I don’t know any formerly slim women whose personalities and politics didn’t get worse the fatter they got. Every additional pound added to the American female obesity epidemic is a vote added for a shitlib candidate.
Which brings me to the CH Sexual Polarity-Revolutionary Momentum Positive Reinforcement Feedback Mechanism Maxim.
CH Maxim #45: If a revolutionary movement is strengthening, you’ll know it by the slimming figures and feminine demeanor of its women and by the muscular development and confident attitude of its men.
And, as I prophesied and CH Maxim #45 predicts, all the uglies, fatties, and androgynes are coalescing into a fetid force of Trump Derangement Syndrome, while the masculine White men and beautiful White women are aligning firmly and tetris-like in pro-Trump solidarity.
You simply cannot disavow the God of Biomechanics.