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Ready to unload a withering guffaw? While reporting on migrant squatters loitering in Rome’s streets, an Italian leftoid news anchoress was assaulted live on camera by the same swarth-saharan trash for whom she was trying to drum up sympathy.

mamma kek-a!

First, this media globowhore is HOT. Would bang, multiple positions, multiple times. I might have to apply bronzer, dress like a jihadi, and warm up my pimp hand to get her interested though.

Bella Francesca is a data point in favor of my personal theory that at the high end of female SMV, Italian women (along with French women) are among the hottest on the planet. Too bad they aren’t reproducing and their countries will soon be swarming with hairy awrah. 4,000 years of unique evolutionary phenotypes down the drain in three generations. OH WELL DAT SWEET EUROSLUT HSMV HAD A GOOD RUN.

Second, this YouTube comment:

The Hungarian speaks the truth.

PS Word has it YouTube has already taken down a number of copies of this video, so catch it now before the One World Governing Panel on Affirmative Censorship memory holes this one.

PPS Related: commenter Passer By compiled a thorough list of stats (with source links provided) that proves women are more left-wing and pro-immigrant invasion than are men.


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