Shitlibs are working themselves into another anal lube froth, this time over the prospect of Oprah running for president in 2020. A negression to the mean ousting orange hitler? Collective lib splooge!
So this is a good time to keep reminding them that Grope-rah was an enabler of Harvey Swinestein’s pervtastic predations. Groprah was in the thick of it, running interference for Harvey, and probably grooming young actresses for him with promises of access and fame. She may as well have been holding harvey’s dick over the potted ficus.
Every time shitlibs catch a whiff of a heroine coming to save them from Trump’s Reich, it turns out she’s as tits-deep in depravity and mendacity as the rest of their icons. The Fuggernaut will never have an ally or an hero who isn’t compromised by association with their ugliness.
PS Drudge is drenching his panties over Grope-rah. Maybe he should put up the red alert for real news, such as James Damore’s individual and class-action lawsuit against Goolag. The anti-American, degeneracy-glorifying, anti-White male tech monopolies are GOING DOWN.