This is The Gay Mulatto’s presidential portrait. Now where have we seen that coverhand* before? Ah yes.
…hands clasped in front of their crotches — is the international symbol of beta maleness. It bespeaks a deep shame of their vestigial masculinity. They cover their junk and hide it from the world, in case some ugly State U cunt is triggered by a micro microaggression. Shocked by the impudence of their twitching members, they beat them down and shroud them in hand-woven burqas. Perhaps one or two of these anti-men walk with their butts out a little so any hint of groinal protuberance is pruned, like an unwelcome sapling that has dared to reach for sunlight over an expanse of lawn sod with feminist armpit hair.
*Coverhand: when the hands are positioned to conceal the radiating aura of a man’s power — his crotch — from view. Usually indicative of a nervous tic or low self-esteem, especially when in the company of women.
Horrible art, btw, in both style and substance. All sorts of skewed perspectives, a cartoonish (i.e., African) color palette, and that try-hard deep thinker pose. So Fake. Has the Gay Mulatto ever had a facial expression that wasn’t marred by a vapid smug affectation? “And unto this, Conan, destined to wear the jeweled crown of Aquilonia upon a troubled brow…” Yeah, no. Barry is not Conan. For one, Conan was less comically vain.
A visual comparison of a long line of previous President portraits should help throw into lark relief the amateurish and retina-scraping WE WAZ ROUSSEAUian gay mulatto addition to the lineage.

The bitter halfbreed born of an alcoholic absentee father and a manjawed EatLaySlut Globalist Girl clearly hates Heritage America, otherwise he would not have gone out of his way to choose a portrait “artist” who would render Obama as a figurative middle finger to the White men who came before him.
An emailer: “It’s Obama in his natural habitat, surrounded by homegrown ganja!”
It gets better worse. Michelle’s portrait:

Interesting hair choice recapitulates White Hair Privilege and expertly hides her over-muscled traps. Note: looks nothing like The First Linebacker.
The Gay Mulatto disgraced the Office, in Boomercuck-ese, and he’s proud to let you know how little regard he has for it.
Want nightmare fuel? The obamas aren’t a one-off. As America’s demographics succumb to the Hued Wave, the obama portrait is the first of many more, increasingly ugly and primitive, presidential portraits to come. Final portrait, if the Trumpening fails to stem the invasion:

While I’m on the subject of Yet Another Sign of America’s Decline, obama’s portrait artist, Kehinde Wiley, is a blackity black man whose portfolio contains these Love Wins rorschach tests:

Let’s play a game: Reverse the Races. Imagine the shitlib media reaction if a White artist hired by Trump to paint his portrait had also painted White women holding the severed heads of blacks.
I’m guessing mass chimpouts and CNN dispensing with the veneer and just scrolling FUK YT across the screen. NPR would have had a special roundtable to call for a renewed “national conversation about race”, aka “Ugh White People, again”.