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The vulnerable underbelly of the Leftoid Fuggernaut is the First Amendment. This is why leftoids have recently taken to dismissively snarking about “freeze peach” and claiming that hate speech isn’t covered by the First Amendment…they know that this is their biggest weakness if the Right decides to focus its firepower there instead of turning its guns against allies or retreating to the coward’s haven of fealty to high minded principles that conveniently excuse them from the battlefield fight.

I overhead a conversation at a table of Uptalking Vegetable Lasagnas…three un-hued males, two mystery meat women…talking politics. One of the soyboys croaked, “…it’s really problematic…”


I pause here for station identification and a programming note that this upstart male actually used the word “problematic”. For a time, I thought “problematic” was a funny meme cooked up in the 4chan labs to skewer how shitlibs talk. I didn’t think it was documentation of shitlib speech habits in the wild.


“…that the alt-right is trying to co-opt the First Amendment….”

I tuned out after that, but not before jotting a mental reminder to post about that particular snippet of lib-id. The Left is afraid, really afraid, that they are losing, or have lost, the moral high ground on the subject of free speech and free assembly. And they would be right to fear it, because they have done nothing but sneer at free speech contemptuously for the past few years, pass hate speech codes on campuses nationwide, violently protest alt-right rallies, dox and destroy the livelihoods of anyone caught saying a bad word somewhere on social media, kick crimethinkers off the internet, and glibly call for physical violence against anyone who speaks unauthorized opinions on subjects that shitlibs deem closed to further review.

It’s perfectly reasonable to accuse the shitliberal establishment of anti-Americanism and label them heirs to the Orwellian Big Brother nightmare, because their actions prove they don’t believe a word of the First Amendment. Deep in their BPA-saturated hearts, the saner shitlibs feel a twinge of discomfort about the anti-free speech direction their rule has taken of late. This is the fissure into which smart maul-righters can drive a sharp wedge fracturing the Anti-White Leftoid Alliance, peeling off some of the red-blue mixed Purple Pilled White libs from the nonwhites and (((whites))) who don’t give a flying fuck about the principles of Anglo governance and the racial temperament from which those principles derive. The White libs who still harbor a quaint respect for the First Amendment won’t convert, but they’ll “retire” from politics and take their competence with them.

Alt-Righters should be hitting this free speech angle HARD. Every rally should feature the defense of free speech and assembly as its unifying theme, because free speech permits the expression and exposure of every other theme that energizes the pro-White counterculture. Freedom to express ideas without getting fired or purged or blacklisted means that there’s a chance those ideas percolate into mass consciousness and the needle moves away from the Lies and Ugliness of Equalism and toward Truth and Beauty.

Free speech is the first right enunciated in the Bill of Rights for a reason. Without it, all other rights are effectively voided. Given its importance to a republic, the default defense of free speech should always err on the side of absolutism.

Codified free speech is uniquely American. It’s what sets us apart from the rest of the benighted world, and from our ancestral homelands in Europe. It’s why when we’re kids learning about the Bill of Rights, we feel pride in our 1A heritage. It’s as American as apple pie and imported chinese junk. The Wild-Right needs to own free speech and assembly, and hang the smelly albatross of speech criminalization on the Leftoid Fuggernaut. Champion 1A, and the rest of your revolutionary pro-White agenda starts to look more A-1 to normies.

PS In case I haven’t already linked to this, here’s Pleasurecel on the importance of fighting tooth and nail for the rights guaranteed in the First Amendment.


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