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Daughter Guarding

PA’s comment evoking the inherent tension between fathers and daughters — pitting protective instinct against sexual awakening over a Darwinian backdrop of expensive eggs and post-industrial delayed marriage — had me thinking about the kinds of affronts with which a daughter could burden her father, and how they would rank on a “bringing dishonor to the family and heartbreak to daddy” checklist.

When you come down to it, no father likes his daughter of any age “dating” any man, of any age. Tolerance of dating is a compromise with modernity.

(and WTF is an “LTR”, that most mealy-mouthed word of the century?)

He would be delighted with his mid-teens daughter marrying a proper 30-year old man.

LTR is shorthand for long term relationship. (I’m mentioning this for the few Philistines here who may not be familiar with the acronym.) It came into existence out of necessity, to describe the modern sexual market phenomenon of being with one partner for a long time without codifying the commitment in marriage. It has also entered our lexicon because short-lived flings became more common, and a more precise term to describe a romantic relationship longer than three months was required.

I agree with PA here, in that I believe “dating” (as opposed to courtship that quickly led to either rejection or marriage proposal) is a fairly recent creation in human history. Years spent dating multiple lovers until settling down into marriage and kids when the woman is on the downslope of her fertility curve is certainly a historical anomaly; I doubt humans would have survived as a species had the modern dating market been the norm throughout our evolution.

Daughter Guarding in the Time of Game and the Cock Carousel would seem to be paramount for fathers today, but that hasn’t panned out; in fact, more than ever fathers are abdicating their role as guardians of daughters’ sexuality, probably out of fear of losing status within their suburban soccer mom virtue signaling milieus. In the upper classes, there’s almost a glorification of daughters “sowing their yeast”, while in the lower classes, mudsharking is tolerated if not outright celebrated. Sheeeiit, the ex-President’s own daughters have been caught smoking dope at a rap concert; no public consternation was proffered from the Gay Mulatto.

What this suggests is that paternal investment is fading as a social and familial binding agent in the West, aka Africanization. As a Gabber put it,

Where’s the daughter-guarding when it counts?

They’re paying big bucks to subsidize her “independence” “adventures” and “travels” while she’s surfing “lotsa cockas” when she goes away to college, to the big city or overseas…

Another Gabber astutely commented that the death of Daughter Guarding and the removal of restrictions on female sexuality (along with the neutering of fatherly oversight) opens Glandora’s Box to shifting and corrupted definitions of sexual imprudence that no one can agree upon.

recreationalization of sex means that most “sexual misconduct” is morally equivalent to a 5 yard penalty.

A revival of Daughter Guarding means that fathers have to get back in touch with their native Disgust Response and relearn the ancient lesson that Disgust is the source pool of Morality. Society will have to grow smaller, as well, because scaling up way past the Dunbar limit like in Calhoun’s rat experiments inevitably causes breakdowns in the natural dynamics between parent and child and between family and community.

Using my powers of imagination, I’ve come up with this short list of what actions a (White) daughter could take that would crush her (White) father’s spirit, in descending order of soulkill:

  • Burn the coal/marry the coal (soulkill)
  • Turn to prostitution
  • Get fat and dye her hair blue
  • Become lesbian
  • Remain single, childless, and infected with toxoplasma gondii
  • Murder
  • Hook up with an inmate or psycho
  • Date a homeless bum
  • Date a hispanic or asian
  • Date a (White) “artist” or aspiring rock star
  • Date her debauched professor
  • Date a well-heeled man 10+ years her senior
  • Marry a well-heeled man 10+ years her senior
  • Briefly court then marry an Epic Chad with a square jawline (soulthrill) and family money

A healthy White culture denigrates the top 2/3rds of that list and poeticizes the bottom third. The message our Current Year culture instead delivers is the polar opposite. Epic Chads are rape hoaxed by seething hateful cunts and mudsharking is put forth as desirable progress.

Daughter Guarding is mostly a NW European White man thing. Even today the norm for most of the world is marrying off ripe teen daughters. Whites regulate this natural impulse with laws and cultural taboos, and the reason they can do this is because as a race they have evolved high paternal investment and a disposition to favor nuclear family formation.

Concomitant with this NW European Inner Hajnal White outbred nuclear family disposition is later marriage, but that cultural anomaly (compared to the global norm) was sustained by restrictions on women’s sexuality; i.e., unmarried medieval women didn’t have an opportunity to ride the cock carousel. Male chivalry was part and parcel of that restrictive regimen.

Daughter Guarding matters are best left to family and community oversight and not to an impersonal legal machine staffed and operated by Rebekahs, feminist cunts, Diversity™, and bitter spinsters. Mobility and urban atomization have neutered that oversight so we have chucked nuance for One Strike You’re Out, but this unjustly penalizes, for example, high status older men who want to start families with younger women.


FYI Your Daily Shitlord Science: Female obesity, not young maternal age or pelvic immaturity, is associated with fetal malposition. Roy Moore did everything right (he has four kids) with a loving wife fourteen years his junior.


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