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Beauty And The Bunz

therebbeblog writes that beauty boosts fecundity, and anti-White Western shitlibs encourage (White) women to look ugly because it reduces their fertility.

The point of the Israeli hotties, isn’t “porn” but that beautiful women boost fecundity. This is obvious but defies conventional analysis. The Left understands that ugliness depresses white fecundity and encourages white women to defile their appearance.


Certain countries favor beauty. It appears to be a side-effect of a martial/nationalist culture. Sparta and Nazi Germany favored beauty. Sparta was said to have the beautiful women in the world (Who, like Israeli women, had martial training).

France, Brazil, Venezuela, Brazil, Columbia, Israel still seem to prize female beauty. Everywhere else in the West, ugliness is cherished. A healthy nationalist culture views the beauty of its women as part of its national identity. Give the lads something to fight and die for. Israeli army girls perfectly embody this.

Israeli’s won their independence in Messerschmitts. Israeli tank commanders perfectly applied Guderian’s tactics if Hitler wasn’t so stupid as to hold them back, again, and again, and snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. The Israeli commando culture harkens back to Nazi commandos. Many early Israeli parties featured the faces symbol. Israel was secretly the strongest ally of South Africa and Rhodesia. Vlaams Belang/ Dutch right wing are tight with Israel. Israel’s history, oddly, is interlinked with White Supremacy. Intuitively, this makes much sense as Israel is existentially an apartheid/ethno state as well. OFC, US Jews are not going to get this. You can get pissed at the hypocrisy, but this is just too mindblowing for a typical US Jew to grasp.

Israel’s fertility rate is above replacement, but still lower than most of the surrounding Ay-rab countries. But the fertility rates of the Arab MENA nations have dropped precipitously in the last couple of decades, while simultaneously the overweight and obesity rates in those nations have skyrocketed. (Saudi Arabia is either the first or second fattest country on earth, along with the US.) Israel has the lowest overweight/obese rate of the Middle East countries. So maybe there’s something to rebbe’s contention that female fattitude = female barren wombs.

In fact, I’d say there’s more than something to it. Real scientists as opposed to Fake Feminist Scientismologists have known for a l0ng time that fatness depresses female fertility. A healthy weight, 17-23 BMI, hourglass-shaped young women has the choicest fertility of any class of woman.

More pertinent is the fact that most men don’t want to fuck fat women. Sometimes they do, out of desperation, but if they can avoid it they will. And it’s hard for a woman to bake many bunz in her oven if no man is willing to add the dough.


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