What happens when a once-desirable woman hits all three extinction event Walls — the Wasting Wall, The Wailing Wall, and the Wymyn Wall — at once?
She might look like what’s become of Rose McGowan (NSF male libidos):

Jay in DC comments,
[Rose McGowan] is officially “quitting” acting to become an activist. LOLWHAT? You haven’t been relevant or acted since the late 90s. Dafuq outta here…
[McGowan] with her lawyercunts from the firm Ballcutters, LLC.:

Fugg that pic is frightening. It embodies everything wrong with American women: the manjawed stridency, the lawyercuntery, the man-hating, the phony empowerment bravado, the total annihilation of the last remaining traces of femininity…
If the future is that kind of female, then the future after that future will be this kind of man:

The traditional age-appropriate Wall — the Wasting Wall — hits all women, turning Ladyhawks into Viragovultures with merciless efficiency. But when a woman additionally smashes into the Wailing Wall and the Wymyn Wall at the same moment in her life and with the same impact velocity, as Rose McGowan did under the tutelages of Father Time, Weinstein, and Feminism Prime…..
the carnage is awful to behold.
Look away, for there is nothing to see here but the soul ashes of a woman who stared too long into the abyss.
Reminder: This was Rose McGowan before The Three Walls exacted their tribute from her:

so sad.