Evidence of the corrosive effects of subspecies diversity forced into close proximity is found everywhere in the human, animal, and now plant kingdoms.
Via Uncensored Science,
This is fascinating study on kin selection / inclusive fitness where it’s shown that plants show more cooperation with other plants to which they are more closely related.
In other words, plants are racist.

From the abstract:
Kin recognition is important in animal social systems. However, though plants often compete with kin, there has been as yet no direct evidence that plants recognize kin in competitive interactions. Here we show in the annual plant Cakile edentula, allocation to roots increased when groups of strangers shared a common pot, but not when groups of siblings shared a pot. Our results demonstrate that plants can discriminate kin in competitive interactions and indicate that the root interactions may provide the cue for kin recognition. Because greater root allocation is argued to increase below ground competitive ability, the results are consistent with kin selection.
Globohomoists and assorted one world socialists are sorely mistaken if they think they can force competing races of humans to share a “common pot”, instead of their miserable utopia collapsing as each tribe increases its “allocation to roots” to make certain that they suck up all the gibs nutrients while the other groups pay for it with their own withered root systems.
There’s a revealing analogy to draw between plant and human diversity sharing common soil without the common blood: we often cannot see the worst and longest-lasting consequences of diversity because we are so hopefully focused on the crippled little fruits and flowers that manage to grow in the low trust environment of a shared “common pot” while missing the raging tribal root wars occurring underneath the soil which, over time, cause all the competing plant species to wither and die, leaving the surface a desolate wasteland of invasive weeds and lifeless soil, or dominated by one plant that has successfully crowded out the soil space with its aggressive and well-hidden (until it’s too late to reverse once noticed) root tendrils.
A reader notices,
Potatoes, tomatoes, and peppers grow well together in gardens. They are all members of the nightshade family of plants, as is tobacco.
“Germans, English, and Dutch grow well together in nation-states. They are all members of the Inner Hajnal family of Northwest Europeans, as are the Danes.”
Eco suaveeee….
Keepin’ it real…bountiful.