Vixen signaling.
She looks like she has enough experience to know.
Trevor Goodchild provides the capstone,
This is the ideal Clownworld female. You may not like it, but this is what peak hypergamy and lack of social feedback loops looks like.
Remember the CH post about men experiencing better sex with hotter women? ANALogously, women experience better sex with more inconsiderate men. This isn’t a looks thing for women. A handsome niceguy won’t rock her womb like a beat-up jerkboy will. The Aloof Asshole Attitude is the special romantic ingredient that adds heat to a girl’s pink pleat.
Gently make love to the typical Americunt? Get outta here with that softbore coring. Toss her around like a rag doll and slap her face with your dick? Now you’re cooking with fash!
PS That thing to the t-shirt girl’s right? I bet it calls its dog “ruth bader ginsbark”.