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Shemale Acceptance

Shemale Acceptance (or Trannyfreak Acceptance), like its deviant cousin Fat Acceptance, is humiliation agitprop intended to pressure normal people to believe patently ridiculous things, and therefore betray their own natural instincts and common sense.

For instance, here’s a diary entry from the now utterly debased JYTimes, written by Parker Molloy, who tries to get you to believe that Twatter’s ban on “deadnaming” — calling trannyfreaks by their pre-mental illness birth names — promotes free speech.

Yes, banned speech is free speech. Welcome to 1984, FOREVER.

Obligatory phyzz reveal:

Could be a man, could be a woman. You’ll never know!

The NYTimes is basically the sequel to 1984 that Orwell would write if he lived today.

From a Defier,

I agree with Enoch’s take: tranny shit is a global scale shit test. If you will fall in line for this, you’ll fall in line for whatever is required.

Shemale acceptance is the Globohomo version of 2+2 = 5. Enoch is right. Our ruling degenerates rightfully figure that if Americans can be shamed to call a man a woman or vice versa, they will be fodder for any sort of nation-crippling globalist agenda item.

Diversity is strength.
Race is a social construct.
Love wins.
White privilege.

And it’s working. Trump’s election victory was a howl from the uncorrupted part of America’s heart, but the necrosis hasn’t stopped advancing. We are running out of time to reclaim healthy flesh from a dying America.


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