This guy wants to minimize his environmental impact by, among other draconian measures, cutting toilet paper out of his life.
Sawyer: “Now, I know everybody wants to know what you do instead
of toilet paper. I’m not going to tell them. I’m going to let them go
online and search this out for themselves. Let me just say it’s the
Bedouin solution. If you don’t know what that is, you’re on your own out
The Bedouin solution, for those who need to know, is to wipe with the left hand. That is why they only eat with their right hands. So if you meet a Bedouin and he extends his left hand to greet you, that means he thinks you are a douche.
This story made me wonder which modern conveniences I could live without and still function as a human being.
Microwave oven – No prob. My gradual switch to a healthier diet over the years has practically obviated the need for a microwave. Salmon? Broiled or grilled. Veggies? Steamed. Green tea? My kettle does it almost as fast. I would miss nuking the occasional hotdog. Reheating leftovers would require more work. I could train myself to eat cold food.
Internet – This would hurt. Of course, I would survive. but I’ve become so accustomed to doing so much online that it would add many hours to my week to do the same things offline. The upside is that most of these things are pointless. The loss of email just means less mental effort wasted reading unfunny forwards and constant updates on my friends’ happy hour antics. Jerking it to porn would become a lot less convenient but it would feel dirty and subversive again from all the midnight trips to the seedy sex shop. This would make the self-pleasuring a lot more exciting. As would Victoria’s Secret catalog day.
Cell phone – The advantages of no cell outweigh the disadvantages in my opinion. Fewer road accidents, no need to learn text game, no obligation to pick up the phone every time a girlfriend calls when I’m out on the prowl. The downside is that I would not be able to use the cell as a prop when gaming girls to look like I’m closing a big deal or taking an urgent message from a mystery woman.
Car – I’ve already done this. It was the best 6 months of my life. I envy guys who live in cities where it is not a dating handicap to be car-less.
TV – I wouldn’t miss it a bit. Total mind rot. Well, OK, I might miss Animal Planet. Chicken eating spiders, yo.
Ipod – Technically, IRiver. I’m a nonconformist. No earbuds means I’d have to interact with my environment. Hmmm… could lead to opening more chicks during the daytime.
Digital camera – This is another good game prop. I use it in a digicam routine (“ok, now let’s take a sad picture. now a happy picture. awesome. now let’s take a pic of us flirting with each other. oh man, look at that. we look like those sappy couples everyone makes fun of.”) and as a method of social proof (“wanna see pics of italy? woops, how’d she get in there? let’s just skip past that.”). Tough to lose this one. On the plus side, no more bad angle shots.
The Octodog – Life without this wondrous kitchen gadget? Yeah right, may as well take away my TP.