1. “…a culture saturated with vulgar freedomism…” Must-read. An interview with a philosopher (white male privilege alert) who blessedly makes his cogent points without the usual philosophy major linguistic legerdemain. And in that pussy protection program known as National Review, too. Briefly: The FUCK YOU DAD rotten fruit of the Enlightenment project that lifts the autonomous individual above all other aesthetic and moral considerations is destroying the West. A corporate-government alliance is the new Church. Best insight: Marx will be warmly revisited by conservatives (as opposed to cuckservatives) for his early years wisdom and prescience about our current decline.
2. Diversity + proximity = white on white war, too. I think this is true until such time that the Diversity™ is so great and its curses so obvious that a sine qua non white identity emerges and a new, if temporary and reactive, white racial alliance forms.
3. “Detachment cultivates human alienation, which draws more people to answer to the call of the mass state’s [ed: and globo-corporation’s] mob.” How to escape the age of mass delusion.
4. Millionaire tech nerds don’t know how to talk to women, news at 11.
5. GoodWhite SWPLs who smugly pride themselves on living in vibrant, diverse cities aren’t really living with diversity. Next time you’re at one of their hipster warehouse parties, tell them Anchorage, Alaska is more integrated than their beatific gentrified hood. Sure to liven the mood. Well, your mood at any rate.
6. Age of Reason. Peter Frost is one of my favorite “big picture” writers.
7. Men are abandoning marriage, and it’s fair to lay some of the blame on women.
8. Related: The bitter harvest of feminism.
9. The American media are corrupt, malign, dishonest, incompetent and perfectly OK with all that. They are discredited. Response? Disengage.
10. A Yankee Loses His Shit. Great rant. Spot on. Yankees are insufferable pricks. And nothing worse than a smug prick whose identity is wrapped up in ten layers of ego-assuaging lies.