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¡SCIENCE! dropped two beautifully ugly truths this week that the Gaystream Media will never cover because their libshit audience craving dopamine hits of pretty lies would abandon them:

  1. Fat women have an increased chance of delivering malformed babies
  2. Straight men are as disgusted by two men kissing as they are by the sight of squirming maggots

That second study is sure to outrage all the right creeple. The sight of gay PDA — PDGay — is as disgusting to straight men as is the sight of maggots.

In heterosexual men, pictures of rotting flesh, maggots and spoiled food induce the same physiological stress response as pictures of two men kissing each other. That is the surprising finding that was recently published in the peer-reviewed scientific journal Psychology & Sexuality. […]

“In comparing the salivary alpha-amylase responses of participants to the various slideshows, we found that participants had higher salivary alpha-amylase responses to the images of two men kissing and the disgusting images. In both cases, these responses were significantly different than the responses they had to the neutral stimuli.”

However, Blair warned it was difficult to interpret the finding at this stage.

“It is difficult to specifically state what this means…”

I can tell the researchers what it means: homosexuality is a major vector of disease and social disruption, to which normal-sexuality men have evolved a disgust response that functions as a social shaming quarantine limiting their tribe’s exposure to debilitating and sometimes lethal gaysex pathogens. If gayness itself is caused by a pathogen, as Greg Cochran has theorized, then straight male disgust at the sight of PDGay is a perfectly plausible evolved reaction to a real biological threat, a threat that is particularly dangerous to any unborn children who could contract the gay disease and thus render themselves Darwinian dead ends.

Previous research has found a strong link between sexual prejudice and the emotion of disgust. For instance, a 2008 study found that individuals who are more easily disgusted are also more likely to make unfavorable moral judgments about gay people.

High disgust threshold libs will steer orderly civilization to the brink of extinction, at which time low disgust threshold chads will offer an oasis of health and vigor to a tired, sickly population who deputize the chads to pull us back from the blight side of history and return the HDT gene carriers to the cesspit of social invisibility and political impotency.

But it was clear that the physiological reactions in the present study could not be explained by the participants’ sexual prejudices alone.

“What is most important to note is that the responses did not differ as a function of self-reported levels of prejudice or self-reported levels of aggression towards gay men,” Blair explained. “In other words, it was not our highly prejudiced individuals who were experiencing a heightened physiological response to the images of same-sex couples kissing, it was everyone in the sample, even those with very low levels of prejudice.”

Haha, so #LoveWins “tolerant” straight shitlibs (practically an oxymoron) are just as disgusted by PDGay, a feeling which they spend inordinate energy denying to anyone who will listen. Libocrisy is the crisis of our age!

The finding provides more evidence that the so-called “gay panic” defense — the assertion that a person’s sexual orientation can “trigger” a crime against them — is bunk. The defense was used by the two men who beat, tortured and murdered gay student Matthew Shepard in 1998.

“Whatever is happening physiologically when someone witnesses same-sex PDA, it is not something so strong, or so uncontrollable as to explain the patterns of violent LGBTQ-hate crimes that have been repeatedly reported in the media,” Blair told PsyPost.

Lying homosexualist agenda BTFO.

“Why do people low in prejudice still show an increased physiological response? We can’t say definitively, however, it could be that society has socialized the notion of same-sex sexuality and affection as being ‘disgusting’ or immoral so strongly, for so long, that merely witnessing it causes a slight physiological stress response. It would be interesting for future research to examine whether this physiological effect is more likely to be found in cultures that still evidence high levels of prejudice compared to those who have made more progress towards normalizing same-sex affection and sexuality.”

This is exactly how I expect the typical logic-trapped shitlib to respond to evidence that straight men are disgusted by gay men kissing.


It’s funny, but having lived in areas flush with homos, one does become somewhat inured to the sight of gay men holding hands or kissing in public. The disgusted feeling never goes away; instead what happens is that one’s emotional reaction is deadened. It’s probably the same emotional deadening that surgeons undergo as they adjust to years of slicing open broken bodies, or that city dog owners experience from years scooping poop. It’s also similar to kissing an LTR…the electricity just isn’t the same as when you first met her, even if the feeling is still enjoyable.

I suppose that’s the point, eh? Shove PDGay down everyone’s ocular throats until we have lost any connection to our valuable inherited sense of disgust and related self-preservation.

Of course, shitlibs arguing for a mass inurement program to solve the problem of straight male disgust for PDGay would never argue the inherent goodness of the battle-scarred soldier who becomes habituated to killing swarths. No, in that case, the shitlib would cry to the bowels of hell for the soldier to find his inner compassion and disgust reflex and return to the world of indiscriminate love for all and all for indiscriminate love.

Because really that’s the centrally flawed conceit of shitlibs: support indiscriminate love and oppose discriminating hate. But the problem with that world view is evident. Love requires discrimination to have any meaning, and discriminating hate is the natural consequence of discriminating love, given that the former guards against threats to the latter.

Not that a study confirming the ick factor of gay male makeouts is needed to buttress common sense and layman’s observations, but shitlibs are the ones who hold ¡SCIENCE! up as the imprimatur of all that is right and good in the world, so it’s only reasonable that their delicate egos should be hand-wrung and roller-pinned by their own meme bestie, Ms Science.

It’s almost like the science-loving shitlib crowd don’t really love science so much as the idea of science which they can use as a rhetorical cudgel to silence those who have the gall to discuss actual scientific data.


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