Shit Cuckservatives Say
May 19th, 2019 by CH
This is fun. Reader PA creates a useful reference list of shit that cuckservatives say.
“Sadly, most victims of black crime are other blacks.”
“Unions destroyed Detroit”
“I’m all for legal immigration, just not illegal immigration”
“America is safe and free thanks to our troops.”
“Only terrorists would have a reason to oppose the Patriot Act.”
“America is a nation of immigrants.”
“I don’t agree with everything [Buchanan/Coulter/CH/etc] says, but…”
“I’m not a racist but…”
“I don’t care if you’re black, white, green, or purple, but…”
“Edward Snowden is a traitor”
“I stand with Israel”
“Family values don’t stop at the Rio Grande”
“Putin is the new Hitler”
“There is no room for hate and bigotry in the Republican party”
“We must court the Latino vote to stay relevant”
A few more:
“the GOP needs a big tent philosophy”
“LIEBRULS are the real racists”
“we’ve forgotten the lessons taught to us by Dr Martin Luther King, Jr”
Courtesy of the Hatepoasters of Whyte Preenage:
Support tax cuts for corporations that adopted rainbow Twitter avatars after Obergefell
Support tax cuts for rich liberals like Warren Buffett and George Soros
Whine about how Edward Snowden is a traitor
Whine about how badly Hillary Clinton messed up with Benghazi
Ensure that whites become a minority in the U.S. through legal, not illegal, immigration
Ensure that defending Israel remains our #1 foreign-policy priority
Claim that although border fences work for Israel, they would never work for the U.S.
Claim it’s un-Christian to stop non-Christians from immigrating to the U.S.
Give Obama oversight-free power by approving the Trans-Pacific Partnership
Make insincere, ineffectual efforts to repeal Obamacare
Make insincere, ineffectual efforts to restrict abortion
Venerate Martin Luther King Jr. as a national saint and claim him as a conservative icon
Claim that “Democrats are the real racists!”
Get infinitely more offended by the far right than the far left
Think that vague abstract principles matter more than flesh and blood
“I’m a fiscal conservative and social liberal.”
“Some of my best friends are black.” Cuckservative circa Mad Men era.
“Discrimination on the basis of race, religion, national origin, sex, and sexual orientation is abhorrent.”
“Our diversity is a strength, and as horrific as this tragedy was, if
our diversity becomes a tragedy, I think thats worse”. -General Casey
National Review cucks earn a special place in the cuckservative canon:
NR’s Michael Potemra on election night 2008:
“I ask a rhetorical question: Can we McCain voters, without embarrassment, shed a tear of patriotic joy about the historic significance of what just happened? And I offer a short, rhetorical answer.
‘Yes, we can.’”
“I would be proud to have a (half) black grandkid”
“Nuclear talks with Iran is like marching Israel to the ovens.”
“I think it’s great the Arizona Cardinals hired the first female NFL coach”
“We all bleed red!”
“George Wallace was a Democrat!”
“My friend, Senator Ted Kennedy.”
“America is a nation of immigrants.”
“They said the same thing about the Irish and Italians back in the day!”
“Abortion is racist because 50% of black babies are aborted.”
“Multiculturalism is awesome because I like mexican and chinese food.”
“Without immigrants, we couldn’t have housemaids, landscapers, or ethnic food!”
The Boy Scouts have gone the full cuck:
“For far too long, this issue (ed: faggots in the Boy Scouts) has divided and distracted us,” said the Boy Scouts’ president, former Defense Secretary Robert Gates. “Now, it’s time to unite behind our shared belief in the extraordinary power of Scouting to be a force for good.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I believe in a colorblind society.”
“I don’t have ‘white interests.’ I have the Constitution.”
“What’s good for business is good for America”
“the liberal/Democrat plantation”
“I just called my opponent to concede…”
“America is a proposition nation.”
“[insert rebel rouser’s name] should apologize.”
“Not enough minorities own their own homes” -President George W Bush
“I don’t care what color somebody’s skin is…if they do the crime, they do the time. End of story.”
“Racism is real. To my great shame, I have an ancestor who participated in a lynching back in the day. I know people in my parish who have burned crosses on their neighbors’ lawns, and who have had crosses burned on their lawns. Don’t presume to lecture me about racism. Racism exists. But not everything the Left claims is racism actually is.” – Rod “Behold my lengthy and prostrate cuckboy qualifier” Dreher
Readers are encouraged to add to the “Shit Cuckservatives Say” list. CH will update the SCS list as contributions roll in, with the goal of making it a one stop reference shop — with a dedicated page at the masthead of Chateau Heartiste — for other blogs to link at their leisure.
The mockery of venal, pusillanimous cuckservatives will continue until testosterone levels improve.
You might be a cuckservative if…
The official flag of cuckservatism:

Matt Lewis, prolapsed bottom of cuckservatism:

h/t @ThornLockerson, the battle cry of cuckservatives:
My father’s grave
my daughter’s womb
Please take them both
and seal my tomb.