Trump fired FBI Director and Derp State cog in the Gay Mulatto machine Jim Comey. My first reaction was “It’s about time!”, but now that I’ve had a moment to reflect I think Trump’s timing was perfect. He waited until after the recent Capitol Hill testimony with Clapper, who once again had to admit there was no evidence (with the politicized “yet” implied) of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, thus giving Trump a handy soundbite reason for the firing.
Trump’s signed dismissal letter to Comey was savage. A most public of public humiliations. It has earned Trump the coveted Shiv of the Week (his first? CH archivists are busy confirming).

LEGENDS OF BRUTALITY. One must appreciate Trump’s secondary shiv slipped between the ventricles of the media-dem grouplove reacharound alliance, where he reminds them that Comey had thrice informed Trump he wasn’t under investigation, before tearing Comey’s heart out by concurring with the DOJ’s judgement of Comey’s ineffectiveness.
This comment from jimbojones had me chuckling,
Comey had to go after his shenanigans over the last 12 months. The only thing Trump should be blamed for is that he didn’t fire Comey earlier. Though a firing this prominent requires political capital – it’s not an easy thing to do.
The Democrats, by the way, are now deeply divided. Half of them think that Trump is profoundly disloyal for firing the man who put him in the White House. And the other half think that Trump is trying to cover up the nefarious and so far invisible Russian intervention. They are, however, united in having forgotten that they all called for Comey’s head last November.
Goodbye, Comey, you freak! I wonder if we will ever know what the hell you were doing. I personally think you didn’t know, either.
I have inside info through let’s say two degrees of acquaintance that Comey is a die-hard shitlib and slavish thecunt lackey. You can bet that had Trump not fired this Creep State operative he would have had to endure eight years of Comey publicly preening about his ongoing Russia investigation and undermining Trump’s agenda every step of the way. In other words, if you want that Trump Wall, Comey had to fall.
Strategically, Trump also waited until he had the gallows rolled in for treasonous scumbag Democreeps to hang themselves with their own rope. For instance, here’s Cryin’ Chuck Schumer (a slithery venomous reptile even by the standards of his ilk) hating Comey before loving Comey.
White House passes out past Schumer statements of no confidence on Comey
— Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) May 9, 2017
And that bully went HA HAAW. There’s so much more in this vein. A cottage industry exists of shitlords trawling Twatter for reams of contradicting pronouncements on Comey from Democreeps who hated him before they thought he was an ally giving credence to their Trump Derangement Syndrome.
How bad is the snarklib “who, whom?” inconsistency and hypocrisy? Check this: phaggalicious Colbert’s studio audience initially cheered with approval when Colbert announced Comey’s firing, before realizing they were supposed to boo when Colbert corrected them that Comey had been fired at the behest of AG Sessions. Congratulations, Colbert, your audience is a freak show of emotionally incontinent tards who can’t think for themselves.
Back to Trump, you can bet he’s sitting in a very strong position to make this ballsy move. The Russia stuff was never credible, and Trump knew it. He let the Dems walk out to the edge of insanity with their RUSSIA PUTIN shrieking, and now they’ll only triple down on it, cause what else have they got? The typical Democreep was calling for Comey’s ouster when they were accusing him of throwing the election to Trump, and now they’re Team Comey when they think his dismissal benefits Trump. The normie American will see right through this tribalistic Fake Outrage by the Left.
Trump is setting the stage for another Dem catastrophe in the midterms. Shit is gonna start coming out now about the mulatto’s program of illicit surveillance of Trump and surrogates. The leaks by rank-and-file agents who hated Comey’s partisanship and grandstanding will flow like a river. I expect the DC drama to get much uglier, and there’s no possible resolution that helps the Dems.
Comey’s tenure was doomed in the Trump Era. Just remember what this guy did for the mincing mulatto.
Comey earned his firing on July 5th of last year, when he went along with Loretta Lynch’s fiction that it was up to him to decide whether or not to seek prosecution of Hillary Clinton. That wasn’t his job, and it is not within the scope of the AGs powers to delegate her powers to the FBI director. He was providing political cover for the Obama administration and the Democratic party. Trump was right to fire him. He would have been right to fire him on January 20th.
You don’t kill the snake by grabbing its tail. That only enrages it. You aim for the snakehead. The writhing body will arterially expunge traitorous obamacrats once the head is gone. Trump flexed his power with the firing of Comey, and now he has to get rid of Clintonista #2 at FBI. Once he has his MAGAmen in charge, the swamp-draining will proceed almost automatically.
You know who’s shitting cunt-shaped bricks this morning? Hillary. And possibly the gay mullato xirself. A new sheriff’s coming to town, and he don’t owe the degenerate freak mafia a thing. These two treacherous narcissistic zombies want to keep their ugly mugs in the media, undermining Heritage America at every chance, then they can expect Trump and his new loyal FBI director will make the spotlight uncomfortably hot for them.
Trump is performing a valuable governmental service besides draining the swamp; he’s showing cuckservatives how to win again. And some of them are starting to believe. They feel it, and it feels good; nothing feels better than a hard fight with T levels pumped to maximum fortitude.
PS Anyone remember that Syrian air strike? Yeah, that’s what I thought. Big to-do about nothing. Go choke on your black pills, Trump turncoats.
PPS Here’s video of Putin reacting to the Comey firing by doing what should be the default mode for anyone interacting with the media: humiliating the reporter.