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Spot The King

The King is the man sitting on the throne, as his subjects gather in a crowd about him to petition his grace. Those butthurt subjects would be Murderin’ Merkel and Mammy-Banging Maricon. Often, the King has a right hand man equally condescending of the proceedings. That would be Abe Shinzo in this photo. And a courtier expressing the King’s contempt with agape mouth. That would be John Bolton.

Trump is the center of attention, drawing the camera to himself even when he’s in the corner of the frame, while globalist cup rattlers like Merkel pout and whine impotently in his orbit.

Normally, crossed arms are a closed-off, defensive posture, but there are contexts in which the crossed arm coupled with the haughty smirk and WIDE STANCE manspreading underscore a supreme self-confidence and contempt for one’s interlocutors. That is the case in this instantly iconic photo.

(The iconic nature of the photo is less to do with snapshot body language analysis of Trump meeting with World Cucks than it does with it being symbolic of the geopolitical realignment away from Globohomoism and towards a reinvigorated nationalism that is more comfortable embracing the truths of race and sex and the need to curb elite avarice. Keep an eye out for the coming Nippon-American alliance.)

Shitlibs claiming this pic shows Trump in a diminutive light, withering under the schoolmarmish glare of a scolding Merkel, have no ability to read social situations or facial expressions. This is the shitlib version of autism. Two movies, one screen. And the movie shitlibs are watching is a figment of their Harry Potterized imagination.

Don Trump Jr’s social media feed is entertaining for its area effect triggering of shitlibs:

John Bolton: “Just another #G7 where other countries expect America will always be their bank. The President made it clear today. No more.” Very well said #AmericaFirst #maga

A post shared by Donald Trump Jr. (@donaldjtrumpjr) on Jun 10, 2018 at 6:00am PDT

Did Trump rip a fat joke at the expense of Supercuts Kim? Survey SAYS:

Comments are gold:

why does this look like a scene from The Office?


i’m really starting to like Trump with his subtle criticisms of fellow world leaders


kim getting hit with the translation right as his blood pressure spikes


What’s the right word to use when someone is making sly, offensive insults about someone else that’s in the room but without it looking like a direct insult at them? Seriously, I’ve often wondered what word you would use to describe that.

The word is “neg”.

Isn’t it great how much more entertaining the Trump Presidency is compared to the stilted wooden sequel we would have had to endure with a Cunt Presidency?

Loved this:

“brought as many documents as he gives fucks: 0”


lol there’s manspreading, and then there’s the Trumpchasm:

Heavy brass ones require tremendous lebensraum.


Is Trump a Master Persuader? Does the Russian bear live rent free in shitlibs’ minds? This is a slickly produced action movie-style trailer which Trump played for Supercuts Kim (stay tuned for the best part of the video…when the lights come on in NK):

Trump appeals to Kim Jong-un’s ego. Trump knows the psychological vulnerability of dictators as well as he knows the soft underbelly of media leftoids, for the two groups are not that far apart, and Trump plays both like a fiddle. It can’t be said enough how blessed Heritage America is to have this man as our President, and that indeed it often seems as if divine providence guided Trump to us when he was most needed.

PS Obama whoo?


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