bolsonaro!


Keyser Sayoc Update

From earl,

Another shitlord just happened to find this interesting Florida law.

Long story short…his van would have been pulled over a long time ago.

The FBI was busy plastering those decals on overnight!

I wonder if there will ever be an interview with Pinoy-American Cesar Sayoc? I’m curious if he’ll deviate from the script and let slip a few anti-Narrative facts about his time as an amateur Fake Bomb maker?


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