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Schuls Within Schools

If true, this insider account by commenter trocjoh who was a student at Parkland HS — the school which was targeted by mass murderer Nikolas de Jesus Cruz a couple days ago — is extraordinary for the glimpse it offers into our shtetl-izing and diversifying anti-nation.

This shooting in Florida has been interesting to watch, as I have a bit more insight into the culture and circumstances surrounding the school in question. I transferred to that school at the start of my Junior year of highschool in the early 2000s. Hailing from a White cuckservative stronghold in the Midwest, it was a culture shock, as I was now surrounded by Jewish kids (Parkland FL, is a Jewish enclave) and brown minorities, both of whom I had never had much contact with. The following two years were probably the worst of my life.

Because I wasn’t an idiot, I placed into all Advanced Placement and Honor classes, and these were filled to the brim with Jewish Kids. I had never been exposed to such degeneracy in my life: cheating on tests, drug use, hedonism, homosexuality, backstabbing and cruelty were the norm of these wealthy spoiled Jews. It was an affront to my wholesome, Protestant background. On the other hand, the mostly Latino population (plus a few blacks) on campus seemed to inhabit a world separate from the one in which I lived. Yes I saw them in the central square or in the halls as I walked around campus, and occasionally would hear the jungle screeching when a fight broke out, but I had literally no interaction with them in the classroom, as the Jews were seemingly protected from such creatures. Indeed, it was almost as if there was a separate small academy for Jews within a larger school of several thousand. This lead to some strange dynamics to say the least. It was clear that there was a resentment towards the Jews by the minorities, as I recall on a couple occasions having change thrown at me. “Here Jew! Take it!” (They assumed I too was Jewish, even though I have blonde hair and blue eyes). I never felt physically threatened however, as I think the minorities knew to never touch the Jewish kids, as there would be Hell to pay.

There was a pall of darkness surrounding that school that is hard to describe, except to say that I was not at all surprised to see that violence has now visited its tainted halls. I am also concerned about what the repercussions will be for this shooting, as the Jews in that community are indeed very wealthy and powerful and are sure to seek revenge on White America, whom I’m sure they perceive as being responsible for the violence.

The only positive I can take from my experience at the school is that my eyes were opened to the world as it really is. If I had not spent time in such hellish circumstances, I know I would be a cuckservative to this day, appalled by Trump, “antisemitism”, “racism”, etc. Thank God for that.

No group practices the Diversity they preach, except perhaps a vanishing caste of true believer SWPL urban libshit Whites, and even they run to the hills when the Diversity hits a tipping point of 30% or higher.

Schuls within schools is a real phenomenon; it exists in counties and townships wherever there’s been rapid gentrification and a wily exploitation by the newcomers of diverse schools that receive boatloads of government grants for dem Title I programs.

As these things usually play out, the Diversity Schools segregate along racial lines; the blacks sticking with the blacks, the asians with the asians, the latinos with the latinos, the indians with the indians, and the jews with the jews (and deracinated Whites). But from a distance, these schools look like exemplars of the races commingling in peaceful harmony and accelerated creativity, the raw demographic ratios of the students within their prison walls somehow proving the “diversity is our strength” nostrum.

Only the Inner Hajnal Gentile Whites attempt to foray into Diversityland and reach out to the Other. Or to welcome Diversityland into their nations. No other group is suicidally empathobesic like Inner Hajnal Whites.

PS When the dust settles and the kippahs have floated back onto their owners’ heads, I predict it will come out that the Cruz shooting was a case of mentally ill omega male rage instigated by a girl’s rejection. Hey now, what’s this?

Cruz had been suspended from the school from fighting his ex girlfriend’s new boyfriend and was depressed and having girl problems at the time of the shooting.

Game can save lives.

*Yes I know the correct plural form is schuln, but it didn’t flow as smoothly in this post title.


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