What if Big Pharma has created this androgyne self-annihilating estrogenically virtue shrieking society we currently inhabit because the Pill causes women to prefer limp beta males and ibuprofen feminizes men to prefer manjaws, so that the two find each other compatible and work together to bring the End of the West?
From David Duke Nukem,
When you combine this with the fact that birth control stays in the water tables, the plastics, Monsanto “food”, opiate epidemics, the entertainment industry promoting dindus, and more… It’s even worse. It’s such a perfect storm to destroy the White race that it couldn’t be a conspiracy. It’s so perfect that it has to be a biological consensus. Sleep well
The biggest red pill will be when Americans are woke to the chemical warfare waged against them for at least two generations. That is, if by then they’re still capable of wokeness.