Sung to the tune of AWOLNation’s “Sail”, a brilliant parody of the dogmatic leftoid hivemind (h/t Jay in DC):
BTW the lyrics on that ‘cover’ NPC version of AWOLNation are fucking comedy gold, a sample:
♫♫ FEEL!!
I’ve got no inner monologue
I bow before the Syangogue
Maybe I’m an NPC, babyThis is how the ego dies
I’m taking my SSRIs
Maybe I’m an NPC baby.Feel!
Feel! ♫♫lzolzolzolzolzolzolozlol dude nailed it
Leftoids really don’t think for themselves, so this meme hits them right in the….feels.
Jay adds that this timeline is unbeatable,
does anyone else find it absurd and ironic and somewhat befitting of clown world that Taylor Swift who was meme’d into Third Reich ubermensch status has come out as a virtue signaling shitlib and her nemesis Kanye fucking West! is /ourguy/
That is some bizarro world type shit, innit?
Abandon Boomer tropes, all Ye who enter here.
PS Paul Watson has a good take on the NPC meme phenomenon:
I know PJW catches flak from some quarters of the Maul-Right, but I think his vids are polished explainers about the shitlib insanities of the day that effectively reach a normie audience.
PPS I wonder if MPC will see a bump in traffic from people mistyping searches for “NPC”?
PMS Anglin has a funny take on the NPC shiv. (It’s been promoted from meme to shiv status, based on the anguished wails coming from butthurt leftoids.)

Here’s another great follow-up NPC post by Anglin, riffing on the JYTimes coverage of the meme.
[The NPC meme] speaks to the core nature of this unhinged leftist mob: that they are not real, that their entire lives are faked, that their emotional state is the result of a marketing campaign.
It trivializes all of them in the most brutal conceivable way.
Spot on.