There’s a reason the Maul-Right calls them Generation Zyklon. The Whitelash is coming, and it’ll be glorious, (assuming current trends are indicative of future results, which I think they will be, because normally White kids at that age are extremely and stupidly kumbaya liberal, so for them to be so strongly pro-Trump is a powerful cue that they are instinctually repulsed by their parents’ and grandparents’ self-cucking universalism).
When Gen Z WHITE GIRLS support the Anti-Shithole President by over a 2-to-1 margin, you know something beautiful and clarifying and dangerous to the elitist old order is barreling toward us, to deliver a reckoning of historical proportion. The only question left is whether the transformation portended by Gen Z will arrive in time, before the shitholization of America has metastasized and neutered Gen Z’s electoral power. If The Darkening outpaces the Whitelash, then all bets are off. A competent and pissed off White people won’t go quietly into that electoral irrelevancy night.
More evidence of the Zyklonic Tonic:

PS I believe both of these graphics are from Audacious Epigone, but I couldn’t find the links. If a commenter would supply them, I’ll add them to this post.