In a post titled “Shamelessness” (invoking a similar CH post titled “The United States of Ingrates“), Steve Sailer links to and remarks on a JYTimes op-ed written by Shikha Dalmia (a name straight out of the midwest….of an asiatic shithole) demanding more immigration of her clan into America.
How many opeds have we read by people with names like “Shikha Dalmia” that basically boil down to: America needs more immigration because not all my extended family have arrived yet!
— Steve Sailer (@Steve_Sailer) January 15, 2019
Commenter Buzz Mohawk riffs on this with pinpoint hilarity, earning him the CH Freelance Comment of the Week:
Of course, when Shikha Dalmia’s cousins all get here, they will, in turn, write NYT opeds demanding even more immigration because not all of _their_ cousins have arrived yet. And so on ad infinitum.
Americans, with our principles and rule of law, are no match for Clan Loyalty.
That’s a lot of shikhas.

And this is a lot of shiksas:

Which do we prefer? It should be up to us.
The problem is “us” is changing to “them”, and then it will be up to “them”.
And that is the whole point of open borders. Changing “us” to “them”.