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Women by their nature want to submit to a man; the only question is to which men they will submit.

Hint: It’s not weak yes-men who flatter feminists’ childish world views.

Canadian Friend winces with disgust at the wont of the fairer sex,

A bit off topic,

another submissive feminist,

take a look at the prime minister of Ontario ( population 14,000,000 ) a lesbian feminist, a strong independent woman who turns into a submissive woman and acts as if she is inferior to men the second she steps into a mosque

they made her wear a veil and sit separately from men, a woman who is in charge of 14 million Canadians, she became docile like a battered wife, like a battered dog in the presence of muslim men.

I’m looking for s stronger word than scandalous.

the photo alone is mind bogglingly shocking. ( first link large photo + second link details by Milo )



“Wynne didn’t complain about degradation of women. Nor did she, although gay, say a word about the statements of the imam at the mosque she visited.”

Let’s just say the imam’s words would easily qualify as hate speech under the Berkeley code of acceptable discourse.

The GAYNADIANS are the most nauseatingly cucked of the Anglosphere nations. At the very top of GAYNADA power prances an effete SJW closet case, Justine Truvada.

Did the Russians hack the GAYNADIAN food supply and slip megatonnes of soy into the poutine and Horton’s hot beverages? The only grace that is saving GAYNADA’s bacon for the time being is their skills-based immigration system, but expect that to be challenged in short order and overturned in even shorter order.

But never mind GAYNADA, an afterthought of a country. The real issue illuminated by this story is the BIG MISTAKE it has been handing the reins of power over to women. And especially to lesbian ferengi-faced women. We can see in technirainbow glory how hypersignaling women are driving the West off a cliff, as they sneer at and belittle their own White men, (who can’t stop sucking up to feminist twats for POZitive press in the VeryFakeNews papers), while literally sitting shoeless and veil-clad in the mosque dunce corner at the demand of dumbfuck sand wops, submitting to the strong horse quicker than you can say “Obama is a secret Muslim”.

Feminism is the final shit test because if we men of the West don’t pass it — i.e., brutally ridicule and ostracize women like Wynne — then the West will fall into the hands of men who don’t pass shit tests….they give them. And feminists will happily, joyously, even relievedly, oblige their patriarchal supplanters.


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