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Monthly Archive for June, 2007

Blue State Euphemism Day

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The Pump

“The pump is better than coming in a woman.”* It’s been a long while.  Some nagging injuries and laziness have kept me out of the gym (I mean the real gym with plates of iron, not the one you froo froos go to for your spin classes and low impact hiney-toning spazrobics), but I’ve returned. … Read more

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Dear fruit of my loins,  You’re not getting any inheritance.  I plan to blow the whole wad on booze, traveling, and Ukrainian hookers.  I’m going out with a smile on my face.  So prepare for your future. Forget about a college fund.  You think I want to sock away a hefty percentage of my take-home … Read more

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The Washington City Paper has an article about DC’s eligible bachelors — the guys who catcall women on the street. Of course, it’s not the catcalling (or the flirting or the leering or whatever) that’s the problem; it’s who’s doing it.  If [insert favorite male actor/rockstar] were to Ay, Mami! women in the bar or … Read more

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I’ve been reading this book which claims that the workplace future belongs to right-brain thinkers.  I don’t entirely buy the author’s argument (can the U.S. really run on nothing but humanities majors?), but he does include some interesting “creativity enhancing” exercises in the back of the book, one of which is to write a mini-narrative … Read more

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…for laughing.  I’m not a fan of goofball humor to attract girls.   She’ll laugh her way straight into a platonic friendship with you.  This is especially true during the critical first few minutes of meeting her when you are trying to get her to ponder the possibility of sleeping with you.  Droll, clever humor, dispensed sparingly, is more … Read more

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In this era of financially independent women and easy no fault divorce, it’s time to retire the cultural appendage of johns paying to marry their whores. Since men give up more when they marry, the women oughta be paying them.

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“I’m Saving Myself for an Asshole”

Last minute resistance is how players describe the general tendency of women to throw hip checks and shoulder blasts right before the blessed consummation.  Guys who are unable to control their state at this critical juncture, when they are at their horniest, will fail the LMR test.   If you’re a new age sensitive man you could give her a … Read more

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Your friend leaves this voicemail for you: yeah, lemme guess, you’re at a sidewalk cafe, a little table, watching people walk back and forth, having a croissant or quiche, drinking some imported beer and making snide comments. and you were, in fact, doing exactly that. my hair is windblown indoors!

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…for straight men.  It’s not usually what guys think of when they’re choosing happy hunting grounds, but the gay bar has many advantages going for it that the typical hetero bar does not.  The key is to limit your forays to the dainty side to informally gay bars.  These are the establishments that don’t attempt to skirt … Read more

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