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The Mask Slips Completely Off

…and underneath is the face of a genocidal eliminationist. From yesterday’s NYSukkahTimes editorial:

Where could the demonizing and dehumanizing of the foreign born lead but to a whiter America?

And the truth comes out; what is feared most by the Left (and propagated against most vituperatively and diligently by (((the Left)))) is a Whiter America. A demographic return to the days (not long ago, mind you) when America was, Yahweh forbid!, 90% White and still in good health is a crucifix to the autonomic anti-White Leftoid golem. This is why the Left fights so hard against border control and immigrant discrimination. They are nothing and their twisted utopia is dust if the White majority isn’t reduced to a manageable number.

As a White man, I sense that war has been declared on me and my kind. When my enemies bring war to my doorstep, what am I to do? Welcome their bayonets to my chest? Whine about how totally not racist I am as the enemy levels its guns at my head?

I’m not a rash man, but I believe the time for defending myself has arrived.


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