We may have reached the apotheosis of cat ladydom. A couple photographed themselves as the “mom” gave “birth” to a kitten.

This would be mildly amusing if these two were actually poking fun of the cat lady culture, instead of implicitly poking fun of “breeders” as this type is wont to call people who have human children. But no, they’re not kidding around about their embrace of the cat lady/cat lad lifestyle. Proof:
But one couple who recently [adopted a kitten] decided to let the world know about their furry new family member in the most unforgettable way. […]
Photographer Lucy Schultz and her partner, Steven, don’t have any kids of their own…
WOMB, there it isn’t. Looking at her, it’s not as if she’s got years left to contemplate having a real child. The clock on her egg factory is set to expire. Maybe they can psyche themselves up for the coming regimen of IVF treatments (using a buck’s sperm) by fondly looking back at these photos for encouragement.
And he looks like he’s about one tofu niblet away from his testicles burrowing back under his fupa.
“I’d been talking about doing a kitten announcement shoot when I was finally ready to adopt for over a year,” Schultz told The Dodo. “I just wanted to celebrate my cat adoption milestone as it’s something I’ve looked forward to for such a long time.”
It took her a year to decide to adopt a fucking cat? How many years will it take her to decide on the real thing? No wonder these shitlib Whites are going extinct at a rapid clip.
Schultz enlisted the help of her colleague, photographer Elizabeth Woods-Darby. The two have worked together documenting human births…
A woman’s maternal instinct has to be pathologically underdeveloped if she photographs human births as a career and still doesn’t feel the urge herself.
The photo shoot is certainly comical, but there’s nothing insincere about how much love they have for their new pet.
Two minutes after they die (from toxoplasma gondii complications), this cat would be gutting them and slurping up the pools of blood.
Hilarity aside, Schultz hopes it might inspire others to grow their own families with a pet in need of love:
“My message to everyone who is digging these photos is to check out your local shelter, consider volunteering or become a foster home and consider adopting one of the amazing homeless pets out there!”
This is how the world ends, not with a bang but a whisker.