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Unauthorized Thoughts

The killer of 32 people at Virginia Tech used a .22 caliber and a 9mm pistol.

Why wasn’t this guy rushed by anyone?  He’s calmly picking people off.  Bloodshed all around.  Imagine you’re there, trapped in that classroom.  You know you’re as good as dead if you just sit immobile like a juicy target, so you may as well lunge for him and drive your thumbs in his eyes.  You might still die, but you’ve improved your odds dramatically, especially if you go at him during a reload.  He’ll maybe get off one or two shots at you but handguns are notoriously inaccurate, especially when a person is running into your face disturbing your zen-like aiming.  You’d stand a good chance of him missing or you incurring a non-fatal flesh wound.

So a rude thought intrudes.  Engineering campus.  Nerds.  A taxonomy of guys who’ve probably run from fights their whole lives.  Total inexperience with summoning the warrior animal spirits.

There are times of crisis when brainy deliberation or pavlovian avoidance response will do a man no good.

Maybe the bullets were flying so fast, the killer so accurate (from marathon sessions of video gaming I bet), the timeframe so compressed, that in the chaos no one had an opportunity to do anything.  Well, except for this guy.

But if that’s not the case, then I’ll be uncharitable and ask…

did nerdiness cost lives?


In the event I ever feel compelled to ask a girl I am dating for her opinion on aspects of me that relate to my attractiveness to women in general, I always take into account the balance of power in our relationship.  If she perceives her value to be lower than mine, true or not, then I know not to expect an objective, unbiased opinion from her when discussing those things that might enhance my sexual marketability.

One such subject matter is fashion.  In an age when women are abandoning their natural calling to nurturing, monogamous relationships with reliable providers for the player lifestyle of serial flings practiced by men, the modern man has learned to accept that an eye-catching sense of style is an increasingly important tool in his efforts to sell himself to women.  But straight men are so far behind the fashion curveball that they have had to turn to the women in their lives for advice on how to dress seductively.  They usually turn to girlfriends.  This is a mistake.

No girlfriend has ever given me a straight answer on anything that wasn’t distorted in some way by her fear of losing me to another woman.  If I’m shopping for new clothes with a girl who is really into me, she’ll do her best to frump me out in baggy button down shirts a size too large and in formless Hanes Beefy T’s.


From her perspective, this makes perfect sense.  She is emotionally invested in me so the last thing she wants is for me to look good enough to other women to be a flight risk.  It will only make her more insecure having to deal with the flirtations of boyfriend-stealers.  If you have one of these girls in your life, don’t expect her to ever approve of that tight designer shirt tailored to accentuate your masculine ‘V’.  Your best bet is to go shopping with girl buddies who secretly harbor an infatuation with you.  They will act out their fantasies through the clothes they make you try on.     

Your other option is to date girls who think they are higher value than you.  This type of girl will actually work to make you look better because so much of her validation is wrapped up in how others judge her choice in boyfriend.  The trade-off is that you’ll be dating a self-absorbed princess.  But at least you’ll look good.


Double Standards

You hear it all the time from people who are getting shafted by reality.  “It’s so UNFAIR that guys get to do X with impunity while girls doing X suffer social stigma.”  They think by bitching like this and attempting to shame those who would live in harmony with double standards they can alter people’s behavior into something more to their liking (i.e., a non-status driven, non-materialistic, non-craven utopia of perfect loving LTRs where no one is left out and no one gets dumped and everyone has a soulmate and enough positive life-affirming experiences to share with their yenta friends in recipe-swapping blogs devoted to covering the fascinating minutiae of their funny, exciting, sexy, touching, poignant, growth-oriented lives.)

Then there are those who, when called out on their inconsistencies, deploy a swarm of sophistry intended to obfuscate and deny the existence of double standards because they are beneficiaries of them.  Acknowledging these truths would mean coming to terms with the fact that they, like everyone else, have at their core an animal nature.

Fuck that noize.  The truth of the matter is that double standards are necessary if you want to be halfway competent in your dealings with men and women.  As the author of “Looking Out for #1″ and “Winning Through Intimidation” wrote:

If you deny reality it will automatically work against you.*

Double standards are fixed features of life as a sexually reproducing social organism.  The modern career woman is miserable because she is constantly locking horns with men who won’t value her for her career achievement as much as for her hourglass figure and bedroom skills, while these same men admire and respect career dominance by other men.  Her refusal to come to grips with this essential double standard explains why so many hard-charging women have turned their backs on their own femininity and lost the art of female coquettishness and submissiveness.  Alpha men have responded by fucking and leaving these domineering gender impostors for cute waitresses.  Betas have responded in their own way — by assuming the doormat position and giving these feminists *exactly* what they claim they want.

The same goes for sluts.  A man who sleeps with many women gets high fives from his buddies and sexual interest from girls who can’t help their burning loins.  But girls who sleep around are socially ostracized, used by men and shunned by women.  It has always been and it will always be as long as a woman has 400 eggs to a man’s nearly infinite number of sperm.  Parents will treat their sons and daughters differently when dispensing advice on how to deal with the opposite sex and all the harpies with their multiple humanities degrees shrieking equalist platitudes to the high heavens will never change this.  It’s one thing to bloviate from a comfy tenured perch while your lesbian lover sucks ben wa balls out of your cooch from under the desk; it’s quite another to entrust the welfare of your children with the twisted lies of the Bitterati.

*pretty girls have some leeway with this rule. (at least for a while. heh.)

A handy pocket guide to the most common double standards:

male slut = lothario
female slut = desperate

male CEO = alpha
female CEO = bitch

male model = silly
female model = alpha

male nerd = loser
female nerd = cute

young male death = statistic
young female death = tragedy

male nurse = beta
female nurse = agreeable

male stripper = clown
female stripper = desirable

male sports star = role model
female sports star = butch


The Ultimate Cockblock

Behold, the toughest pickup challenge ever:

I sleep in a piano!

Two morbidly obese cockblocks.  One cokehead supermodel.  All three on the move.

Think you got what it takes to number close Kate Moss?  (the commenters are hilarious)

The BBW on the right sings for this band.  The music isn’t bad.  When I close my eyes tight and listen I can feel myself falling in love with her.


Every text or email or recordable instance of conversation you have with a girl must follow this simple rule:

If it were given a public airing, let’s say on a blog or a sports stadium jumbotron, you should feel comfortable with what you have written for the world to see.  You should not feel an urge to wince, because it will be clear to everyone reading it how alpha you are.  If the thought of someone other than you and your girl reading your permanently archived romantic exchanges makes you cringe with embarrassment, then you are doing something wrong that will eventually lead to your girl dumping you.

An example of texting* from a place of beta-tude:

YOU: Good morning, lovechop! 🙂 I had a gr8 time w u last nite!
HER: Me too.  Can’t wait to see you again.
YOU: U free this thurs? Miss u. Muaah muuah!
HER: Aw.  Thanks sweetie.  Call me later.
YOU: 😀  Will do! 🙂

People reading this will puke a little and say “What a lameass.  Like that’s gonna last.”

An example of texting from a place of alphaness:

YOU: {nothing}
HER: U there? Haven’t heard from u in a while.
YOU: Hey, babe. What’s up?
HER: The love last night was incredible! Have u been thinking of me?
YOU: Just a little.
HER: 🙂 Miss u already, baby.  Muuah!
YOU: {nothing}

The difference is clear.  This man has kept his responses shorter than his girl’s and intriguingly aloof.  He has refrained from emoting effusively.  An objective third party would say “He’s cool. Bet he gets laid a lot.”  You want to be a man people think gets laid a lot, even if you don’t.

*Avoid texting on a regular basis.  It is borderline beta.  A man should not have the empty time to punch in a frivolous conversation with a girl using only his thumb.


If you are the sort of vengeful prick who’d put real effort into bedding an ex just to turn the tables on her with a grandiose post-coitus exit, then you’ll need a proven method for achieving your goal.  One of the hardest feats to accomplish is re-igniting an ex-girlfriend’s attraction for you, especially if she initiated the breakup.  Unlike guys, who are perfectly OK with return trips to the well no matter how dry, women have a no-looking-back switch that, when flipped, desexualizes the man she had spent months or years enslaving with her body.  In her eyes, he is reduced to possessing the animal magnetism of a toll booth operator or a paperboy.  Once she has crossed this rubicon of fatal unattraction, his chances of re-bedding her dwindle to zilch.  You may think that the wild uninhibited sex bonded you two securely for the ages, but you can forget it – girls are creatures of the moment and if she dumped you you can bet she dumped all those memorable sex scenes, too.  She’s saving her inner dirty whore for a new man now.

Given this reality, your best bet for turning her around is to put your plan into action *before* she formally becomes your ex.   You have a short window of opportunity to do this.  The longer you have been with her the more warning she will give you with her change in behavior.  She won’t end a 2 year relationship overnight; you’ll have at least a month to clue in to the red flags.  Your number one priority, then, is recognizing the danger signals.  Infrequent or bland sex is of course an obvious indicator.  Look for delays in returning your calls and texts.  See if her eyes follow suit when she smiles (dead eyes are a dead giveaway).  Tone of voice will always betray a woman — musical when she’s happy, girlish when she’s affectionate, breathy when she’s horny, monotone when she’s lost respect for you.  Watch for contemptuous mannerisms like eye-rolling or tch-ing.  If she starts asking you strange questions or leading conversations down bizarre paths, that is her way of smoking you out.  She no longer trusts you to engage in normal playful conversation with you.  Go with your gut.  90% of the time it will be right.

Awareness of changes in her demeanor wins you half the battle.  You must also maintain complete state control.  If you give in to the rush of emotions that your traitorous brain floods you with when faced with an impending loss you will fail.  What is required of you is to CUT AND RUN before her doubts about you cement.  You must be the one to leave first.  Minimize face time.  Don’t call her.  Be friendly but ambiguous.  Don’t inquire into her life.  Laugh off her crappy attitude.  Most importantly, act as if nothing is wrong.  If she senses you are acting aloof out of spite the spell will be broken.  Eventually, she will wander back to you, bewildered and intrigued, filled with doubt about her hasty judgment.  You will resume a pattern of dating and sex that eerily resembles the first few weeks together.  NEVER give the game away that you knew she was losing attraction if you want to avoid rekindling her impression of you as a weak beta.

What I have described above is the ideal ex-GF strategy.  Like most ideals, hardly anyone lives up to them.  And with good reason – maintaining composure in the midst of a dying relationship you don’t want to end demands superhuman grace under pressure.  Only the strongest alphas with a solid stable of regulars can cavalierly brush off the prospect of one of his girls attempting to dump him.  He knows she won’t muster the willpower to leave, but if she does it won’t matter anyway.

The less experienced man caught offguard will need to learn the art of turning it around after her decision to leave is made but before she has reached the no-looking-back stage.  Chances of re-notch success are much lower once she has verbalized her need for space, but with proper post-relationship game you can improve your odds dramatically.  The key is in the timing.  A mathematician has shown that the dumper’s loneliness and nostalgia for the broken relationship peak at about 3 weeks after the breakup, unless she has found another man in the interim.  Therefore, your job is to let her go and not speak to her for 3 weeks.  This will amplify her feelings of loss.  Then, at her most vulnerable 3 weeks later, call to say hi.  Keep the convo short and friendly.  Chances are best right at this moment that she will offer to meet you for drinks.

You’ll notice the common denominator with these strategies.  They only work if you do the OPPOSITE of what the typical guy would do.  Very few men getting dumped would have the presence of mind to lay low and refrain from trying to talk her out of her decision.  But that is exactly the winning formula.  Your breezy indifference will win back more exes than all the post-breakup talks in the world.  Lean back, reap your bounty, and if you’ve got the balls calmly tell her after the post-breakup violation of all her holes “Eh, you know, I shouldn’t have taken you back.  This isn’t going to work.”


Endless Dating

How long is too long to stay in the dating game? The primary reason for the psychological unease and emotional instability of so many modern women and to a different extent modern men resides in the irresolvable tension between our ancient biological inheritance and the relatively recent emergence of the high-tech rootless world of unparalleled mate choice we now inhabit. 

It would shock most people if they were to be transported back in time to when humans lived in small tribes to see young girls having babies at 14 and again at 14 years and 9.5 months.  There are subsistence cultures that behave this way today.  The bulk of our pre-history was spent in conditions like this so it is no wonder that our brains are having trouble coping with a radically different environment where childbirth is routinely put off until the mid-30s, if at all, and rejection by a woman no longer means banishment to the icy wastelands of celibate metadeath when a man need merely walk to the other side of a bar to try again.

One consequence of this new paradigm is the absurd number of years spent in the dating circuit.

Women are designed by nature to begin the next generation not much older than age 25.  Her risk of miscarriage or fetal abnormalities increases each year after that and exponentially so after 35.  Her body begins to wear down which affects how much energy she can devote to raising small children.  If she has not found a suitable mate by her late 20s she will begin to notice that those powerful feelings of infatuation she felt for crushes when she was younger, perfectly created by evolution to bring a man and woman together to make babies, now seem muted and foggy.  This in turn will sap the dating experience of the best things it has going for it – namely, the spontaneity, the euphoria, the intense drive to connect – and leave behind a desiccated simulacra of dating that more closely resembles haggling over a business deal or suffering through a job interview.  Overthinking replaces lust.

It is an embittering realization.

Men, too, have had to adjust under the new system.  Anthropologically-speaking, it wasn’t so long ago that a man (or his immediate kin) blew his entire wad of hard-earned social and material capital wooing one or two women over the course of his natural lifespan.  In a pre-birth control age when the first deflowering blast inside a woman often meant conception followed by years of fatherhood there were limits on just how many female sex partners the average man could accumulate in a lifetime.  The rigorous experience of winning over and keeping the best quality woman he could afford and then providing for their kids soon thereafter meant that serial dating was not a typical feature of life.  Dating 40 or 50 different women in a year and jumping haphazardly in and out of 3-month mini-relationships is a peculiarity of modern life for which men are not optimized.  The energy requirement is enormous.  Men have adapted to this stressful cycle of meet-attract-close-keep by either settling and marrying the first girl that would have them (usually high school sweethearts who have not lived enough to acquire unrealistically picky standards) or by hardening themselves against the judgment of women and learning to play the numbers game.

The game begat the player.

In the gigantic atomized urban tribe of any big city playing the numbers is not the high risk strategy it once was for our distant male ancestors who were often locked out of any future matings when a pickup attempt went awry and the target or cockblock would run and tell the whole tribe what a loser he is.  Today, the proximity of exes has very little impact on potential future conquests.  For men, this has bought them virtually unlimited opportunity to get laid.  For women, this has robbed them of one of their most potent weapons in ensuring that only the fittest males get access to their vaginas — the withering ostracization of their sexual rejection.

On the flipside, men have lost confidence in the fidelity of their chosen partners while women have gained unstigmatized sexual freedom allowing them to play the field until the perfect man finally arrives to sweep them off their feet.

I do not think the current reality of endless dating can last.  Something must give.  Either humans will evolve into different social animals capable of withstanding decades of hookups and fragmentary relationships without turning to the comforts of cats and internet porn, or those people who serially date and delay childbirth will not have enough kids and natural selection will remove them from the gene pool as a failed experiment.  Either way, change is in the air.


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