The Jan 21, 2017 Bitter Bitch March can be explained, in part, as the mass hysteria of childless women seeking the drama in their lives that their childlessness denies them. Reader Days of Broken Arrows writes,
Women are psychologically built to deal with drama, because nothing is more drama-inducing that having to deal with a baby or a toddler.
But if there are no kids, women still have the psychological need for drama. So they create it. In most cases it’s in their personal lives, but what you’re seeing with this march is that drama being acted out on a mass scale.
This is ultimately the mass insanity caused by a country that insisted on women having careers instead of families. The fact that women now live longer than ever (thanks to the ingenuity of Beta MALE scientists) means there will probably be a lot more of this to come.
This is insightful. American White women — and Western White women in general — have the easy life, all whims catered to, all conceptions thwarted, all egos stroked. Their abject sexual liberation and child-free lifestyles — and recall the Chateau maxim: “the goal of feminism is to remove all constraints on female sexuality while maximally restricting male sexuality” — has made them yearn for submission to a greater dramatic power. Now that God is gone and the patriarchy is prostrate and supplicating boringly drama-free beta males orbit them like cosmic dust, to whom do these placated women submit?
Islam. Leftoid equalism. The cock carousel. And finally, they submit to incoherent rage fueled by the dying eggs of their childless wombs. Ashley Judd’s “Nasty Woman” recitation on stage at the Bitter Bitch March before a squealing crowd of whores and harpies is emblematic; her “poem” was a psychotic, obscene fusillade of nonsense and man-hatred. A more iconic representative of the inchoate mentality and emotional infantilism of modern feminism would be hard to find. A literal crazy bag lady screeched like a loony toon as half a million sympatico spinsters and sluts metaphorically scissored her cunty discharge.
Childlessness and cresting sexual worthlessness are the two unspoken, subconscious psychological drivers impelling the scattershot and scatterbrained “protests” of the women who went to the Bitter Bitch March. Not all of them; I’m sure there were one or two women who just wanted to get a coffee and got caught up in the crowd on the way.
Strip away the sound and nagging of the bitterbitches, signifying nothing, and you are left with the sad tragic realities of their lives. Childless Ashley Judd with the dead womb six feet under a mound of piling regret is Exhibit C(unt). Here is a photo of her ex-husband with his new wife, who just had his baby.

Leave yourself little doubt that this excruciating reality of Ashley Judd’s personal life — alone and old, looking from the outside at her ex-husband’s happy life with his glowingly beautiful new wife and his new child — colors everything she does. She is a “nasty woman”, but not because she wants to crush the patriarchy or Trump, or make a bold stand for on-demand abortion. She’s a nasty woman because her heart is small and black, poisoned with envy and regret, with nothing but ugly feminist anthems to alleviate the pain of spinsterhood and cratering SMV that consumes her.
The #BitterBitchMarch BitterBitchMarch was
1. childless libchicks looking for drama
2. old hags yearning for lost sexual relevance
3. their weak men
A collection of modern America’s MASS SCALE losers, venting their pain and frustration at a man the media helpfully caricatured into Hitler reborn, descended on DC with binders full of slogans and chants…..and complete obliviousness to the real reason for their torments: an atomized society on the verge of cracking apart while their worst excesses are glorified and their true contentment demonized.
A nation’s women never self-immolated so spectacularly. As marriage rates continue to fall, and age of first marriage continues to rise, and childlessness follows in the wake of two decades spent cock hopping, paper pushing, and mimosa chugging, prepare yourselves for more hysterical female fireworks. There’s a lot of ruing in a nation.
The #BitterBitchMarch Bitter Bitch March was the death rattle of feminism. The truth about the sexes and their innate differences will have a resurgence. Like I predicted, this march #BitterBitchMarch was shitlib women’s “good cry” after a bad breakup with normal America. Out of their system!
