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“look at me i am powerful wahman with my fake bushy manbrows”

I figure mentally ill broads like this one paint on these thick fake manbrows to appear more aggrocuntish. You know, “I am woman hear me screech” ego assuaging. But now I wonder if it might be a subconscious expression of latent pathological narcissism.

Narcissists have thicker, denser, more distinct eyebrows, according to a new study

according to a new study, published in the Journal of Personality, you may be able to detect a narcissist by focusing on one particular facial feature — their eyebrows.

Researchers Miranda Giacomin and Nicholas Rule recruited participants to look at the faces of people who were all across the narcissistic spectrum, from a normal level to full blown narcissist — and it turned out they were pretty good at identifying them.

Strangely, when participants were shown pictures of just the eyebrows, they could correctly identify the narcissists too.

They highlighted femininity, grooming, and distinctiveness when they picked out the narcissists, but results showed it was distinctiveness that was key — narcissists tended to have darker, thicker, more distinctive eyebrows.

Eyebrows make our faces more recognisable, and in recent years they have become something of a fashion statement. Narcissists may like to make a statement with their brows so to tantalise potential love interests and make an impression.

As the authors wrote, they might “seek to maintain distinct eyebrows to facilitate others’ ability to notice, recognise, and remember them; thereby increasing their likability and reinforcing their overly positive self-views.”

It could also simply be because eyebrows give away more social messages than we realise. They are important for our facial expressions, but could also reveal subtle, subconscious information too.

I predict what we’ll find out in the coming years as the genetic and biological sciences advance is that physiognomy is real; that there are thousands of these connections between the personality/behavior and the physical appearance which clue us into a person’s character.

The story of the 21st Century will be science vindicating the “discredited” wisdom of the 19th Century.

“The ability to identify dark personality traits at zero-acquaintance provides particular value for avoiding exploitation and manipulation,” the researchers wrote.

Sounds like pattern recognition aka racism & sexism to me. BURN THE HERETIC

ps “at zero-acquaintance” would make a great movie title.

“The increasing incidence of narcissism underscores this value. Fortunately, people can accurately judge others’ narcissism based on how they act, what they say, what they wear, and what their faces look like.”

Sociopathy and narcissism are increasing in America. Our fracturing social contract (thanks, Diversity!) is allowing con men and narcissists to flourish and exploit the growing number of weak links in the system, the declining cooperativeness, and the increasing inanity and infantilism. The War against Noticing is really a War against Not Being Exploited. It’s in the interest of the exploiters to keep the exploited dumb, gullible, and fearful to act in their interest.

Plus, I’m getting tired of women ritualistically uglifying themselves according to the tenets of a vapid man-hating pussyhat ideology.


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