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Society is a racial construct, and reader Heinrich creates a parallel with the HB (hot babe) 1-to-10 scale,

If it is true what many scientists say that culture correlates with genetics, what does it mean in the real world? Can we sum it up like this:

– pure white civilization: A dream, you do not have to lock your car, you do not have to lock your house. If you happen to lose your wallet, there is a fair chance that your door-bell we be rung, followed by the words “Excuse me Sir, is this your wallet?”. Having sex with a HB 9 is equivalent.
– white civilization spotted with little dots made of people who either admire the host civilization or are at least friendly towards the host: Minor disruption WILL occur, for example Octopus being dried in the student dormitory. The piano student’s honest apology, her demure smiling will make life quality peak at 6 or 7
– white civilization enriched with dots made of people who either oppose the host civilization or are mortal enemies: hell on earth. Goats are being butchered in the dormitory’s bathtub. No excuses, no apologies, no trust, death threats, civil war. Andrea Dworkin is your wife. HB0.

It’s funny cuz it’s a paler shade of true. HB9 White civilizations would be Scandinavia (until recently), enclaves within the nations of Continental Europe (Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, Holland, Germany, France), rural England, and parts of America (New England, the northern plains). The problem is that these are HB9s with a bad case of BPD. Crazy ingenues who are busy importing drama into their lives. Very self-destructive girls, so leave them before they leave your country a wreck.

HB6-7 White civilizations would be Scandinavia (now), urban France and England, large swaths of Germany, Spain, Italy, Greece, Belgium, heartland (read: cucked) America. I’ll include the East European nations here too, even though they are not very diverse. EEs are by nature more clannish and corrupt so you’ll have to lock your car door. The EE women are HB9s and HB10s relative to worldwide womanhood, so they have that going for them, which is more than nice.

The HB0 White civilizations are urban shitholes in America, large swaths of California and the Southwest, the black belt parts of the South, the asian-skype dystopias emerging in the technopolises, the banlieue of France, the MENA migrant settlements sprouting up all over Germany and Scandinavia, and London.

I’m sure I haven’t covered all the possibilities, but you get the idea. HB9 Whitopias are a vanishing sight, while the FUG0s of White civ are proliferating. Sex with Andrea Dworkin, forever, with the lights on, is the future of White civilizations. *shudder*


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