Where are we at with Trump and the MAGA agenda, as the clock ticks down on his first term?
I have some thoughts to share.
It’s pretty clear that Trump is, if not reneging, ignoring or at best blowing hot air about his campaign promises to shut down the southern border, stop illegal immigration, and deport the invaders who have already crossed. There have been a smattering of small forward incursions in the battle against globalist open borders, but by and large the border deniers and whackjob nation-wrecking universalists are winning. The border is a sieve like it hasn’t been in years. By some measures, obama was tougher on border security than Trump has been to date.
And I don’t remember Trump promising to INCREASE *legal* immigration during his campaign stops, but here he is doing just that:
DHS to double seasonal guest worker increase
Homeland Security will dole out an additional 30,000 seasonal guest worker passes this year as it pushes to make good on President Trump’s new promise to bring in more foreign labor amid a strong economy.
There’s no way to interpret this move except as a betrayal of MAGA. Maybe Trump really was made an offer he couldn’t refuse? The Deep State backs off if he commits to open borders aka [specialed] borders.
Trump didn’t win any votes on a promise to further lower native Americans’ wages. He won on a promise to curb immigration and allow working class wages to rise as well as allow towns and rural communities groaning under an overload of racially and culturally alien migrants to have some respite from the onslaught.
Trump’s SOTU this year was the first time I heard him blurt that he’d like lots more legal immigrants to come here and pillage America. If he mentioned that during his campaign, I and many others missed it.
Trump is doing nothing to rectify or even acknowledge the aggressive throttling of free speech for Whites, by Big Tech and Big Media.
Dangerous, unconstitutional precedents are being set, and Trump is silent. An ominous tyranny shrouds America and Trump’s DOJ has no response, other than to continue virtue signaling about “zero tolerance for White soopremacy”.
Globohomo is pushing its anti-White agenda hard. If it were to make inroads, say on a pitch to allow the world to vote in America’s elections (Democrats would not object)…
…would Trump do anything but bloviate about it on Twatter? Or would he sack up and send the US marshals into every judge’s chamber that ruled against American national interest? I don’t know anymore.
Whites are becoming victims of overt discrimination in large states like CA.
DEUSVULT comments,
This is systemic discrimination by the way. So if any antiWhite should happen to level their typical, “Whites have it so good they’re not oppressed” bullshit you can just remind them that institutional acts of discrimination against Whites exist. Regardless of how they deny it, this is precisely what institutional discrimination is and it’s been levied against White children.
Also, a bill that was supposed to help segregation is now being used against Whites.
Again, silence from Trump. This is a ripe target for his DOJ. Yet…..nothing.
We got Campaign Trump and Twatter Trump, but if we’re honest we have to say President Trump has been MIA on the core tenets which powered him into office. I won’t make excuses for him here, but I will say now that the Mueller Russia Hoax boot is off Trump’s neck, he has more political capital than he ever had, and there’s an opening to use it. Hopefully soon. Because each day another 5,000 pintos swarm our bucolic neighborhoods and terraform America into a facsimile of the Dirt World countries out of which these invaders stream forth.
More reasons to worry:
Trump said he would cut aid to Honduras, El Salvador, and some other mayan toilet.
Trump says a lot of things.
Has he?
I wouldn’t be surprised to learn two months from now the aid is still flowing freely, no strings attached.
I heard an interview with some Federal Reserve guy Trump just hired. The dude was basically a globalist free trader, shitting all over the idea of Trump’s tariffs.
Tell me again why Trump hires people who conspicuously and loudly disagree with his campaign agenda?
I don’t think Trump was flim flamming us during the campaign, so I don’t believe he’s knowingly hiring these globalist stooges.
I think Trump is either too lazy to vet anyone, or he’s getting misinformation from traitors within his administration.
The evidence mounts that Ivanka and Jared Kushner have a lot of pull over Trump’s decision making.
So disappointed. But I predicted this would happen. You don’t let family close to the MAGA throne unless they have proven themselves loyal servants. It was clear early on that Jared is a garden variety globalist [special] and Ivanka is a shitlib cosmopolitan.
I did predict right after the Inauguration that the main obstacle to a successful and effective Trump presidency would be Javanka. Even Steve Sailer has come around to embrace my foresight.
party1981 adds,
you might like this post about 1 year ago from someone claiming to be FBIanon (the original FBIanon transcripts are a goldmine of knowledge and can be found by searching ‘fbianon pdf’).
In the post, FBIanon identifies Ivanka as the problem holding Trump back.
A more recent CIA anon also made the same claim, that Jared by way of Bibi is actually the one pulling the strings in this presidency, and that their deal with Trump is to make Ivanka president later down the road so long as he toes the line. Trump will not be allowed to build the wall or do anything else of significance for Whites. He agreed to the deal because he wants a family dynasty, like the Bushes. The anon called this presidency “the most expensive case of ‘daddy I want a pony’ in history”.
Trump has to understand: No wall, no dynasty. End of story. End of legacy.
J.F. also says the turning point for MAGA was the blowout between Javanka and Steve Bannon,
It was a watershed moment when Jarvanka had the big blowout with Bannon. Bannon started chiding them on Breitbart, and very quickly after that he was ousted from the White House AND from Breitbart. That sequence of events was full of meaning, and it’s when everything changed.
Watch for Bannon to endorse Sanders or Gabbard, maybe even Buttiegay.
Trump started out strong, he had big goals, but he was stymied by a cucked GOPe the entire first year of his presidency. I first sensed the change in him sometime around the raid on Cohen’s law office. Trump is currently in “blink three times” mode. I would be delighted to be proven wrong.
It’s nearly inconceivable, but what are the chances that Trump legitimately remains unaware of his base’s opinions on policy?
We already know uberglobalist Gary Cohn deliberately withheld information from Trump which resulted in a no-show on an important EO. It’s likely other saboteurs have tirelessly worked to keep Trump ignorant of MAGA reality.
Chuck writes,
At this point Trump knows they are withholding info. Allowing it is complicity.
Bannon has many flaws, but he was a trustworthy conduit to the “forgotten Americans” of Trump’s Inauguration speech. Bannon kept Trump grounded with his base. Then he was ousted. And it’s been a steady drift away from Trump’s base ever since.
Heather says that Trump’s team has internal polling numbers suggesting a big movement of White Dems to Trump:
They are telling him everything is great. His people were on the tv after the Saginaw rally bragging that 32% of the attendees were registered Democrats. Their internal numbers are showing a huge shift right from working class dems.
Hopefully he remembers why he is getting that support and why he won.
We know Trump A/B tests policy during his speeches. The biggest applause came when he talked of closing the border. He could not have missed that.
It was encouraging. They are doing lots of data analysis. Basically, the used the phone numbers of the attendees which they freely provided in order to get tickets and then compared the names against the voter roles. They harvested all kinds of demo info that I doubt they will reveal for strategic reasons. Suffice to say, there is a reason the left is freaking out. I also think the border issue dragging on helps Trump because the Democrats own these caravans, the voter fraud, the obstruction and everything else.
I’ll say it again.
Trump can guarantee his 2020 reelection if he does three things:
– expands medicare
– builds the fucking wall
– imposes a moratorium on *legal* immigration
If Trump isn’t reading me, he should be.
The Dems have gone crazy, and normally that means the opposition incumbent sails in for a 2nd term. But these are strange times of upheaval and discontent. We have glimmers of bad omens for Trump in polling out of the Rust Belt from a month ago. I don’t think Trump wins *on his current course*. He needs to recapture the spirit of his campaign agenda, and put it into policy.
Maybe you don’t like the idea of expanded Medicare or single payer, but it will ensure Trump’s victory in 2020, which will give us more breathing room to address the demographic time bomb. He should do it.
Unfortunately, I see Trump retreating from the Wall and embracing the anti-MAGA, Boomercuck notion of open borders *as long as it’s legal*. He hasn’t proposed an alternative to gaymulattocare, yet.
He’s going backwards. A cynic would say he’s been co-opted. Converged. I’m more sanguine. I think he’s lazy and prone to trusting people who don’t have his, or his supporters’, interests in heart.
It’s obvious to me that Trump has pivoted to Reaganism 2.0. If so, he will lose to just about any clown show the Dems nominate for 2020.
Cuckservatives are feverishly pushing Trump into Reaganism, and act astounded that some on their side “don’t defend conservative principles like free markets, individual liberty…” ad nauseam. I swear I can’t tell if cucks are more stupid or subversive. TIMES HAVE CHANGED CUCKS. GET WITH THE FUCKING PROGRAM.
These shills for an antiquated ideology really think that if “their side” just hammers harder on TrueCon talking points, the electorate will see the light. To them, the only thing holding back a conservative Reaganite renaissance sequel is a lack of PR.
The Wall
The recent surge of chalupas at non-port of entry borderlands proves that the only real, long term, effective solution is a great, big…dare I say it…YUGE reinforced concrete WALL along the border which can withstand tonnes of invader flesh pressing futilely against it.
Ok, there’s one other effective, long term solution, but the stomach is weak.
The Black Pill
What if, after four years, all we get out of the Trump Presidency is a tax cut and sweet tweets?
Plus a record number of foreign-born “Americans”?
Did anyone imagine that possibility in November, 2016?
Of course, that’s still better than a president thecunt.
But so unsatisfying. A liberating moment in history, wasted.
Check that. Trump gave us Gorsuch and Kavanaugh. No minor accomplishment. Gorsuch may be the real deal. (Still unsure if Kav will wilt like a southern summer flower.)
The White Pill
From gameninjasteve,
What I’ve gotten out of the Trump presidency:
1. MASSIVE red pilling of the general populace of just how corrupt,underhanded,and evil the mainstream media is. Only the most deeply apathetic and out right commies still believe anything the media says. Their primary control system is in shambles.
2. Proof upon proof of interparty collusion towards destroying the country. Pretty much everyone in government is an Israeli agent.
3. Public outing of the [specials]. More people than ever are aware of AIPAC and [special] organizations like SPLC and ADL. Even Trump bending over for them came with him naming exactly who was telling him to do it. Everyone knows (((who))) Trump was winning favor with when he moved the embassy to Special-rusilum and came out in defense of [special] occupation of the Golan Heights. How many people knew about what was going on there and now everyone knows.
4. Internet censorship is a major issue. Before this presidency,people would just rabble around a false flag like TPP and “internet neutrality”. Now the [special people] are desperate to control the internet and being very obvious about it. And everyone with half a brain is watching.
So we haven’t gotten our border wall. Yet. But you can’t argue with the fact Trump’s done a lot of good.
I’m OK with a White Pill that essentially amounts to “Trump is the physical manifestation of a national Sunshine Law”.
The Verdict
Right now, it’s possible to rationalize Trump’s anti-MAGA actions, or inactions, as character glitches, feints, or bribes to buy time.
But there are a few actions Trump could take that would cement his Globohomo convergence and remove all doubt about his intentions to betray MAGA.
One of those is invading Venezuela.
If Trump doesn’t relocate himself squarely in the nationalist populism heart of MAGA, his base will drift off, soured by scorecards like this:

A perception of weakness is beginning to overshadow Trump. PA writes,
Much was said about the world’s leaders not respecting America under Obama’s presidency, but that’s not entirely correct. Obama the figurehead himself was a dork. The world sure did respect the obviously determined and unified deep state power behind its weak-mulatto mascot.
It’s the opposite with Trump, a strong and charismatic man but also a president that’s left out to hang by his own state apparatus.
Atavator gets the last word,
Trump is looking increasingly like a historical figure who was granted a shot at greatness, but failed to rise to the occasion.
We all wanted Trump to prevail. Well, those of us who aren’t depressive backstabbing assholes. I like the guy on a personal level. His straight talk cutting through swaths of cucks and Dem tardos filled me with joy. His womanizing and alpha characteristics were a breath of fresh air in the stale, staid gynarchic catlady hell that America has become.
But I arrive stubbornly at the conclusion that Trump may not live up to the promise of those heady days of 2015 and 2016. Now I just hope that whatever follows Trump completes the promise of him.
Atavator replies,
I hear ya man, and I know that feelz.
My way of putting it was that Trump was the one guy who was willing to walk into their temple, drop trou and piss on their idols. I still think that the Russia collusion hoax — while it was a conscious deep state calculation — resonated as deeply as it did because we were not watching a conventional political loss, but a religion being challenged. They were (and to some degree still are) crying out to their false gods to take vengeance on the blasphemer. And the gods remain silent.
This is why I think no matter what happens next, I’m still glad he was elected, and a person like him was a necessary step, just to crack the spell.
Well said. We challenged a religion, Equalism, and a horde of earthly demons was released.
2016 was a minor miracle. It was epochal, and I will always recall it fondly. I hope that I can recall it in the glow of a redeemed America, instead of in the ashes of a collapsed empire.