Recall the CH maxim “the God of Biomechanics will not be disavowed” while reading this 2017 study which found that men have choosy sperm, subconsciously and autonomically saving their best loads for the hottest babes. From the study:

Although men are (relative to women) indiscriminate in which women they’ll bang, their sperm pick up the discriminating slack, releasing tepid disfigured dribbles for plain janes and explosive jizz missiles for HB10s. The Virgin Cum Bubble vs the Chad Jizz Rip.
Most interestingly, HSMV men produce higher quality sperm loads for attractive women, suggesting that the limbic system somehow knows on a primal level beneath conscious awareness that hotter women deserve better sperm to increase the likelihood of conception, and the id-testes axis of love is able to call up these elite soldier sperms for duty as needed.
Truly remarkable stuff, when you think on it, and one can just imagine the cognitive shutdown that is induced in feministards by lovefacts like this one.
Also noteworthy:
- women fake orgasms and moan during sex to make their betaboys feel like they are loved (and their alpha toys to feel like they should stick around)
- fresh pussy is intoxicating to men, from their forebrains all the way to their testicles
- “men who engage in fewer mate guarding behaviors produce higher quality ejaculates”: betas mate guard, alphas assume the sale. If you catch yourself mate guarding too much, you are probably driving your woman away from you.
If this research reminds you of an older CH post, well, your memory is reliable:
How your body responds to a woman during sex tells the tale. The hotter I find the girl, the better the sex is, all else being equal. Since men remember sex acts with crystal clear clarity, it’s easy for me to recall the exact specifications of my sexual encounters with each woman in my life. Not to put too fine a point on it, but my jizzbombs were heavier and the distance ejected farther with the prettier girls. Since this is something I cannot consciously control, it is proof of the innate characteristics of the male sex drive.
SCIENCE has sucked my dong so much I need a lengthy refractory period to give it the quality sperm it begs me for.
“CH, give me your thotkiller sperms!”
“Baby, only the best for you.”