Dirty Randy wonders how to evade a typical substance-free leftoid attack.
You can see the Hivemind formulating their comeback: “They must be Stormfronters.” What’s the proper way to respond? Ignore and plow? Agree and amplify?
A number of game concepts could work here.
“You’re gonna love my jackboots kicking you in your nutless sack.”
“Answer the question. What do you think of the black on white rape stats? Do you deny them?”
Reframe the ad hominem
“Beats being a member of the gaypedoface club.”
Increase The Voltage
“You must be wearing a buttplug right now. Do you take it out for a breather once in a while?”
Patronize Your Enemy
“Why are you so afraid of honest discussion?”
Dismissive Mastery
I’m sure the more skilled game practitioners in the studio audience could come up with a few more effective counterattacks. It shouldn’t be hard. What the hell kind of semantic weaponry do shitlibs have besides squealing like stuck piglets and stamping their wee hooves with DEFCON 1 butthurt?
FYI, the Chateau Heartiste blog recently passed 70 million total views.

Too bad it’s not a dollar per view. 🙁