I almost can’t believe what I read anymore, but it’s real.
Twatter considering labeling Trump tweets that violate rules
A Twitter executive on Wednesday said the company is considering a new feature that will label tweets from politicians, including President Trump, when they violate Twitter rules.
Vijaya Gadde, Twitter’s head of legal, policy, and trust and safety, at a Washington Post event on Wednesday said the company might start annotating offensive tweets from public figures with a message about why they remain up.
Vijaya Gadde.

“One of the things we’re working really closely on with our product and engineering folks is, ‘How can we label that?’”
Shitlibs really love to label stuff. So much labeling. So much psychological projection.
Gadde said during the Post event. “How can we put some context around it so people are aware that that content is actually a violation of our rules and it is serving a particular purpose in remaining on the platform?”
Rules are made to appease tokens.
Gadde was responding to a question about whether Trump is allowed to say whatever he wants on Twitter.
“When we leave that content on the platform there’s no context around that and it just lives on Twitter and people can see it and they just assume that is the type of content or behavior that’s allowed by our rules,” Gadde said.
This smug arrogant foreign ingrate who deigns to silence the voice of the American people. My teeth are on edge.
Hey Mr. President, a few suggestions:
Trump has used his Twitter account to insult and berate his foes, including news organizations, Democrats, actors and more, raising questions from critics about why Twitter does not step in.
That’s a nice bit of editorializing from EMILY BIRNBAUM.
Hey, I wonder why Twatter doesn’t “step in” when all those chaimstream media whores and propagandists constantly insult and berate Trump and his voters?
We’re giving our country away to people who hate us, hate our principles, hate our ideals, hate our values, and hate our heritage.
And we’re still listening to these invaders in the year 2019. smh