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Seduction is the art of persuading women to relinquish their pussies. The better you are at pussy persuasion, the more you’ll get laid and the greater choice you’ll have in quality filly. One important facet of seduction is the ability to tell captivating stories. The skill is so crucial to winning hearts and gines that CH has featured numerous blog posts covering the topic of storytelling.

In news that is sure to inflate my preening beyond my ego’s carrying capacity, a big data research project discovered that storytelling significantly boosts a speaker’s persuasiveness.

From a random sample of 700 audio and video recordings, Quantified researchers reached the following conclusion: Messages that included well-crafted stories were 35 percent more persuasive than the average communication in the QC database. Story-based messages were also 21 percent more memorable.

According to the research, presentations that scored high for storytelling were more likely to drive an audience to change its beliefs or actions. “Storytelling language gives a speech the qualitative elements that help audiences engage with the speaker and recall the key points,” says Sarah Weber, marketing manager for Quantified Communications.

The research finds that the best stories follow a classic narrative arc: Establish a setting, introduce tension through conflict, and then establish a new normal for the characters via the resolution.

You want to be memorable to girls. If you aren’t leaving an impression, you aren’t getting an inquisitive text from her the next day. You also want to drive your audience of HBs to change their beliefs and actions from “coy female diligently assessing all her mate options” to “fuck machine ready to anoint you the Giver of Tingles”. Storytelling is more than an exhibition of your verbal fluidity; it’s a bridge that connects a girl’s holesoul to your polesoul.

Princeton University researcher Uri Hasson told me that our brains are wired for story–literally.

Hasson and his colleagues recorded the brain activity of speakers telling stories. They used fMRI machines to measure blood flow to regions of the brain. Next, they measured the brain activity of the people listening to the stories. The researchers found that the brains of a speaker and his or her listeners “exhibited joint, temporally coupled, response patterns.” Simply put, the listeners’ brains mirrored the speaker’s brain–only when the speaker was telling the listeners a story. The speaker and the listeners were in sync, and story was the glue that brought them together.

Coupling with a girl’s brain is prelude to coupling with her love drain.

The best pickup stories in my experience are the ones I tell to girls that involve exotic locales, ill-fated relationships, and lessons learned. I’m careful to couch the events and players in terms and a tone that plausibly reflects an unwillingness to reveal these deep dark secrets to someone I’m just getting to know. This has the predicted effect of drawing the girl into the conversation and electrifying our rapport. It’s not humblebragging, it’s rumblevajjing. No girl can resist the feeling that she’s extracting some personal anguish or shadowy regret from a reluctant man. Note: intensely engaging storytelling is best left for the Comfort Stage, after you have ZFG’ed and teased her into a hotter buying temperature.


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