These are the Alabama pastors who “rallied in opposition” to Roy Moore.
Steve Sailer calls it “the Coalition of the Fringes”. I call it The Fuggernaut. The reality both terms describe is the same: the forces arrayed against Heritage America are a slop bucket of human scree. Every fug under the black hole sun has come out of the goonwork to “resist” Trumperica, and in so doing they have revealed themselves as the bitter spiteful degenerate bloodsucking transnormal effluvia lashing out at anything conceivably connected to what is true and beautiful and worth fighting for in the world.
Our enemies aren’t deathly afraid of exposure; they’re deathly afraid of being called out for what they are once exposed. And who but your ‘umble shiv-servant has been dong just that for as long as the internet has been free?