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The Bitches of Yeastclit

In white, the First Whorewoman of the Apocalypse, Defiled Womb. She is the harbinger of abortion and single mommery. She holds, alternately, her aborted fetus or her bastard spawn. All that follows in her wake is spiritual and social decay.

In blue, the Second Whorewoman of the Apocalypse, Severing. Her skull and scissors symbolize the severing of Fornication from Reproduction, Sex from Love, Race from Posterity, and Life from Death. She is mortal pride, and her bounty is Pills, condoms, penicillin, and infertility.

In red, the Third Whorewoman of the Apocalypse, Folly. Her wine glass and backless dress are the accoutrements of unbound pleasure, symbols of indifference to Time and Temperance. She is the patron siren of urban powersluts and aging beauties blinded by egotism to the Silent Coming of the Wall.

Red, white, and blue. America the Whoreson.


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