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Monthly Archive for May, 2011

A reader asks: I know you don’t advocate marriage or spending money on an engagement ring.  However, if I decide to buy a ring, what is the better practice –  A) Buy the ring on my own, with no consulting the girl, her friends or her family.  B) Bring her along in advance to try … Read more

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Hand holding involves a dominant and a submissive hand position. The dominant hand is the one over the top of the other hand, with the palm facing backward. Women prefer the submissive postures in relationships. It is their subconscious preference, as it is men’s preference to assume the role of the dominant partner. Try it … Read more

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Genetics And IQ, Parents Matter

There is an excellent new paper by Dr. Alex Fornito, et.al., and here is the punchline: How well our brain functions is largely based on our family’s genetic makeup, according to a University of Melbourne led study. The study published in the international publication The Journal of Neuroscience provides the first evidence of a genetic effect on … Read more

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