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Major1 wins COTW for clearly stating in colorful dialogue the unbending reality of leftoid psychological projection,

This entire post [leftoid envy post] can be condensed into a single, eternal truism.

Whatever a liberal/progressive says, they mean the opposite. Period.

There are only fifty-eight bazillion examples.

“Trump colluded with Russians”
Translation: “Hilary colluded with Russians”.

“The alt-right are fascists”.
Translation: “We are fascists”.

“Trump isn’t mentally healthy enough to be President”.
Translation: “Hilary’s seizure disorder, Parkinson’s disease, alcoholism, and inability to competently handle classified material makes her unfit for the Presidency”.

“Trump is a vulgar pussy-grabber”.
Translation: ” Al Franken, Harvey Weinstein,and Bill Clinton are vulgar pussy grabbers”.

And….ad infinitum.

We can pity our liberal friends, neighbors, and co-workers. That level of prevarication and cognitive dissonance must take a terrible psychological toll.

But just because we pity them doesn’t mean we can’t crush them, mercilessly, under our boots.

Freud really nailed it when he identified “psychological projection” as a real cognitive bias. (He wasn’t right about much else.) The affliction bedevils leftoids far more frequenlty and with greater intensity than it does conservatives. Why? Theory: leftoid will to power is based on phony moralizing, so they need a devious rhetorical trick to convince themselves and their enemies that they act with virtuous intentions. Believing one’s lies helps with that.


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